Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 660 Ke'er and You Look alike!

Chapter 660 Ke'er and You Look alike!
With Xiao Baorui's support, Tang Huanxi jumped out of the carriage.

Looking at those two familiar words, the corners of her lips curled up slightly.

finally home.

After six months of ups and downs, she and Xiao Baorui returned safely.

Qian Shi, who was talking to Zihan in the house, heard the sound of the carriage, got up in a hurry, trotted all the way and opened the door, seeing the pair of figures standing in front of her, her eyes gradually turned red!

"Sister-in-law!" Tang Huanxi looked at her and smiled.

"Huanxi...Baorui, you...you are finally back!" Qian couldn't help crying with joy, tears kept falling like a kite with a broken string!

"Sister-in-law." Seeing her like this, Tang Huanxi couldn't help but blushed, and quickly stepped forward to support her.

"It's good to be back! It's good to be back!" Qian Shi held her hand tightly and couldn't bear to let go, "Let's go, it's freezing outside here, we'd better go back to the house early, it's warmer inside!"

"it is good!"

When they arrived at the main hall, Xiao Zihan filled two bowls of the freshly cooked ginger soup and brought it over, "Second Uncle, Second Aunt, drink some ginger soup to warm your body!"

"Okay." Tang Huanxi raised her hand and rubbed Zihan's head, her eyes became more gentle, "I haven't seen you in half a year, Zihan, you have grown a lot taller."

"Auntie has also lost a lot of weight." Xiao Zihan is a smart person, and he has heard about Tang Huanxi's experience in the past six months. Looking at her face that has obviously lost weight, Xiao Zihan feels very uncomfortable.

"Baorui, Huanxi, sit down and drink ginger soup." Qian said quickly, hugging little Yijin in her arms, reluctant to let go, "I thought that Yijin would suffer a lot when traveling outside with you, but now Seeing him grow into this white and fat appearance, my heart is finally at ease!"

"Yijin, you have indeed suffered a lot." Tang Huanxi looked at Xiao Yijin with guilt in her eyes.

Sensing the change in her mood, Mrs. Qian immediately changed the subject, "It's freezing cold, you must have not had a good meal all the way back, right?"

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, I have something to tell you."

Xiao Baorui hugged Xiao Yijin who was already asleep in his arms, and Zihan took them back to the original room.

Tang Huanxi looked at the bewildered Qian Shi, slowly got up, and bowed solemnly to her!

"Happy, what are you doing?"

"Sister-in-law, thank you for taking care of the family and running the shop for the past six months, thank you for your hard work!"

"Huanxi, why do we need to say thank you?" Qian looked at her, her eyes flushed, "If you hadn't saved Zihan back then, I'm afraid that Zihan and I would have been... My lord!"

Tang Huanxi smiled slightly.

"In the past six months, Dai Lai Mei's business has been pretty good. After all, everyone knows that you and Mrs. Song are friends, so the business of Dai Lai Mei and Zhen Meili is very good. Besides, there is something I don't understand. Uncle Xu will seriously mention things, so in the past six months, everything has been fine. The only fly in the ointment is that we are very worried about you and Xiao Baorui. Previously, the entire streets and alleys were covered with notices offering rewards for you. Later, Mr. Song led a group of people After tearing up those notices, this calmed down our mood!"

"Sir Song tore up the notice that we are wanted?" Tang Huanxi smelled something unusual and asked curiously.

"That's right, Mr. Song said that it was all rumors, and then this matter was left alone."

"En." Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, her lowered eyes covered the complexities in her eyes.

"Huanxi, are you hungry? Shall I go to the kitchen and prepare something for you?"

"Sister-in-law, let me go with you. When I came back earlier, Xiao Baorui said that he wanted to eat the dishes I made myself."

"Well, if you're not tired, I'll help you?"

"it is good!"

The two went to the kitchen together. Although it was winter, there were many types of ingredients in the kitchen.

"The shopkeeper Pei of the Huiwei Building often comes to play chess with Uncle Xu's family. Every time he comes and goes, people always bring some fresh vegetables and fruits, so there is no shortage of ingredients in our kitchen, and the one you built in the warehouse earlier That cold storage made a big difference!"

When Tang Huanxi decided to leave home, he considered various things.

She even reached an agreement with Xiaocuti to build a ten-square-meter cold storage in the warehouse of Tang Zhai.

"Sister-in-law, help me chop the radishes, can I make radish rib soup?"

"Okay!" Mrs. Qian nodded immediately, then took two thick radishes and began to wash them.

Tang Huanxi began to tidy up the ribs, and the two tacitly did what each other was going to do, and quickly cooked up a large table of delicious food with all colors, flavors and flavors.

"Steamed pork ribs with radish, sweet and sour pork tenderloin, stir-fried yellow beef with garlic sprouts, eggplant with garlic flavor, and gold and jade!" After returning home, Mu Sheng looked at the delicate dishes on the table, swallowed involuntarily, and his eyes flickered With a bright light, "Zihan, is my sister back? It must be my sister, right!"

These dishes are so familiar!

"Well, Second Aunt is back." Xiao Zihan nodded solemnly, and the corners of his lips curved slightly.

"Really? Zihan, you didn't lie to me, did you?" Xiao Musheng was so excited that she was about to jump up, but in the end she worked hard to calm down her emotions. If Zihan lied to him, wouldn't he be happy in vain? a game?
"Mu Sheng?" Xiao Zihan rolled his eyes angrily, at this moment, Tang Huanxi led Ke'er to the front of the two little guys.

"Sister?" Mu Sheng immediately threw herself into Tang Huanxi's arms, hugging her waist tightly, unwilling to let go!

Until he suddenly looked up at Xiao Baorui's gloomy gaze, Mu Sheng subconsciously wanted to let go, but when he thought that he hadn't seen his sister for more than half a year, he immediately lowered his head, still reluctant to let go!

Xiao Baorui did not expect that half a year later, this guy not only grew taller, but also became fatter in courage!

So, he walked up to him mercilessly, raised one hand and picked up Xiao Musheng's collar!

Then it was perfectly thrown out in a parabolic posture...

Caught off guard, little Musheng was thrown into the mud!

"Xiao Baorui, you sinister villain!"

"That's my wife, why do you hug her?"

"That's my sister!"

"Oh," Xiao Baorui raised his eyebrows and looked at him, his eyes became colder and colder.

"You..." Xiao Musheng was so angry that she rubbed the top of his head gently with Tang Huanxi's palm, "Okay, don't argue with Xiao Baorui, Musheng, Zihan, I want to introduce you to a new family."

Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, and took the hand of Tang Ke'er who had been standing silently by the side.

"This is Ke'er, my adopted daughter."

"Ke'er?" Xiao Zihan smiled gently, couldn't help but look at her face carefully, and finally glanced at Mu Sheng's face inadvertently, and was amazed at the end, "Mu Sheng, Ke'er and you look alike! "

(End of this chapter)

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