Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 683 Are you going to leave?

Chapter 683 Are you going to leave?
When An Xiuhui saw Murong He for the first time in Yun'an Mansion, she was indeed shocked.

But since she was a child, she knew that she was carrying a heavy responsibility, so she never dared to give her heart easily.


At this moment, Lu Yin seemed to see the sadness deep in her heart.

"Don't worry about me, I know it well." An Xiuhui smiled slightly, "Let Luliu prepare the ginseng soup, and follow me to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

Hearing this, Lu Yin's eyes brightened.

Empress still cares about the Holy Majesty in her heart.

At that time in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Murong Ze was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe and sitting in front of the imperial case.

Standing by her side was a girl in a light blue palace dress, with red sleeves adding fragrance.

When An Xiuhui arrived with a food box, there was such a warm picture in front of her that one couldn't bear to destroy it.

So she lowered her eyes and prepared to leave.

"Empress?" Murong He raised his head just at this moment, and the moment he saw her, his eyes flashed with surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Chenqie... Chenqie cooked some ginseng soup, and wanted to give the Holy Majesty a bowl to taste, so I didn't invite myself. The Chenqie seems to have disturbed the Holy Majesty, and I ask the Holy Majesty to forgive me!" An Xiuhui smiled, The tone is gentle.

It's just that she had just recovered from a serious illness, and her delicate face seemed a little pale, but it added another kind of morbid beauty.

Murong He smiled heartily, "I'm drawing a picture, why don't the queen come and have a look?"

An Xiuhui thought for a while, nodded with a smile, and then set her eyes on the slim woman's face, "Surely this is Concubine Rui, whom the Holy Majesty loves so much recently?"

"The concubine sees the queen empress, and the empress is blessed."

"Get up." An Xiuhui looked at her carefully, with a delicate round face, a pair of willow-leaf-curved eyebrows, and bright and moving beautiful eyes that flowed gently, with a unique charm.

I heard that Chen Rui has been living in Jiangnan with Master Chen's mother, and only came back at the end of last year.

She has lived in the south of the Yangtze River since she was a child, and her demeanor is gentle and refined.

An Xiuhui knew very well that Murong He liked such beauties.

"Thank you Queen."

"Empress, take a quick look at this painting, how about this painting?" Murong He impatiently took her hand, hurried to the royal case, pointed to the painting on the table, and smiled heartily, " For the past few days, I have been thinking about what birthday gift I want to give you. Later, Concubine Rui gave me the inspiration."


"Concubine Rui told me that gifts don't care about their value, but their intentions. You also know that I'm not very good at painting, so it took me two days to finish this painting."

When An Xiuhui heard this, tears welled up in her eyes.

The painting that Murong He made was in the prefect's mansion of Yun'an when they first met.

Pavilions, pavilions and galleries.

She was wearing a pink shirt and leaning on the railing, looking at the lotus in the lotus pond in a daze.

"If the power of the Holy One is also called not being good at painting, then there are probably very few people who can paint in the entire Yong Dynasty." An Xiuhui looked at the painting and sighed in a low voice, "Time has passed by, and I didn't expect that the distance between So many years have passed since the first encounter between the concubine and the Holy One."

Time flies, time flies.

It's like a snap of the fingers.

"Empress," Murong He couldn't help being moved by the full of emotions in her tone, and stretched out his hand to embrace her in his arms.

Concubine Rui, who had been obediently standing to one side, saw this scene, a complex light quickly flashed across her eyes.

She bit her lip and said softly, "The concubine will leave."

It's just that the two people who were deeply in love at that time didn't hear her voice at all.

Concubine Rui bit her lip, then turned and left.

Aware of her departure, An Xiuhui lowered her eyes to cover the sarcasm in her eyes.

"Your Majesty is going to give this painting to my concubine?"

"Well, isn't it your Qianqiu Banquet in a few days? So I want to give you a gift that will move you."

"My Majesty is so thoughtful, my concubine is so grateful." An Xiuhui smiled softly, then leaned into Murong He's arms, and slowly raised her eyes, "Actually, this concubine has something to keep from you... ..."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

An Xiuhui bit her lip immediately, and leaned into Murong He's arms shyly, "The imperial doctor said..."

"say what?"

"Speaking of concubines—"

"Report to Your Majesty, General Shi has important matters to meet with His Majesty!"

General Shi is an important minister guarding the southwest area, and he returned to Beijing to report on his duties to meet Murong He a few years ago.

But what others don't know is that General Shi's younger sister is the half-brother of Murong He's biological mother, Cai Concubine.

So General Shi is Murong He's uncle.

"Your Majesty, since General Shi wants to give a performance, then the concubine should go back to the palace to rest first, and then look for the concubine when the Majesty is free?"

"it is good!"

When she left, An Xiuhui's heart was full of sadness.

She almost blurted out just now.

If she did that—

An Xiuhui closed her eyes in pain.

In this life, the person she is most sorry for is probably herself.

"Miss, are you alright?"


Hall of Mental Cultivation.

General Shi, formerly known as Shi Nan, looks like five big and three thick, heroic and extraordinary.

"What's the matter with Uncle rushing into the palace?" Murong He looked at his frowning expression and asked worriedly, "Could it be that there is something wrong with Southwest?"

"Your Majesty's knowledge is like a god!" Shi Nan nodded a little irritably, "The old minister received an informant that there was a change in Yunnan Wang Muli. The informant said that since the Mid-Autumn Festival last year, the Yunnan King has been recruiting troops. The Grand Master of the Yunnan Palace The superintendent has been dispatched everywhere, apparently to find the sons and daughters left behind by Princess Yunnan before her death, but in fact he is trying to win over officials everywhere!"

"Then uncle has any evidence?" Murong He gradually frowned, his eyes flickering with a dim light.

Wang Muli of Yunnan.

He actually left out such an important person.

He remembered meeting Mu Li in the palace when he was young, he was a handsome and extraordinary person who was hard to ignore.

"If the old minister has evidence in hand, the old minister won't be so worried." Shi Nan thought for a while, and then said a plan that he had been brewing for a long time, "Xuan'er is not young, and the old minister wants to let him Going out for a walk and experiencing the customs of different places can also make progress. So the old minister has an idea, why not give the old minister a token, the old minister asks Xuan'er to investigate secretly, I don't know what the Holy One thinks?"

Murong He thought about it carefully, and finally nodded solemnly.

"Since that's the case, just follow what uncle said!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

At dusk, a lively hot pot feast ended.

Mu Sheng stood in front of Tang Huanxi, hesitant to speak, with tears in his eyes, full of reluctance.

"Are you leaving?"

(End of this chapter)

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