Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 735: Auspicious people have their own heavenly appearance

Chapter 735: Auspicious people have their own heavenly appearance
"Is the general coming back?" Seeing the smile on Tang Huanxi's face, Nanny Gui asked softly.

"Well, things over there are pretty much the same. Xiao Baorui said he still has two days' travel time at most, and he will be back soon." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, with a faint smile on the corners of his eyes and brows.

"When the general comes back and sees Madam's current appearance, he will be ecstatic." Nanny Gui looked at Tang Huanxi's slightly swollen abdomen and smiled meaningfully.

"Yeah, he will be very happy." Tang Huanxi lowered her head and looked at her belly, her eyes sparkling brightly.

After Xiao Baorui left for more than half a month, Nanny Gui saw Tang Huanxi's state and went to invite a doctor.

Sure enough, she became pregnant again.

Now, it has been three months.

"It would be great if this baby was a daughter." Tang Huanxi said softly, "Xiao Baorui will definitely like her very much."

"Ma'am, you don't like spicy food these days, but you like to eat sour plums. This old slave thinks, you must still be a young master with this child."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether it's a boy or a girl. I just hope that they can all grow up healthy and happy, and that's enough."

As a mother, the greatest wish is the safety and health of your children.

"Ma'am is absolutely right."

"Nurse, you said earlier that my fetal phase was unstable and you didn't let me go out; now that the first three months have passed, I want to go to Hekou Village..."

Nanny Gui immediately showed embarrassment, and after careful consideration, she nodded.

"Nurse, you seem to be very nervous about the baby in my belly?" Tang Huanxi looked at her tangled expression and asked curiously, "Why?"

"Madam, you also know that this old slave is very good at making medicinal meals. Ever since this old slave decided to stay by your side, he has made up his mind to take good care of you and the young master. After the young master took the medicinal meal, his physical condition has obviously changed. But you, you are still losing both energy and blood."

"If a woman lacks energy and blood, her body will inevitably be damaged when she gives birth in the future. That's why this old slave is worried."

Tang Huanxi felt her heart warm after listening to Nanny Gui's explanation.

"Don't worry, mom, I'll be fine."

"Well, this old slave also believes that auspicious people have their own celestial features."

Tang Huanxi nodded slightly.

Compared to Tang Huanxi, who was looking happy, An Xiuhui, who was in the palace at this time, looked sad.

Lu Yin knelt in front of her, her heart filled with sadness.

"Empress, this matter is all the servant's fault from the beginning to the end, and the servant is willing to be punished."

"Get up first." An Xiuhui rubbed her sore brows and sighed in a low voice, "There are not many people I can trust, Lu Yin, if you leave too, then there are really many people around me. No one is available."

"But empress, this matter is too involved. It's because the slaves don't notice for a while that they will be plotted. Now that Concubine Chen is dying, if the empress doesn't deal with the slaves earlier, I'm afraid it will be difficult to end this matter."

Lu Yin has been working in this deep palace for nearly ten years, and she is very familiar with the secret methods in the deep palace.

But she was still a little too impulsive, when there was news in Jianjia Hall that her sister Luwei was still alive.She is so excited.

Only when you are proud will you forget your form.

If you don't notice for a while, you will be tricked by Concubine Chen.

"I know this is a game, but Lu Yin, if I can't save you, do you think there will be anyone in this deep palace willing to work for me from now on?" An Xiuhui looked at it deeply. When she glanced at her, complex and gloomy light intertwined in her pupils.

"But ma'am..."

"Lu Yin, get up first, no matter what, I will save your life." An Xiuhui looked into her eyes and said firmly.

At that time, Jianjia Hall.

The news that Concubine Chen was poisoned by the queen's personal maid, Lu Yin, and she fell into a coma spread like a gust of wind throughout the palace.

Concubine Rui, who had been staying in the Hall of Hehuan to copy the palace rules to cultivate herself, came to Jianjia Hall in a hurry when she heard the news.

Looking at the extremely pale Concubine Chen lying on the bed with her eyes closed, Chen Rui's heart sank suddenly.

She swore secretly in her heart that if anything happened to her aunt, she would definitely want An Xiuhui to be buried with her!
Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Murong He looked at Concubine Rui who was kneeling and weeping, and frowned tightly.

"Concubine Rui, get up first."

"My lord, my aunt is still in a coma, but the culprit has been shielded by the queen! My lord, please seek justice for my aunt no matter what!"

Murong He frowned, thoughtful.

"Concubine Rui, I can't just listen to your side of the story, not to mention the empress's character, I know very well in my heart. I will go to Fengluan Hall now, and you will go with me."

"...Yes!" Concubine Rui clenched her fists tightly, swallowing all her dissatisfaction and unwillingness into her stomach!

The Holy Majesty's feelings for An Xiuhui are really too deep.

She wanted to provoke it, but it was extremely difficult.

Fengluan Hall.

An Xiuhui was not surprised when she got the news.

"It seems that Concubine Rui has become more obedient during this time, I thought that once she saw Concubine Chen's lingering and sick appearance, she would definitely rush to Fengluan Hall to arrest people, but I didn't expect her to go to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. This palace really underestimated her."

"Your Majesty, if the Holy Spirit comes..." Lu Yin was suddenly worried, and she was also very grateful for An Xiuhui's protection, "Your Majesty, let the slaves explain this clearly to the Holy One?"

"No need, Lu Yin, you should step back first. I already have a plan in my heart."

A quarter of an hour later, Murong He brought Chen Rui to Fengluan Hall.

At that time, the queen was practicing calligraphy with a brush.

"The empress is so elegant!" Murong He carefully walked around behind her, and after reading the words she wrote, he smiled heartily, "It's surprising that my empress is so ambitious. !"

"Empress, your eldest maid Lu Yin intentionally hurt the concubine, and now the concubine is still in a coma, the empress should hand over the murderer Lu Yin as soon as possible!" Chen Rui asked in a low voice angrily.

"Concubine Rui, why are you here?" The queen raised her eyebrows, her eyes were full of surprise, "I remember that you stayed in the Hehuan Hall to copy Buddhist scriptures? Why did you appear here? Could it be that the words of the Holy Master were ignored by you?"

"Empress Empress, don't deliberately sow discord here and procrastinate for time. If Lu Yin dares to commit the crime of poisoning the concubine, you will be punished for the crime!"

"Concubine Rui, you speak so loudly. When is it your turn to teach the people around me?" An Xiuhui put down the wolf hair in her hand, and looked at Chen Rui with cold eyes!
Probably because her sudden sharp eyes were too full of aura, Chen Rui subconsciously felt a little scared.

"Hui'er, what happened to Concubine Chen's sudden poisoning and coma? Does this matter have anything to do with you?" Murong He looked at An Xiuhui and asked softly.

(End of this chapter)

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