Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 711 Calculation

Chapter 711 Calculation
"Who is that blue-clothed boy?" If it is a relatively prominent and wealthy family, then Chen Xue's marriage will be arranged, which will save people from being criticized.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." Chen Rui shook his head lightly, "That day, Chu Lin, the eldest son of the third house of Dingyuan Houfu."

Dingyuanhou Mansion holds 30 military power in its hands.

Dingyuan Hou Chu Lian won the respect of the sage, but the third house of the Hou Mansion came from the concubine of the old Hou Ye. The eldest son of the third house has no power and no power. How could Mrs. Chen be willing to marry her youngest daughter to such a person?
"Xue'er is not young, and something like this happened at this stall, so she can only knock out her teeth and swallow it in her stomach." Concubine Chen kept turning the prayer beads in her hand, and soon she had an idea in her heart, "Rui'er, Don't worry about this matter, I will write a letter to your mother. For you, the most urgent thing is to conceive a dragon child as soon as possible."

"Well, Ruier understands."

In the early morning of the next day, An Xiuhui was having her breakfast, she frowned tightly when she saw Chen Rui rushing in suddenly.

"Concubine Rui, what's wrong with you?"

"Empress, my concubine has always respected you since entering the palace, why did you do this?" Chen Rui received the news from the mansion early in the morning, and he was not calm at all!
Her younger sister, Chen Xue, hanged herself!

Chen Rui and Chen Xue had a deep relationship since they were young, plus Chen Xue was smart, Chen Rui trusted this younger sister very much, but who would have thought that her younger sister would pass away like this when she was only 13 years old!
At the same age as flowers, they just disappeared like this.

How could Concubine Rui not hate this?
Seeing her hysterical appearance, An Xiuhui sighed faintly, "Concubine, you lost your sister suddenly, I express my regret. I just care about your bad mood so I won't bother with you."

"Queen, stop being hypocritical here, do you dare to say that Xue'er's death was not your fault?"

"Your imperial concubine, this is Fengluan Hall, you barged in without a pass, and even dared to question the empress like this, who gave you the courage?" Lu Yin was angry, and asked coldly.

"An Xiuhui, if you are afraid of me, you can attack me! Why do you hurt my sister? Today I must ask you to give me an explanation!"

Just when Concubine Rui was about to rush forward, Concubine Chen rushed over and slapped Chen Rui in the face without saying a word.

"Are you awake?" Concubine Chen looked expressionlessly at Concubine Rui, whose eyes were tearing apart, "This is the Queen's Palace of Phoenixes, not a place where you can mess around!"

"Auntie..." Chen Rui, who had been slapped across the face, gradually came to his senses.

At this moment, Murong He rushed to Fengluan Hall. After learning the ins and outs of the matter, he was so angry that he scolded Concubine Rui angrily, demoted her from the position of concubine to talented person, and punished her for copying the female ring for two years. A hundred times, and more importantly, the Ruicai people were grounded.

Without Murong He's order, she would not be able to step out of Hehuan Hall in this life.

Murong He was busy with government affairs, after having breakfast with the queen, he left in a hurry.

"Lu Yin, send someone to inquire about what happened in the Chen residence." An Xiuhui always felt that the sudden madness of Concubine Rui revealed a bit strange.

She had also heard of that Chen Xue.

She was a girl with a good reputation, how could she die suddenly?

Soon, An Xiuhui figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

"Your Majesty, this matter has something to do with you." Lu Yin looked at An Xiuhui and said in a low voice, "It is said that your looks are so beautiful that the Holy Majesty is so obsessed...then Chen Shangshu's youngest daughter and I'm afraid your looks are five points similar."

"so what?"

"Chu Lin, the eldest son of the third house of the Dingyuan Marquis, has a romantic nature, and everyone says..."

"say what?"

"It is said that Chu Lin has always admired you, so someone told him that there is a lady from a rich family who looks five points like you, so this Chu Lin offended this Miss Chen... That day, Concubine Rui used an excuse to go to the big The Buddhist temple is probably also to deal with this matter. Later, Miss Chen Xue hanged herself."

When An Xiuhui heard about the cause and effect of this incident, she immediately raised her eyebrows, "Aren't there rumors that I am a vixen and a demon queen who will harm the country?"

"Your Majesty, how do you know?" Lu Yin made up her mind not to let such bad words reach An Xiuhui's ears, but An Xiuhui still guessed it.

"I've heard that Concubine Rui and her sister have a deep relationship, so it's no wonder that Concubine He lost control just now." An Xiuhui smiled, "I'm just curious, who is spreading such rumors behind the scenes, and what is the purpose? ?”

An Xiuhui first married the first emperor as his concubine, and later became Murong He's empress.

Regarding her origin, the imperial court had long discussed it.

It's just that she never cared about it, but now that she has a child, she has no choice but to care about it.

"Let Honglian come into the palace to see me."


Yunshui County.

Tang Huanxi was sewing a robe. A letter came from Xiao Baorui a few days ago, saying that he would be back in half a month.

Tang Huanxi thought about making a dress for Xiao Baorui by herself.

"Ma'am, there's a letter from the capital." After receiving the news, Hong Rong hurried in, then leaned into Tang Huanxi's ear and deliberately lowered her voice, "News from the palace."

"In the palace?" Tang Huanxi raised her eyebrows curiously. She didn't know anyone in the palace.

Could it be that this letter was sent by An Xiuhui?
When she opened the letter and read all the content on it, her eyes gradually became serious.

Then, anger turned into laughter.

"She has a good plan." Tang Huanxi sneered, "But why is she so sure that I will help her?"

"Ma'am, what's wrong?"

"See for yourself."

Hong Rong took the letter curiously, and when she finished reading the contents of the letter, she immediately became furious.

"This queen is too shameless!"

An Xiuhui used Xiao Jingyuan's whereabouts as a bait, and ordered Tang Huanxi to do one thing.

Now there is a rumor spreading all over the capital, saying that the queen is unlucky, and the child in the queen's womb is also evil.

An Xiuhui asked Tang Huanxi to solve this matter well.

He also said that Xiao Jingyuan's whereabouts are currently only known to her and her father An Xionghu.

It was impossible for An Xionghu to tell them Xiao Jingyuan's whereabouts, but she would, and was willing to, only with a premise.

She needed Tang Huanxi to help her do three things, and the first thing was to eliminate these rumors that were not good for her.

"She's really good at calculating people's hearts." Tang Huanxi had two more stitches, really lost the mood.

She can ignore Xiao Jingyuan's life and death, but she can't help but care about Xiao Baorui's mood.

"Forget it, follow me to the county government office." Tang Huanxi soon had an idea in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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