Chapter 756
"Sister Jiudi, do you really treat me as a younger sister?"

When the two walked together to the gazebo in Xu's back garden, Tang Huanxi suddenly turned around, looked at Xu Jiudi, and asked in a deep voice.

"This... how do you ask this in a good way?" Xu Jiudi's eyes quickly flashed a look of surprise, and then he sat on the railing recklessly, glaring at her angrily, "If I didn't treat you sincerely, how could I be so cowardly?" Pick you up from the pier? And prepared such a big table of good food and wine for you? How heartless!"

"If my sister treats me sincerely, why didn't she say a word in the letter when such a big thing happened?" Tang Huanxi took advantage of the situation and sat beside her, and sighed softly, "Now my sister is like a woman in a swamp. A fish, the environment is extremely bad."

"You already know?" Xu Jiudi frowned slightly, "Daddy said that you have a beautiful heart, and it's true. Sometimes I think, if I had half your wisdom, maybe I wouldn't let myself fall into such a predicament bingo."

"How does my sister plan to solve this predicament now?"

"I don't have a clue yet." Xu Jiudi shook his head lightly, "After I took over all the property of the Xu family as the heir of the Xu family, I realized how hard my father is on weekdays. I used to complain that he didn't want to spend time with me Later I realized that it wasn't that he didn't want to accompany me, but that he really didn't have time."

"Outsiders only know that our life is very rich and rich. But how many people know about the hardships?" Xu Jiudi smiled wryly, "I used to live in a daze for so many years. Although I have woken up from that nightmare, But those painful memories are still there. Not only are they deeply engraved in my mind, they are also engraved in the minds of the heads of the Xu family.

After all, I am a womanizer. This world is too harsh on women.I can temporarily take care of Xu's family property for a period of time, but I cannot take care of these family properties forever. "

"Sister Jiudi, if you have an heir, will these problems be solved?"

"Huanxi, it is not easy to find a suitable heir."

"Then how will you know if you don't try?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and asked with a smile, "Xu Jiudi, I told you earlier that I have a very powerful nanny by my side who served Concubine Hu in the palace for many years. .”

"Well, remember, what's wrong?"

"Nurse Gui said that she has a way to help you."

"Really?" Xu Jiudi's eyes glowed brightly again, "Do you have any good ideas?"

"We'll know when we see Nanny Gui later."

The two sisters chatted for a while, and had a preliminary understanding of the future of opening a restaurant in Jinling City.

"I'll go back and look at the plan you wrote later, but Huanxi, there are too many people staring at the Xu family, so I can only hide behind your back and contribute."

"Yes." Tang Huanxi nodded, "I think so too, so there is a third shareholder in this restaurant."

"Success, you are fully responsible for this matter, I will wait to receive the bonus!"

"no problem."

A quarter of an hour later, Nanny Gui came to the gazebo with the freshly cooked white fungus and lotus seed soup.

"Nurse's craftsmanship is very good, try it while it's hot." Tang Huanxi looked at her and said with a smile.

"Then I'm welcome."

After the two finished a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup, Xu Jiudi told Caihuan to stay outside the gazebo, and then looked expectantly at Nanny Gui. Is it?"

"Yes," Nanny Gui nodded, then squeezed Xu Jiudi's wrist, and took the pulse seriously.

Surprise flashed across Tang Huanxi's eyes, it was really surprising that Nanny Gui knew the art of distorting yellow and yellow.

"Miss Xu, now there are two ways to solve your current predicament. The first is adoption, but this is the property of the Xu family after all, so if you want to adopt someone from the clan, you have to pick someone with good morals and integrity." It is better for a boy to be around four or five years old. If it is too young, it will be harder for you to teach; if it is too old, I am afraid that the child will develop selfishness."

"The Xu family has a flourishing family. It is not difficult to find an heir, but it may not be easy to find a qualified heir." Xu Jiudi frowned secretly, and said with some melancholy.

"Actually, I suggest you recruit a wife." Nanny Gui looked at her and suggested softly.

"Nurse, I... I used to have a very bad reputation. There must be no one in Jinling City who is willing to marry me and become my husband. What's more, even if someone is willing to marry me, I... I will not be able to have children."

"Who said you can't conceive and have children?"

"But my body was severely traumatized back then. I have seen all the well-known doctors in Jinling City, and they all said that it would be very difficult for me to get pregnant again."

"It's just difficult, not necessarily impossible." Nanny Gui thought for a while, then turned to look at Tang Huanxi, "Madam, if you and Miss Xu both trust me, I'm willing to give it a try, as long as Miss Xu Using golden needles to open up a few acupuncture points on her body, and then combined with medicinal baths, within a year, Miss Xu's body will be back to normal."

" what you said true? Didn't you lie to me..." Xu Jiudi couldn't help weeping with joy when he heard Nanny Gui's decisive words, "Do I still have the qualifications to be a mother in this life?"

"Miss Xu, a woman's life is harder than a man's. You are my wife's best friend, and this old slave also hopes that you can live happily, so this old slave will never talk nonsense."

"Sister Jiudi, if Nanny Gui takes care of your body in the future, you can't marry in a daze." Tang Huanxi held her hand and said earnestly, "In addition, I still suggest you One year is neither too long nor too short for recruiting, maybe you can find someone who meets your requirements in all aspects?"

"Happy, I... I dare not expect extravagantly."

"Why don't you dare? You are Xu Jiudi from the Xu family, the richest man in Jinling! Where did the arrogant and willful Xu Jiudi go?" Tang Huanxi looked at her with encouragement in his eyes.

"...Okay!" Under her encouraging eyes, Xu Jiudi felt that she had regained the confidence she had discarded.

In the dead of night, the breeze blows and the shadows of the trees sway.

Tang Huanxi put down the pen in her hand, looked up at Nanny Gui who was coaxing Yijin to sleep, and hesitated to speak.

"Madam, the young master is asleep." Nanny Gui immediately placed the child on the innermost side of the bed, then turned to look at Tang Huanxi, "Madam, it's getting late, should you go to bed earlier?"

"Mother, I'm not sleepy." Tang Huanxi smiled lightly, then looked at her, and asked curiously, "Mother, how do you know how to do medicine?"

(End of this chapter)

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