Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 670 Shameless, Invincible

Chapter 670 Shameless, Invincible

Tang Huanxi really couldn't figure out how the cutie would propose such an unimaginable task.

[Little cutie? 】

【Um? 】

[I thought of a compromise. I tried to make Xiao Baorui the county magistrate of Yunshui County. Does that count as completing the task? 】

【Um...Master, Xiao Baorui is now a vanguard general of the third rank, do you really want to turn him into a county magistrate of the ninth rank? 】


Tang Huanxi was speechless for a moment, and finally she nodded and agreed to the task.

It is really not an easy task to become the county magistrate of Yunshui County within three months!
[Actually... I am very happy that you are still here. 】 Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and felt such a sigh from the bottom of her heart.

The little cutie felt like spring breeze immediately.

In fact, it has missed Tang Huanxi a lot in the past six months, but ever since he met the real person of the Three Realms, the real person has sealed his consciousness.

After half a year, he was able to talk to her again.

Bairui, who used to be naive and willful, has long since become Tang Huanxi, who is kind and generous with eyes that can't be rubbed with sand;
The mysterious sword that used to be as cold as an iceberg has experienced the baptism of years of wind and frost, and has undergone tremendous changes.

They have already contracted in the depths of their souls, and this point can never be annihilated.

Near dusk, the snow stopped suddenly.

Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and added a jacket to Xiao Yijin who was wrapped into rice dumplings.

Xiao Yijin seemed a little puzzled by her mother's actions, and only looked at her with big black eyes.

"You have just had a few days of wind and cold, if you don't wear more clothes, mother will worry."


Looking at her mother, Xiao Yijin grinned foolishly.

"Mother's little Yijin, she's so cute!" Tang Huanxi couldn't help but pouted on his face, and the smile on his face became more and more gentle.

The moment Xiao Baorui opened the door and walked in, what caught his eye was such a warm scene.


"You're back? Then you hold Yijin, and I'll go to the kitchen to help my sister-in-law." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, but she found that the man's face didn't seem very good-looking.

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Xiao Baorui shook his head lightly, met her gaze, and finally sighed in a low voice, "Half an hour ago, Xiao Baoshan knelt outside the door and passed out."

Tang Huanxi raised her brows lightly, and a look of surprise quickly flashed across her eyes.

"What about now?"

"Hong Fu found him and sent him to Miao Chun Tang."

Now Dr. Cheng Jicheng is sitting in Miaochuntang, so Hongfu sent Xiao Baoshan there.

"Does sister-in-law know about this?"

"Sister-in-law doesn't know, but I told Zihan." Xiao Baorui frowned and said, "I have already sent someone to Xiao's house to deliver the news."

"It's really good to use these bitter tricks one after another." Tang Huanxi couldn't help but sigh.

People are shameless, really invincible in the world!
The Xiao family was in decline, and Niu Lihua was involved in such a big scandal, Xiao Baoshan should think of the Qian family at this time.

Sure enough, shameless people don't even know what the bottom line is.

"It will be New Year's Eve in a few days, don't spoil your mood because of these people." Tang Huanxi reached out and gently smoothed his frown, raised the corners of his lips, and smiled slightly, "Xiao Baorui, I have an immature A little suggestion, do you think I am qualified to be the magistrate of Yunshui County?"

Xiao Baorui's eyes widened in an instant, filled with disbelief.

He looked at Tang Huanxi with thoughtful eyes.

Seeing his expression, Tang Huanxi sighed deeply in her heart helplessly.

Sure enough, it is not easy for a woman to be an official.

"My lady, how could you have such an idea?"

Meeting his puzzled eyes, Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and then told him all about binding the little cutie.

When night fell, Tang Huanxi suddenly felt dry mouth.

If he hadn't known for a long time that his wife was the reincarnation of Baihua Fairy in the sky, Xiao Baorui would really not have believed in this series of mysterious events.

Tang Huanxi drank two cups of hot tea in a row, and only then did she feel that her throat felt better.

"Speaking of which, you married me as Xiao Baorui; but you are not the real Xiao Baorui, but I am not the real Tang Huanxi either."

Xiao Baorui was silent for a while, and then stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms.

"You are my wife, there is no doubt about it."


"But if my lady wants to become the county magistrate of Yunshui County, it's not an easy task." Xiao Baorui frowned suddenly, thoughtfully.

dong dong——

Until there was a sudden knock on the door, and Qian's voice sounded outside the door.

"Baorui, Huanxi, are you all asleep? I cooked Yangchun noodles, do you want to try it? And Yijin, it's time to feed him rice paste!"

"Sister-in-law, come in!"

Qian Shi smiled, and carefully entered the door with the tray in her hand.

"Here, the Yangchun noodles just out of the pan are still hot, you two hurry up and eat them while it's hot!"

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

"Will the family say thank you?" Qian Shi pretended to be annoyed and glared at her, then carefully hugged Yijin in her arms, holding the just warm rice paste in her other hand, and began to feed Yijin. Jin.

"In a blink of an eye, Yijin was already half a year old. I went to ask Doctor Jin, and he said that I can add some supplementary food to Yijin, so I specially made this rice porridge, and added half an egg to it."

With Qian being so careful, Tang Huanxi suddenly felt a warm current poured into his chest, a warm feeling all over his body.

"With my sister-in-law here, I believe it won't be long before our Yijin will be raised for nothing." Tang Huanxi said with a smile while eating noodles.

"Of course, little Yijin is so cute, I will definitely raise him up for nothing." Qian promised with a smile and narrowed her eyes.

Compared with the happy and harmonious Tang House, the Fengluan Hall in the palace is more calm at this time.

An Xiuhui held a volume of scriptures in her hand, reading with relish.

Lu Yin brought up the bird's nest porridge that was just made by the imperial dining room, "Madam, would you like to try the freshly made bird's nest porridge from the imperial dining room?"

"Let's put it there, I'm not too hungry yet."

"Yes." Lu Yin nodded, then slowly squatted beside him, and began to knead her calf.

"Lu Yin, what happened to the matter I told you?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, everything is proceeding in an orderly manner."

"That's fine."

An Xiuhui waved her hand, and Lu Yin quickly stood up from the ground.

"I see that the snow scene outside has stopped, you can go out with me for a walk."

"Yes," Lu Yin nodded, and went to the warehouse before going out to get a fiery red fox fur cloak, and put it on An Xiuhui's shoulders.

"Although the snow scene outside has stopped, but you are weak, Madam, I think it would be better to wear more shawls."

"Well," An Xiuhui nodded with a smile, "Lu Yin, you are always so caring."

"Your Majesty, Liao praised it."

"Let's go, accompany Bengong to Luoxue Pavilion."

(End of this chapter)

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