Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 681 Don't play tricks like this

Chapter 681 Don't play tricks like this
Qian's attitude is already very clear.

She is no longer the Qian Yu'er she used to be, so she won't be soft on others easily.

Whether Xiao Baoshan is dead or alive has anything to do with her?
If it wasn't for Huanxi's sensitivity back then, maybe it was Qian Yuer, not Niu Lihua, who was spoiled by Niu Dajiang.

God knows what you did.

"Since you already have an idea in mind, I don't worry about it anymore." Tang Huanxi looked at her and smiled slightly.

"Well, Huanxi, don't worry about me; it's just that I'm a little worried about Zihan." Qian sighed in a low voice, full of worry in her heart, "The masters of Feipeng Academy like Zihan very much, and even let Zihan Zihan will end next year. But Zihan has such a miserable father..."

"As the saying goes, bad bamboos produce good ones. Sister-in-law doesn't have to worry about these things."

"It's hard not to worry. Raising a child to be a hundred years old means worrying about 99 years."

"Sister-in-law, instead of worrying about what hasn't happened, why not think about what we're going to eat?" Tang Huanxi smiled coquettishly, and took Qian's arm, very affectionately.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you!" Qian looked at her and smiled dotingly, "Happy, to be honest, sometimes I think, you will be younger than me next year, but how things will turn out Are you more transparent than me?"

"Because, the authorities are obsessed with the bystanders. In fact, sister-in-law, you are a very wise person, and you can understand everything."

"Stop praising me!"

The two sisters-in-law joked a little more.

"By the way, Huanxi, when do you plan to open Zhenmeili and Dailaimei?"

"I have discussed with Shopkeeper Pei, and it will be on the sixth day of the first lunar month."

Now Mrs. Qian is the chief shopkeeper of Dailaimei and Zhenmeili, and Pei Chang'e, wife of Wu Datou, is now the second shopkeeper of Zhenmeili.

Coincidentally, it was Pei Zhonghou who recommended Pei Chang'e to work in Zhenmeili.

And Pei Chang'e is also a transparent and intelligent person, and she has changed from a first-class employee to a second shopkeeper in just three months.

Tang Huanxi admired Pei's ability very much.

"Huanxi, I just remembered something. Before you came back from outside, the guys from the two shops all wanted to eat the dishes you cooked. Why don't we take advantage of the Chinese New Year holiday and take some time? Do you want to have fun together?"

"That's a good idea." Tang Huanxi nodded, and suggested with a smile, "Why don't we tell everyone to come to Tang's house to have hot pot together on the fifth day of the lunar new year, and we will have fun together. I’ve forgotten about the year-end bonus for taking care of my body. Let’s do it on the fifth day, let’s do it together!”


The two thought about it for a while, and finally decided to invite the guys from the two shops to have hot pot together on the fifth day of the lunar new year.

At dusk, the snowflakes stopped dancing.

Xiao Dazhuang stooped and walked into the gate of Xiao's house with stealthy steps, and there was a rush of coughing in his ears.

He frowned, and slowly walked into the kitchen with the medicine bag he just grabbed.


There was a loud knock on the door, and Xiao Dazhuang frowned.

"Open the door! Xiao Baocai, open the door for me!"

"Bastard, you dare to hook up with my wife, you really don't want to die, right?"

"Fuck me, hurry up and get out of here, or I will unscrew your head and kick it like a ball!"

Hearing the noisy voice outside, Xiao Dazhuang's heart sank in an instant.

The moment he opened the latch, a long stick fell on his shoulder in an instant!
The pain made him gasp!
"Who are you?"

"Where's Xiao Baocai? Let Xiao Baocai get out of here!"

"he is not at home."

"Then where did he go?"

"I do not know."

"Don't you know? Did you know that your good son hooked up with my wife and cheated away my family heirloom?" The leader was a tall and thick man with a long dark brown scar on his left cheek, which was truly terrifying. .

Xiao Dazhuang couldn't help shrinking his neck, "I really don't know where Xiao Baocai went, he hasn't come back for a long time."

"I believe your evil! Brothers, search for me!"

A quarter of an hour later, looking at the messy Xiao family, Xiao Dazhuang knelt heavily on the ground, his eyes full of remorse!
How much evil did he, Xiao Dazhuang, do in his previous life, that he has to face such a situation in this life!

When Wang Yong heard the wind and led people to arrive, the people who broke into Xiao's house without authorization had already left.

Xiao Baoshan leaned on the bed, half dead.

As for Xiao Dazhuang, he knelt in the main room of the Xiao family, bent over and hunched over, extremely unbearable.

"Uncle Third?"

Wang Yong called tentatively, but no one responded.

Wang Yong hurriedly took a step forward, only to realize that Xiao Dazhuang was already foaming at the mouth——

The next morning.

Looking at the handsome young man standing in front of her, Qian's eyes were filled with relief.

"My mother never dreamed that my mother's Zihan has grown up."


"Zihan, mother knows that everything you do is to not let mother be wronged. But mother is really not wronged, mother is always by your side."

"Mom, do you want me to go back and see them?"


They got the news overnight last night that Xiao Dazhuang swallowed the arsenic, and now he has been sent to Miaochuntang by Wang Yong, with only one breath left.

"Mother didn't want to interfere with your decision, but Zihan, people have to learn to repay grievances with virtue. At the beginning of human beings, you should know better than mother the truth of good nature." Qian looked at him and said earnestly, "I hope I His son is a wise and transparent man, not an unreasonable man."

Xiao Zihan nodded slightly, thoughtfully.

"Mother, I understand. Don't worry, I will take care of everything." Xiao Zihan looked at her and said firmly.

"Well, mother trusts you." Qian raised her hand and touched his face, "Go, mother will wait for you to come home for dinner."

"it is good."

Miao Chun Tang.

Xiao Dazhuang swallowed the arsenic, if Wang Yong hadn't arrived in time and poured a lot of water into his mouth, he would have died by now.

"Third Uncle, why are you so overwhelmed?" Wang Yong looked at Xiao Dazhuang, who was drooping and silent, and said anxiously, "As the saying goes, it's better to live than die! Close your feet and kick, and this life will really pass by like this!"

"I haven't done many glorious things in my life...cough...Yongzi, you shouldn't have saved me...cough..." Xiao Dazhuang smiled wryly, his tone full of sadness.

"Why shouldn't we be saved?" Wang said bravely, "Third uncle, this life is still long! I know that brat Baocai is not up to date, but your Xiao family still has Zihan! That kid Han will surely shine in the family when he is named on the gold list in the future!"

"Your good days are still to come, why are you so upset?"

"Uncle Yong."

"Hey, Zihan is here? Come and persuade your grandpa, come quickly!"

"Uncle Yong, please go and urge the doctor to take the medicine. I have something to say to my grandfather." Xiao Zihan smiled slightly.

Wang Yong was stunned for a while, then nodded, got up and left.

Xiao Zihan walked slowly to Xiao Dazhuang's side, there was no emotion in his eyes.

"Don't use this kind of bitter trick in the future. You must know that there are some tricks. If you play too much, there is no way to end it."

(End of this chapter)

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