Chapter 731
"Ming people don't talk dark words, General Xiao, if I really don't have a few days to live, I only hope that you can help me take good care of Sheng'er, and come to my grave with Murong Ze's blood in the future." worship before!"

"My lord, Mu Sheng and my wife are very close, so I will take good care of him. It's just that what I'm going to do now is too dangerous, and I don't want Mu Sheng to get involved."

"General Xiao, today's Yunnan palace is controlled by that vicious woman Du Meiyun. That poisonous woman has an affair with the king's most trusted confidant, so Yunnan is not suitable to stay for a long time. As for the five Linhai states The soldier talisman, that is the life-saving talisman left by the ancestor emperor to our Mu family, and now I solemnly entrust it to you, just hoping that you can bring Sheng'er to break through the world!"

"General Xiao, please take Mu Sheng out of Yunnan quickly!"

"how about you?"

"Mu Di is a filial child. He is my son no matter what. I don't think Du Meiyun will do anything to me now. What's more, I still hold a very important matter in my hand. Anyway, General Xiao, be careful in everything." Take care, and don't confront the Korean public Han Jianming head-on!"

"Thank you, Lord, for your warning." Xiao Baorui nodded, then turned and left.

In the dim moonlight, a gray carriage gallops in the night,

After boarding the boat, Xiao Baorui turned around and went to the kitchen, while Mu Sheng stood on the deck with a melancholy expression.

It wasn't until a burst of familiar scent hit that he was relieved.

"This is?"

"Instant noodles." Xiao Baorui smiled and solved the doubts in his heart, "These are all prepared for me by my wife. If I didn't see you frowning all the time, I wouldn't be willing to give them to you!"

"Tch, your wife is still my sister!" Mu Sheng rolled her eyes silently, but she obviously felt much better.

A big pot of instant noodles, one big and one small, will be solved quickly.

After eating and drinking, the two of them lay side by side on the deck, looking up at the starry sky.

"Brother Xiao, why doesn't my father let me stay in Yunnan? Are you going to watch that poisonous woman Du Meiyun get away with it?"

"Your father naturally has his intentions in doing this, not to mention your current ability is not enough to compete with Du Meiyun." Xiao Baorui looked at him and said earnestly, "Mu Sheng, I want to send you to the military camp for training. Life will be very bitter. If you don't want to, I will send you to Huanxi's side. What do you think?"

"Heaven will send a great mission to the people of Si, and you must first work hard. Brother Xiao, I want to go to the military camp. My father wants me to be a man of indomitable spirit, so I can't let him down!"

As Brother Xiao said, the current self does not have the capital to compete with Du Meiyun.

But he believes that in time, he will be able to kill the enemy with his own hands and avenge his mother!
"Okay!" Seeing his firm eyes, Xiao Baorui was very pleased.

When the two of them left Yunnan completely, Du Meiyun got the news and hurried into the inner hall.

"My lord, Mu Sheng is also a member of the palace. If you let him go like this, what should we do if he gets into trouble and gets involved in the future?"

Facing Du Meiyun's crying, Mu Li didn't speak, but just looked at her coldly.

"My lord? You...why do you look at me with such eyes?"

Mu Li sneered, and then slapped her across the face!

"My lord?" Du Meiyun was bewildered by the beating, her phoenix eyes were filled with astonishment, she looked at Mu Li with resentment in her eyes, "My lord, how could you hit me?"

"Why can't you fight?" Mu Li sneered again and again, pointing at her nose and scolding, "Du Meiyun, I've been lingering in bed all these years, how many outrageous things you have done behind your back, do you really think this king doesn't know?
You killed Meier, forced Shenger away, and even dared to poison the king!You are really good, this king finally understands what this femme fatale means! "

"My are crazy, could you frame me like this?"

"Heh, framed you? What do you think you are? Back then, I was obsessed with ghosts. I really thought you were sincerely in love with me, but I didn't think it was all a conspiracy! Du Meiyun, I will never let you go! "

At this moment, the aura released by Mu Li was terrifying, and then he stuffed a black pill into Du Meiyun's mouth with lightning speed!

"My lord...what did you eat for me..."

"It's nothing, it's just a small pill that's enough to kill you from gut-piercing."

"Mu Li, how could you be so cruel... vomit..." Du Meiyun immediately knelt on the ground, clutching her throat non-stop.

"Don't struggle, this pill will melt in water, if you don't have this king's antidote, you will definitely die within seven days!"

"My lord... My lord... I beg you, because of the love between you and me, please give me the antidote, please!"

Mu Li didn't speak, but just looked at her in disgust.

If he really died like that, he might die with hatred.

Fortunately, God is merciful and willing to give him another ten years of life!

Since God's will is like this, then he naturally has to obey the fate!

Mei'er, your spirit in heaven must bless Sheng'er with everything safe!

As for Du Meiyun who killed you back then, I will definitely let her live or die!

Two days later, Princess Yunnan passed away due to overwork, thanks to Wang Muli of Yunnan's health gradually improving.

Mu Li deliberately blocked the news, so Du Meiyun's death did not reach the capital in time.

In June, when the scorching heat was unbearable, Murong He specially ordered to add more ice cubes to the Queen.

So compared to other palaces, Fengluan Palace is still cooler.

"The smell of mint leaves is really nice, very refreshing." Lu Yin said with a smile, "The method given by Doctor He is really good."

"Hmm." An Xiuhui replied lightly, "Has there been any changes in Hehuan Hall recently?"

"Not for the time being," Lu Yin shook her head lightly, "Since the rumors during that period were suppressed by the Holy Majesty with thunderous means, Concubine Rui has been living in the Hall of Hehuan, rarely going out, and even the concubines she had made good friends with visited her. Turned away."

"It seems that Concubine Rui is really afraid of me." An Xiuhui smiled, but that smile was full of sarcasm.

Do you really think she would trade the civet cat for the prince?

Simply stupid.

How could she give up the flesh and blood she had so hard to get?
"I heard that General Yang's youngest daughter is the wife of Song Zhuo, Minister of Industry. I heard that she is on good terms with Tang Huanxi." An Xiuhui thought for a while and soon had an idea in her mind.

Although she had designed Tang Huanxi on purpose before, she turned around and handed the news to Concubine Rui.

It's time for her to settle this account.

"Is your empress going to summon Mrs. Song?"

(End of this chapter)

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