Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 738 This day is about to change

Chapter 738 This day is about to change

A cold arrow rushed straight towards Tang Huanxi's direction, if Hong Rong hadn't been quick to shoot down the cold arrow, Tang Huanxi might be in danger now.

"Ma'am, are you alright?" Hong Rong looked at Tang Huanxi with a cold expression, her heart was full of worry.

"I'm fine." Tang Huanxi squinted her eyes and whispered, "How many people know about our visit to Mingtang Mountain this time?"

"Madam is suspicious..." Hong Rong immediately frowned, and a look of cruelty flashed across her eyes.

"Don't be nervous, I'm just skeptical." Tang Huanxi sneered, "I already knew that someone was watching my every move, but I didn't expect these people to move so fast."

Apparently, there was a spy by her side.

"Don't worry, ma'am, I will take care of this matter properly."


Back in the thatched hut, Nanny Gui also broke out in a cold sweat when she heard what happened earlier, she immediately went to the kitchen to make a bowl of soothing soup.

[Ding, your refrigerator cutie is online, what's the master's order? 】

[Little cutie, besides the queen, who else is spying on me?Besides, who wants to know about my life? 】

Tang Huanxi was a little puzzled, she knew that An Xiuhui was scheming, and had even placed eyeliner beside her, but Tang Huanxi knew very well that a smart woman like An Xiuhui would not kill herself easily.Because to her, there is still something left for her!use value.

So this time the assassin came directly at her, probably because he wanted to provoke Xiao Baorui's anger.

[Master, you already knew it in your heart, why bother to do it again? 】

The little cutie is really speechless. The master is too smart, which makes him feel that he has no sense of existence. This kind of frustration is really uncomfortable.

[Although I have a guess in my heart, I really don't know who is behind it? 】

Tang Huanxi rubbed her sore brows, then forced herself to fall asleep.

The next day, the sky was bright and clear, but the wind in the morning was still a bit chilly.

"Thank you, Nanny." Tang Huanxi looked at Nanny Gui who was standing by her side, and smiled gratefully.

The assassination that happened yesterday was really dangerous, but fortunately Hong Rong did not slack off her martial arts during these years by her side, otherwise she would definitely have died last night.

Coupled with the bowl of calming soup that Mammy Gui gave her, she was completely at ease.

"Ma'am, this is all within the old slave's job."

Tang Huanxi nodded slightly, but there was always a grateful smile on her face.

"Where is Ma'am going next?"

"I want to see Uncle Wang." Tang Huanxi smiled, and every frown and smile was full of everyone's demeanor.

Nanny Gui was very satisfied with this form.

Hekou Village.

Although Xiao Baorui's real background was the third prince born of Concubine Lan Gui, in the eyes of most people, Xiao Baorui also came from a poor family.

Xiao Dazhuang passed away a long time ago. Although there is a general in the current Xiao family, those people back then are no longer alive.

In just three years, things have changed.

Tang Huanxi also had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

"No wonder I heard the cries of magpies in my ears early in the morning. Unexpectedly, a nobleman came to the door." Looking at Tang Huanxi who suddenly appeared in front of him, Wang Yong smiled happily, "Girl Huanxi, are you coming back this time?" Do you want to build a flower base in Hekou Village too?"

"Uncle Wang, isn't Moonlight business in the lotus pond not doing well?" Hearing this, Tang Huanxi raised her brows, and her eyes were a little more puzzled.

Half a year ago, she ordered her subordinates to buy several mountains near Mingtang Mountain and develop the Lotus Pond Moonlight Scenic Area.

Among them, the villagers of Hekou Village also made a lot of money from this project.

"It's almost autumn now, and the business of the moonlight in the lotus pond has declined a lot." Speaking of serious business, Wang Yong's face became serious, "Huanxi girl, there is something, I don't know if I should say it or not?"

"Uncle Wang, I treat you as an elder, if you have anything to say, just say it directly?"

"There's something wrong with Han Yi, the treasurer of Moonlight in the Lotus Pond." Wang Yong thought for a while, and then expressed his doubts.

Seeing Tang Huanxi's increasingly dignified expression, Wang Yongyu said earnestly, "Girl, I can see that you have gone through wind and rain all the way to your current status, but this shopkeeper Han is really suspicious. "

A year and a half ago, Tang Huanxi found the impoverished Han Yi among the beggars.

Han Yi's eyes at that time were still fresh in her memory.

She trusted her instinct, so she helped Han Yi.

Later, it was discovered that Han Yi had a great talent, but his family was in decline, and he was bullied if he offended a nobleman in the capital.

So Tang Huanxi moved her heart of compassion, Han Yi is a talented person and with her intentional help.

In the end, Han Yi became her trusted shopkeeper, and even handed over to him the management of the property she created with all her painstaking efforts.

"Girl, don't be too uncomfortable." Wang Yong looked at her increasingly ugly face, and persuaded in a low voice, "Although I don't know why you spread such a big stall, but girl, fat people don't eat it all at once. What's more, the forest is so big that there will be all kinds of birds."

Hearing Wang Yong say these words, Tang Huanxi was a little surprised.

At first the Wang family belonged to foreigners, but later the members of the Wang family married the daughter of the Xiao family, and gradually gained a place in Hekou Village.

Most of the families in Hekou Village have the surname Xiao, so they are of the same family.

But the Wang family took up the post of village head of Hekou Village.

Hearing Wang Yong say such words now, Tang Huanxi couldn't help but feel a little startled.

"It's getting late, girl, do you want to stay for lunch?"

Tang Huanxi shook her head lightly. She was going to the lotus pond for the moonlight. Han Yi betrayed her. She needs to deal with such a big matter as soon as possible.

After Tang Huanxi and his party left, Wang Yong's uncle came out and looked at him with complicated eyes.

"Yonger, why did you intentionally stand in front of that girl..."

"Uncle, the Wang family has endured it for 30 years. If they continue to endure like this, I'm afraid the Wang family will never be able to get back together. What's more, I didn't say anything. If Tang Huanxi is smart, she will naturally understand what I mean. "

More importantly, Xiao Baorui is the legitimate royal blood.

The members of the Wang family kept that secret for so many years in order to come forward at critical moments.

As long as Xiao Baorui can get to that position, why can't the members of the Wang family give him a push?

The Wang family can't just let the younger generation stay in the field to toss around.

Besides, today, things will change a long time ago.

After leaving Wang Yong's house, Tang Huanxi only felt terrified.

Uncle Wang, the Wang family—

(End of this chapter)

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