Chapter 722
"Has Nanny Gui seen the Queen?" Tang Huanxi expressed her surprise at Nanny Gui's blurted evaluation.

"I've never met the queen, but before I served Concubine Hu, I was the personal maid of Empress Xiaoxian Shushen." Nanny Gui smiled softly.

Empress Xiaoxian Shushen was the second wife of the ancestor emperor.

Tang Huanxi was suddenly curious, and raised her hand to greet Nanny Gui, then poured a cup of tea respectfully, "Can you tell me about the deeds of Empress Xiaoxian? How could you associate her with An Xiuhui?"

Nanny Gui smiled, and reached out to take the cup of tea she handed over, "Empress Xiaoxian Shushen, formerly known as Zhou Huizhen, is the direct daughter of Prime Minister Zhou. Emperor Taizu overthrew the brutal rule of Emperor Daliang, and later created the Dalai Lama. Yong Shengshi.

Prime Minister Zhou was the mentor of Emperor Taizu, and later married Empress Zhou for Emperor Taizu. "

"Mommy, I heard that Concubine Hu was the first wife of the ancestor emperor. Is this true?"

"Well, it's true." Nanny Gui sighed lowly, "Whether it's Empress Zhou or Concubine Hu, they all love the ancestor emperor deeply. In order not to make things difficult for the ancestor emperor, it was Taifei Hu who begged Prime Minister Zhou and It shows that I am willing to give up the position of the first wife, so the ancestor emperor can successfully marry Queen Zhou."

"Hu Taifei must have a deep meaning in doing this, right? After all, if she really loves the ancestor emperor deeply, she must be reluctant to give up her husband."

"Ma'am is smart." Nanny Gui glanced at Tang Huanxi with admiration in her eyes. "After all, Concubine Hu is a peasant girl, her status is too low. If she becomes empress, she will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the former ministers."

"So Concubine Hu is a smart person."

"Well, the concubine is really smart. Although she loved her ancestors deeply, she never lost herself. Later, Empress Zhou entered the harem and got along very well with her. But the good times didn't last long. Empress Zhou and the concubine became pregnant at the same time. .”

"People's desires in this life are endless. Although Empress Zhou was deeply loved by her ancestors and emperors, she lost herself and fell into the swamp of love..."

Hearing the melancholy in Nanny Gui's tone, Tang Huanxi frowned slightly, "I heard that the late emperor was born of a concubine?"

"Well, Empress Zhou gave birth to the eldest princess when she was pregnant, and Concubine Hu gave birth to the first emperor smoothly. Later, Empress Zhou was depressed, and finally passed away before the eldest princess was five years old.

The ancestor emperor made the decision and recorded the ancestor emperor under the name of Queen Zhou, so the emperor could ascend the throne smoothly later. "

Tang Huanxi felt a little sad when she heard Nanny Gui finish the story concisely.

Empress Zhou was born in a famous family and was favored by her ancestors and emperors, but she died of depression when she was less than 25 years old.

"Mommy, now I can understand why you said that to me back then." Tang Huanxi smiled lightly, but there was a bit of bitterness in that smile.

Xiao Baorui's real identity is the third prince Murong Chen.

More importantly, he holds the last imperial edict in his hand.

It is conceivable that Xiao Baorui's path in the future is destined to be extraordinary.

"Don't worry, mom, I won't let myself become Queen Zhou."

"Madam, the reason why I told you these words is to give you an early warning." Nanny Gui looked at her and said softly, "Madam, do you know why Queen Zhou sent me to Concubine Hu? "


'I was originally the foster mother of Queen Zhou, and I was very good at making medicinal meals.You must know that this medicated diet can help people nourish the body, and it can also kill people invisible.In the first few years when Empress Zhou first entered the palace, she did regard Concubine Hu as her own sister, but as time passed, Empress Zhou became jealous. I called her to her side, under the pretense that it was to recuperate her body, but in fact, Queen Zhou's purpose was to let me add medicine to Concubine Hu's medicinal diet, in order to make it difficult for Concubine Hu to conceive. "

Tang Huanxi's eyes widened in surprise, full of disbelief.

"Concubine Hu regards Empress Zhou as her sister, and even begged for Empress Zhou for the ancestor emperor herself, but Empress Zhou is so sinister?"

"Is it sinister? Ma'am is wrong, which woman who lives in the deep palace all the year round has no scheming?"

The reason why Queen Zhou had such thoughts was also because her thoughts were too deep.

She was afraid that once Concubine Hu led her husband to become the eldest prince, her position as queen would not be stable.

What's more, the queen's phoenix chair was handed over by Concubine Hu, which caused Queen Zhou's psychology to be a little distorted.

"Mother just said that Concubine Hu gave birth to the eldest prince smoothly, which means that you did not follow Queen Zhou's order to poison Taifei Hu's medicinal food?"

"Yes, Empress Zhou was my master at that time, and I was just a small servant. How could a servant dare to disobey the master's order? Although Concubine Hu is kind-hearted, she is not stupid. Later, she personally caught me. Putting poison into the medicinal diet."

"and then?"

"Concubine Hu told Empress Zhou about this matter, and Empress Zhou insisted that this matter was my own initiative, and suggested that Concubine Hu should stick me to death immediately. Later, Concubine Hu nodded."

Tang Huanxi was even more puzzled.

"Ma'am, in fact, my original name was Jingui. The nanny who taught Empress Zhou was called Jinmao. Later, Jinmao was killed by Concubine Hu, and I changed my appearance. Later, I became the trusted confidant of Concubine Hu. .”

"I see."

Tang Huanxi understood the cause and entanglement of the whole incident, and she soon understood.

"Nurse, after you found out about Xiao Baorui's life experience, you purposely sought out the old lady and came to me, right?"

Nanny Gui smiled slightly, looking at her with a little more admiration in her eyes.

"Madam is smart, this old slave really came here on purpose." Nanny Gui looked at her, then knelt down respectfully and respectfully under Tang Huanxi's head, and explained very sincerely, "This old slave used to serve Hu Taifei. Man, if Concubine Hu hadn't rescued him back then, the old slave would have been turned into a handful of loess."

"Why is Mammy willing to come to me?"

"The late emperor was born to Concubine Hu, and General Xiao was the designated successor of the late emperor. That's why this old slave came to your side after inquiring from many sources."

"Mommy, get up quickly." Tang Huanxi immediately stepped forward and helped Nanny Gui up. "It's my good fortune that Nanny is willing to stay by my side and teach me."

Knowing the details of Nanny Gui, Tang Huanxi gradually became relieved.

Today is different from the past, except for the people around her, she dare not trust easily.

Isn't An Xiuhui a lesson from the past?
"Ma'am, there is something I don't understand." Nanny Gui looked at Tang Huanxi and asked worriedly, "Why didn't Madam accompany General Xiao to Chaozhou?"

(End of this chapter)

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