Chapter 719
Tang Huanxi nodded lightly. Although she had secretly inquired about Qiu Pingchuan's personality, she must be on guard against others.

In particular, Qiu Pingchuan came to arrange her as soon as he took office. Obviously, Qiu Pingchuan knew Xiao Baorui's true identity perfectly.

"However, Qiu Pingchuan is a little hard to see through." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and explained the reason for Qiu Pingchuan's sudden visit to the door some time ago.

A quarter of an hour later, Xiao Baorui lowered his eyes in thought.

"Lady, I want to meet Qiu Pingchuan."

"Okay, I'll go with you."


It rained all day, and at night, the air was very fresh.

Tang Huanxi's hand was always tightly held by Xiao Baorui, and a feeling of warmth pervaded her whole body.

"It would be great if it snowed." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly and said in a low voice.


"If it's snowing at this time, and you and I walk in the snow like this, we can turn our hair white together." Tang Huanxi blurted out and finished speaking.

Xiao Baorui only felt sore eyes, and clenched the hand that belonged to her in the palm.

The county government of Yunshui County.

Qiu Pingchuan was reading a book in the study. It has been almost four months since he came to Yunshui County.

It has to be said that Song Zhuo is a very capable person. Yunshui County has developed very well in recent years, and at least 60.00% of the people have been lifted out of poverty.

Among them, Huayang Village is the most prominent.

The achievements of Huayang Village in the past two years are very eye-catching. It was originally a small village with less than [-] people, and it experienced natural disasters such as earthquakes and mudslides. It has improved.

Tang Huanxi contracted most of the land in Huayang Village, created a flower base, and led the whole village out of poverty and became rich.

But this courage is enough to make people admire.

"I didn't expect Mr. Qiu to be so diligent. It's late at night, why don't you rest?" Xiao Baorui quietly appeared in front of Qiu Pingchuan with Tang Huanxi. Although the latter was a little surprised, he was not surprised.

He had already received the news that Xiao Baorui left in a hurry before the end of the first month.

Seeing him come back now, Qiu Pingchuan had a vague guess in his heart.

"Go to the Palace of Three Treasures for nothing, General Xiao, you rushed back in a hurry, why did you suddenly come to the residence of the lower official?"

"You don't seem to be surprised by my appearance at all?" Xiao Baorui squinted his eyes and asked in a deep voice, with obvious dissatisfaction in his tone.

He suddenly drew his sword and pointed it at Qiu Pingchuan's eyebrows.

"Say, are you a running dog sent by the imperial court to monitor me?"

Qiu Pingchuan had heard of Xiao Baorui's name a long time ago. After all, he was a person who had been immersed in the battlefield for decades. The air pressure Xiao Baorui suddenly released was terrifying.

"If the person who came was Qiu Minxue, does Shopkeeper Tang think you will stand in front of me intact?"

"Qiu Minxue is not my opponent." Tang Huanxi raised his brows and replied neither humble nor overbearing.

"Whether it's Qiu Pingfeng or Qiu Minxue, they won't be your opponents, but if Qiu Minxue is the magistrate of Yunshui County, wouldn't Shopkeeper Tang feel disgusted at all?"

"Stop talking nonsense, what exactly do you want to say?"

"My grandfather and father were killed by Mr. Qiu Ge. With my own strength, I can't shake this mountain at all, so I want to cooperate with you." Qiu Pingchuan was silent for a moment, and finally looked up at Tang Huanxi, with a sincere look in his eyes, said, "Old Qiu Ge has many disciples in the court, and he used to be the mentor of the First Prince, and now that the First Prince is enthroned as emperor, he also thinks highly of Old Qiu Ge, so I want to repay him." The revenge of killing my father must be changed."

"How did you know Xiao Baorui's identity?" Tang Huanxi looked at Qiu Pingchuan and smiled.

"I placed an eyeliner beside Mr. Qiu Ge. One day, the Holy One came to Qiu's mansion and mentioned this matter."

"Why should I believe your words?"

"I won't lie to you with revenge for killing my father." Thinking of his father who had been dead for many years, Qiu Pingchuan's eyes turned red.

His father, Qiu Yulin, was too soft-hearted and kind, and he was very generous to Qiu Yuyu, the old half-brother of Qiu Ge.

But who would have thought that his father's good intentions would bring hatred to himself.

His father died tragically, and his mother also died in depression.

For these years, Qiu Pingchuan has been living under the fence of others, studying hard, and secretly managing his own power, so that one day he can kill his father and enemy with his own blood.

But no matter how the situation in the court changes, Qiu Yuyu's position is as stable as a rock.

Qiu Pingchuan was worried that if this continued, before he could take revenge, Qiu Ge would die.

That was not the ending he wanted.

So when he heard the mystery of Xiao Baorui's life experience, he was very excited.

If he can gain the trust of Xiao Baorui and Tang Huanxi and his wife, maybe the day of revenge will not be far away.

"General Xiao, you are the third prince, Murong Chen. If you have the imperial edict of the ancestor emperor in your hand, then everything you do is well-known."

"Then what are you asking for?"

"I just want to be able to kill the enemy with my own hands."

Qiu Pingchuan has concealed his emotions very well these years, his emotions and anger are so invisible that even those who are very close to him can't guess what he thinks in his heart.

But today in front of Xiao Baorui and his wife, he completely lost control.

Sensing the change in his mood, Tang Huanxi stepped forward and poured a cup of tea, handed it to Qiu Pingchuan, and said softly, "Lord Qiu, I believe in you."

Those seven simple words warmed Qiu Pingchuan's heart.

Xiao Baorui glanced at his wife, finally quickly withdrew the soft sword, and sat directly opposite him.

After drinking the herbal tea, Qiu Pingchuan felt that his emotions had calmed down a lot. He looked at Tang Huanxi with admiration in his eyes, "During this time, I have been checking the tax books submitted by the ten surrounding counties. I have to admit that Tang Huanxi You, the shopkeeper, are really powerful."

In just two years, Tang Huanxi could lead the entire Huayang Village out of poverty and become rich by virtue of her ability.

This made Qiu Pingchuan believe that, given time, Tang Huanxi would be able to lead the entire Yunshui County, and even the entire state city and the entire Dayong Dynasty, out of poverty and become rich!
Xiao Baorui is brave and good at fighting, while Tang Huanxi is unparalleled in intelligence.

In addition, they have the imperial edict of the ancestor emperor in their hands.

Therefore, Qiu Pingchuan believed that if he sincerely followed them, he would definitely rise to the top in the future.

The couple chatted with Qiu Pingchuan for a long time, and finally left quietly.

As the night gradually deepened, Tang Huanxi looked sideways at Xiao Baorui, who was still in high spirits, and smiled slightly.

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

"My lady, do you think Qiu Pingchuan is really trustworthy?" Xiao Baorui frowned, his tone full of worry, "I will leave for Chaozhou in a few days, do you really want to stay? If Qiu Pingchuan It will be bad for you, what should you do?"

"Employees are not suspicious, Xiao Baorui, don't worry, I know it well."

"Miss, are you really leaving without me?" Xiao Baorui turned around, looked her in the eyes, and asked softly, "I'm worried about leaving you and Yijin here."

(End of this chapter)

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