Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 666 Mu Sheng's Life Experience

Chapter 666 Mu Sheng's Life Experience

In a blink of an eye, it is the winter solstice.

Tang Huanxi woke up early to make dumplings with Qian.

"In the past, meat was only eaten during New Year's festivals. At that time, I never thought that I could eat dumplings full of meat!" Qian said with a smile while making dumplings. An unbelievable day!"

"I don't really like dumplings filled with pure meat. When shepherd's purse grows in the ground, the dumplings filled with shepherd's purse and pork will be really delicious!"

"Who doesn't know that you are the best at eating," Qian said with a smile, "Huanxi, look at the dumplings I made, don't they look good?"

"Sister-in-law's craftsmanship is very good."

Seeing the scene of these two people singing together, Mu Sheng couldn't help grinning the corners of his lips.

Put the wrapped dumplings in the boiling hot water, and within a moment, the aroma of the dumplings will come out.

Put some vinegar in a small plate, and the dumplings dipped in vinegar, the taste is really wonderful.

"It's delicious!" Mu Sheng wanted to swallow his tongue while eating the dumplings. The dumplings stuffed with pork and cabbage and the dumplings stuffed with corn and shiitake mushrooms are both delicious!
Seeing the children gobbling it up, Tang Huanxi raised her eyes and glanced at Qian.

"I heard that there will be a fireworks show on New Year's Eve, shall we go and see it together?" Mu Sheng raised her eyes to Tang Huanxi, her eyes were full of pleading, "Sister, let's go together when the time comes, shall we?"

"It's only the winter solstice today, don't you think it's too far away?"

"It's not far, it's not far, the days go by so fast, once you open and close your eyes, doesn't this day pass?"

"There are quite a lot of fallacies in your little head."

"Hey, sister, stop praising me, I'm even embarrassed..."

Mu Sheng's gesture made everyone laugh.

Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, and after the family had finished their breakfast, she brought Mu Sheng and Ke'er back to her room.

"Sister, can you...can you smile?" Seeing Tang Huanxi's serious expression, Mu Sheng felt fear deep in his heart, "Your expression is really scary."

"Mu Sheng, I think you are very clear that I have regarded you as my relative from the bottom of my heart; I believe you also think so in your heart." Tang Huanxi looked at him with complicated emotions in his eyes, "At the beginning I would Standing out for Keer is also because I recognized that your eyes are exactly the same. You took Keer to talk alone that day, and I think I am waiting for you to tell me the truth."

Mu Sheng lowered her head, bit her lips tightly, her eyes were full of struggle.

"Sister, I..."

"Mu Sheng, when I picked you up, you were dying, but my intuition told me that if I didn't save you, I would definitely regret it. So I saved you."

"Sister, but she is indeed my sister." Mu Sheng took a deep breath, then looked up at Tang Huanxi, and said firmly, "It's just that those people who wanted to kill our brother and sister are very powerful now. If those people know that Ke'er and I are still alive, I'm afraid..."

"Mu Sheng, your surname is Mu. As far as I know, there are very few people with the surname Mu in the entire Yong Dynasty. There is only one Yunnan king, Mu Li. At the beginning, Mu Li supported the first emperor's enthronement, and was later named a king with a different surname to guard Yunnan."

"Sister..." Mu Sheng was startled at first, and then laughed at himself, "Sister, did you already know?"

"It's just a guess. I saw half of the jade pendant on Ke'er's neck. If I'm not wrong, there is another half of the jade pendant hanging around your neck! When I picked you up, even though you were covered with Dirty, but the kind of brocade you are wearing is an extremely rare fabric, I heard that only the Yunnan area has that kind of brocade."

Originally, Tang Huanxi never exposed Mu Sheng's real identity, but now she had no choice but to do it...

"My sister is thoughtful, so it's reasonable for her to guess her identity." Mu Sheng smiled slightly, "Sister, after the fifteenth day, I'm going back to Yunnan."

"Why is this?"

"I am the direct son of Yunnan Wang Muli, and I always want to get back what belongs to me! Those people with vicious thoughts bullied me and my younger sister back then, now I should get some interest back for myself."

"Mu Sheng, although I support you to do what you want to do, but you have to remember one sentence, I saved your life back then, so without my permission, I will not allow you to get hurt, you remember No?"

Tang Huanxi looked at him with firm eyes and an extremely serious tone.

Meeting her serious eyes, Mu Sheng nodded obediently.

"It's just my sister, I can't take Ke'er on an adventure together, so I have to ask you to help me take good care of Ke'er after waiting for fifteen."

"Don't worry," Tang Huanxi reached out and rubbed his head, smiling gently, "Ke'er is not only your younger sister, but also my adoptive daughter!"

"Speaking of this matter, sister, I think this matter is a bit inappropriate. Listen to me, Ke'er is my sister, and I call you sister again. If Ke'er becomes your adopted daughter, then what will happen between us? Isn't the seniority all messed up?"

"I promise you, as long as you return safely, I will not recognize you as a righteous daughter. How?"

"...Okay." Mu Sheng nodded, his eyes gradually turned red.

After the winter solstice, it officially enters winter.

In Laba, there was a heavy snow like goose feathers in the sky.

Tang Huanxi was preparing Laba porridge in the kitchen.

"It smells so good," Qian walked into the kitchen with her neck shrunk and rubbing her hands, and a unique scent quickly penetrated her nostrils. The smell was refreshing.

"It will be cooked soon."

"I've already said that Laba is the new year. I didn't expect the time to pass so fast." Qian sighed with emotion in a low voice, then looked at Tang Huanxi, hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter, sister-in-law?"

"Yesterday I met Xiao Baoshan on the street, and he wanted me to take Zihan back to have lunch." Qian Shi rubbed the center of her brows, and said a little irritably, "I don't want to go, but he still It's Zihan's father..."

Today's Xiao family is not as prosperous as before.

Mrs. Zhao died, and Xiao Dazhuang became a widower.

Niu Lihua also suffered from insanity and was sent back to Niu's house. Originally, Xiao Baoshan would surely die if he killed Niu Dajiang. He was sent home by the yamen servant.

Xiao Baocai is now a man with his tail between his legs, and he only goes home for one or two days a month.

"Sister-in-law, have you ever asked Zihan what she means? What does Zihan think?"

(End of this chapter)

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