Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 714 He deserves to die

Chapter 714 He deserves to die
"Take back what belongs to you?" Tang Hao squinted his eyes, savoring this sentence seriously, "Xiao Baorui, what do you mean by that?"

"I am Murong Chen, the third prince who was born by Concubine Lan Gui. The imperial edict of the ancestor emperor is now in my hands." Xiao Baorui looked at him, and his tone was as calm as ever. Let me tell you all the truth about the extermination of the family, and I can consider saving the lives of the Tang family."

"Why should I trust you?"

"You have no reason to refuse, not to mention that even if you don't tell me, someone will always be willing to tell me, isn't it?"

Tang Hao was silent for a long time, and kept looking up at Xiao Baorui's appearance seriously, until half an hour later, he sighed helplessly, "Actually, what happened back then was a coincidence."

Back then, Concubine Lan knew that the eldest prince, the former Emperor Murong Ze, was a sinister and cunning person. In addition, the empress's foundation in the harem was too deep. Concubine Lan didn't know if she was capable of keeping the child. Later, under the persuasion of her mother, she took the risk , came a trick to replace the prince with a civet cat.

When Xiao Baorui was sent to the Xiao family, he was deeply loved by the Xiao family and his wife.

Noble Concubine Kelan never dreamed that the nuns beside her had always been the eldest prince's people.

Later, the eldest prince murdered the empress and forcibly put the crime on Concubine Lan Gui.

In the end, the palace change was launched overnight. The ancestor emperor had old wounds, and he passed away in a fit of anger.

So the eldest prince ascended the throne smoothly, and the first thing after ascending the throne was to find out the whereabouts of the third prince and harm him.

But who would have thought that with the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind him, the famous general of the Liang Dynasty would hide his name for decades and even become the magistrate of Yun'an City?
In order to preserve the last bit of blood in the Xiao family, Xu Wanjin thought of a way to bring Xiao Baorui siblings out. He thought this plan was perfect, but who would have thought that everything was for others to make wedding dresses?
"So you already knew the details of An Xionghu?" Xiao Baorui did not expect Tang Hao to be so calm with such a big secret in his hands.

"An Xionghu's wife is my cousin." Tang Hao said in a deep voice, "At the beginning, the imperial court sent an imperial envoy to ensure that the third prince was dead, and secondly, to find the letter left by the ancestor emperor. Legacy."

It's just that neither Murong He nor An Xionghu expected that Concubine Lan Gui would be so careful about the will.

What she sent back to Xiao's family was a fake will, and the real will was sent to someone she really trusted long ago.

"You secretly trained the private soldiers just to wait for the day when An Xionghu dispatched troops to condemn the general." Xiao Baorui looked at him and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry that I have to take back what I just said. You can no longer live."

A person who has long had the idea of ​​collaborating with the enemy and treason can no longer live.

When Tang Hao heard that he was going to die, his eyes turned red with anger.

"After all, I'm also Tang Lingtian's biological father. If you kill me like this, aren't you afraid that Lingtian will create estrangement with you in the future?" Tang Hao looked at him with a bit of panic in his anxious tone.

He really saw a strong murderous look on Xiao Baorui's face.

"In Ling Tian's eyes, he no longer has a father."

Tang Hao, as the prefect of Jinling City back then, refused to save him, and even secretly contributed to the death of so many innocent people. ,

His life can no longer be kept.


Before Tang Hao could react, a stabbing pain came from his neck, and he soon lost his breath.

Xiao Baorui withdrew the soft sword in his hand, and the moment he turned around and walked out, he happened to meet Tang Lingtian's indifferent expression.

"I killed him."


"Do you hate me?"

"He deserves to die." Just a quarter of an hour ago, Tang Ling knew that his mother didn't die of illness at all, but was poisoned by Tang Hao, and it took so many years...

"The rest of the Tang family will be handled by you."


With the sudden death of Tang Hao, the governor of Chaozhou, and the addition of many new faces in Chaozhou City, the people in Chaozhou City are in panic.

Governor's House.

Xiao Baorui finished reading the account book in his hand, his eyes flickered with a dim light.

"I can't imagine that there are so many corrupt officials in a small Chaozhou, and the total amount of corrupted silver taels is about 50 taels." After reading the account book, Qin Hong felt an indescribable melancholy in his heart, "Bao Ray, what are you going to do next?"

"Chaozhou is controlled by Tang Hao, and Zhizhou and Zhifu are left. Tang Hao is dead, and the other two people are nothing to be afraid of, but it is a pity to kill them like this." Xiao Baorui raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling very sad. Got an idea soon.

"Release the news that Tang Hao was assassinated, and we have to find a way to disclose the account book." Xiao Baorui looked at Tang Lingtian who had been standing silently by the side, with a bit of worry in his eyes, " Ling Tian, ​​next we need you to cooperate with everyone in a play, if the play can be performed well, Chaozhou will be handed over to you to manage from now on."

"Isn't that inappropriate?" Hou Zi was the first to object. He looked at Xiao Baorui with dissatisfaction in his eyes, "Our brothers from the Chaozhou Gang have worked so hard, so we can't make wedding dresses for others, right?"

"Monkey, Ling Tian is one of his own now!" Scorpio glanced at him, his eyes full of warning.


The monkey wanted to say something, but was pulled by the arm by Lightning.

After Xiao Baorui finished deploying all the plans, he looked at Monkey and smiled slightly, "You stay, Monkey, I have something to say to you."

Monkey was a little surprised, but after meeting Qin Hong's gaze, he still chose to nod.

After all the others withdrew, Xiao Baorui looked at his unruly expression and smiled slightly, "Monkey, you seem very dissatisfied with me becoming your leader?"

"No," the monkey replied with a straight face, obviously angry.

"I know what you are thinking. You may think that I am not worthy to be your leader. But have you ever thought about why the champion would rather take you to hibernate on Xinzhou Island than come out before he found me?? "

"How can I guess what the boss is thinking?" Monkey rolled his eyes silently, feeling extremely upset.

"Because if you don't have me, if you want to rebel, you will come out of nowhere! If you rebel without any basis, you will be rebellious officials and thieves."

"You are talking nonsense, we are doing justice for the heavens!" Monkey immediately retorted, poking his neck, "Who knows if you are the real Third Prince Murong Chen? Besides, why do you convince me?"

(End of this chapter)

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