Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 701 How about I help you?

Chapter 701 How about I help you?

"Are you leaving?" Scorpio never expected that Xiao Baorui would propose to leave.

He stubbornly believed that Xiao Baorui would stay on Xinzhou Island forever and become his right-hand man, his right-hand man!
"Even if you don't like butterflies, you don't have to leave."

"How can the old nine, He De, be able to get Miss Butterfly's love?" Xiao Baorui sneered, and continued, "I am very grateful for Miss Butterfly's kindness, but I already have a wife and children."

"Are you married and have children?"

"En." Xiao Baorui nodded, raised his hand and patted Scorpio's shoulder, "Brother Scorpion, let me go, I don't belong to Xinzhou Island, and I can't belong to Xinzhou Island."

"Why do you say that?"

"Don't you doubt my identity at all?" Xiao Baorui looked at him with clear eyes, "I believe the third and fourth masters have already told you, I asked Ling Tian to follow them secretly."

"Well, why?"

"Because I found that the third family and the fourth family often leave the island, I think with their help, Ling Tian and I can leave Xinzhou Island smoothly."

There are reefs on the seabed around Xinzhou Island, and there are even some hidden gossip squares in certain directions.

There is no way for them to leave without someone taking them with them.

Here, it's easy to get in and hard to get out.

This is also the reason why the imperial court has sent troops to suppress bandits many times over the years but has not gained anything.

Xinzhou Island is easy to defend and difficult to attack. More importantly, everyone here has the foundation of the army.

Such a mysterious place reminded Xiao Baorui of a legend.

In the former Liang Dynasty, there was a well-known Weiyuan General. This general was invincible in all battles. He became famous at a young age. .

But everyone did not expect that the hero would die young.

When the general was 40 years old, he was maliciously framed, and in the end he ended up with a lot of gangsters.

And the person who issued this imperial decree was none other than Emperor Huijing of the Liang Dynasty.

Such a coincidence, the head of Xinzhou Island is mysterious and unpredictable, and his nickname is also the number one scholar.

Now Xiao Baorui is not sure that Zhuangyuan and An Xionghu are the same way, but for his and Tang Lingtian's safety, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

Scorpio was silent for a long moment, finally looked at him, and sighed in a low voice, "Since you have already decided to leave, then I won't keep you, after all, forced things are meaningless."

"Thank you, Brother Scorpion."

After Scorpio left, Xiao Baorui immediately clicked on several of his acupuncture points.

It is night, the night is dead.

Tang Lingtian supported Xiao Baorui who was looking worried, and asked nervously, "Brother Xiao, what shall we do next?"

"Go southeast, there will be a boat over there to pick us up." Xiao Baorui coughed twice more uncontrollably, and a strange flush appeared on his face.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Tang Lingtian looked at Xiao Baorui who was getting weaker and disfigured, gritted his teeth, put him on his back without saying a word, and then walked forward slowly!

Until he saw the dots of starlight on the sea ahead, he was overjoyed instantly!
Just as he was about to speed up, he saw the flames all over the sky illuminating the dark night sky at this moment.

He and Xiao Baorui were surrounded by a group of people headed by Monkey.

"Old Jiu, where are you going?" Monkey asked with a smile while shaking the torch in his hand.

Obviously, his smile is full of sarcasm.

"Old Nine, you don't think Xinzhou Island is a place where you can come and go whenever you want, do you?"

"Old Nine?" Lightning sneered, and spit on the ground again, "I never expected that you are the famous vanguard general Xiao Baorui?"

"No, are you Xiao Baorui, Xiao Jingchen, or Murong Chen at all? Or are you a little bastard who doesn't even know your identity?"

"You..." Tang Lingtian didn't expect these people to dare to speak so rudely, and he was furious immediately, his eyes turned red instantly, if he didn't need to support brother Xiao at this moment, he really wanted to teach these people a good lesson on their disgusting faces!

As early as the moment Scorpio entered his camp today, Xiao Baorui knew that his identity was probably discovered.

Otherwise, Scorpio wouldn't intentionally smear that colorless, odorless and powerful Ruanjin powder on his body.

Now he has no strength at all.

All the people on Xinzhou Island were soldiers from the Liang Dynasty.

"You purposely got close to our second-in-charge, and thus mixed into our Xinzhou Gang, in order to cooperate with the people of the imperial court and take down our Xinzhou Gang in one fell swoop, didn't you?" Lightning squinted his eyes and walked in front of the two of them. , kicked Tang Lingtian away without saying a word, then looked at Xiao Baorui, his eyes were full of sarcasm, "Why, do you have the guts to do it, don't you have the guts to admit it?"

Xiao Baorui didn't speak, but just looked at him quietly, his eyes were full of sarcasm, and finally he smiled, "It is said that the third head of Xinzhou Island, Lightning, is unparalleled in intelligence. .”

"You..." Lightning narrowed his eyes, and when he was about to make a move, he was blocked by someone.

"Second brother?"

"Lightning, don't hurt him, don't forget what you promised me." Scorpio frowned, his eyes were cold, but his tone was unquestionable, "He is my savior after all. What's more, big brother wants to see him .”

In the end, Scorpio personally took Xiao Baorui and left.

After thinking about it, he still handed him the antidote.

"No matter what happens next, you and I have already settled."

"En." Xiao Baorui smiled slightly and nodded slightly.

The owner of Xinzhou Island, the most powerful person in the Xinzhou gang, nicknamed the number one scholar.

The moment Xiao Baorui saw the champion, Xiao Baorui was shocked.

He never thought that there would be two people so similar in the world.

So much so that he panicked for a moment, and some couldn't believe that the person in front of him was actually the number one scholar.

"Why, you're surprised?" The champion picked up the tea on the side table casually, and smiled slightly, "But you don't have to worry, I'm not the person you imagined."

"What is the relationship between you and Uncle Qin?" At this moment, Xiao Baorui was full of doubts deep in his heart.

This famous No. [-] scholar is exactly the same as Qin Xiao, the current Northwest General, in appearance.

"He is the younger brother of my mother." The champion put down the teacup and smiled slightly, "But he probably doesn't know that he has an older brother in this world."

"You..." Xiao Baorui looked at him, with complicated emotions intertwined in his eyes, "Why do you want to see me?"

"You are the person my brother trusts, and naturally you are also the one I trust. To be honest, I have been hiding on this island of Xinzhou for these years, and I am beginning to be confused about my life. But if you want that high position, why not How about I help you?"

(End of this chapter)

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