Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 758 The Weird

Chapter 758 The Weird
Caihuan led the way, and Tang Huanxi followed Nanny Gui to Xu Jiudi's other courtyard.

"This is our eldest lady's private property, and the location is very hidden. No one in the entire Xu family knows about it except the eldest lady and me. Mrs. Xiao, you go in first. Just in case, I will guard the door."

"Okay, Caihuan, thank you."

"Madam Xiao, you're being polite." Caihuan quickly smiled, then stood at the door, carefully guarding it.

Tang Huanxi came to the wing in a hurry. At that time, Hong Rong was still in a coma, but her face looked very pale due to excessive blood loss.

"Ma'am!" Hong Tao, who had been by Hong Rong's side all the time, heard the footsteps, immediately clenched the long sword in his hand, turned around and saw Tang Huanxi's face clearly, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hongtao, you are tired after guarding her all night, go and rest."

"……it is good."

Nanny Gui immediately stepped forward to check on Hong Rong's injuries.

She was hit by a poisoned arrow on her shoulder. Although the poisoned arrow had been pulled out and the wound on her shoulder had been medicated, it still looked shocking.

"Mommy, this potion can cure hundreds of poisons." Tang Huanxi took out a porcelain bottle from his bosom and handed it to Nanny Gui.

Nanny Gui nodded, then picked up the scissors and carefully cut off the clothes on her shoulders. After cleaning the wound, she sprinkled some mountain spring water on it.

"Hmm!" Hong Rong, who was sleeping, felt the pain and couldn't help but gasped.

Nanny Gui checked carefully, and found that a silver needle had also been pricked into her knee.

She immediately pulled out the invisible silver needle, and quickly applied the medicine.

Half an hour later, Nanny Gui brought in the cooked soup.

"Mommy, Hong Rong is no longer in danger of her life, is she?"

"Well, Ma'am, don't worry, the poison in her body has been removed, and all the wounds have been healed." Nanny Gui carefully scooped up a spoonful of soup and handed it to Hong Rong's lips, and said softly, "Hong Rong , if you want to wake up early to serve Madam, drink this soup quickly."

Hong Rong, who was still in a coma, seemed to have heard Nanny Gui's voice, she frowned, and then swallowed the decoction bit by bit.

"Ma'am, she will wake up in two hours."

"That's good." Tang Huanxi nodded lightly, "Nurse, thank you for your hard work."

"It's a little effort, Madam, don't need to be grateful."

"Nowadays, all the doctors in Jinling City have been bought by someone with a heart. If I don't have a person with medical skills by my side, I'm afraid the consequences will be disastrous." Tang Huanxi frowned and said, "It's just that I don't understand, who is it? They bought all the doctors in Jinling City."

"And why do those people deliberately tell Sister Jiudi that she is infertile?"

Tang Huanxi always felt that there must be some unknown conspiracy behind this.

About half an hour later, Xu Jiudi who got the news also came to the other courtyard in a hurry.

"Huanxi, is there something wrong, why is your bodyguard injured so badly?"

"Sister Jiudi, it's a long story." Tang Huanxi thought for a moment, and finally looked at Xu Jiudi and asked softly, "Sister Jiudi, you once said that it would be difficult to conceive if you thought you were hurting your body. So you have seen all the famous doctors in Jinling City?"

"Well," Xu Jiudi nodded and said, "Jinling is prosperous and there are many famous doctors. But the most famous one is the miracle doctor Xue Lai on the East Street. I visited him at the beginning, and after seeing me, the miracle doctor Xue Lai concluded that it would be difficult for me to conceive. "

"That is to say, apart from this Xue Lai, you have never seen other doctors?"

"That's not true. My mother also secretly asked several doctors who are good at gynecology to see me, but they all said that I hurt my body..." Xu Jiudi's eyes suddenly became a little sad, thinking of Nanny Gui I still can't believe what I said, "Huanxi, is what the mother said that day true? Or did you say it on purpose to coax me..."

"Sister Jiudi, don't think nonsense, I never lie. Besides, Nanny Gui's ability is beyond doubt." Tang Huanxi smiled and explained softly, "The reason why I ask you so much about the doctor of Jinling City The reason is that I suspect that those doctors in Jinling City have been bribed by people with ulterior motives."

"Is this impossible?" Xu Jiudi questioned immediately, "Even if other doctors are bribed, this genius doctor Xue Lai's medical skills are superb, and his personality is very noble, I don't think he will be easily bribed. "

"As long as you are a human being, you will have weaknesses. No matter how noble and arrogant a person is, once you have a weakness or the handle is held by others..."

Tang Huanxi looked at her dumbfounded expression, and clicked to stop.

After a cup of tea, Xu Jiudi gradually calmed down his emotions.

As Tang Huanxi said, if she hadn't completely lost her fertility, why would all the doctors in Jinling City have the same opinion?
She was too sad before, she didn't calm down at all, and sorted out everything properly.

"Huanxi, I want to see Xue Lai again."

"I go with you?"

"No need, Huanxi, I suspect that the people behind it are not targeting me, but for the revealed wealth of the Xu family." Xu Jiudi thought for a while, and said in a deep voice, "Since I am already the heir of the Xu family, then You have to take your responsibilities.”

"Sister Jiudi, be careful in everything."


After Xu Jiudi left, Hong Rong, who had been in a coma, also woke up.

"Are you awake?" Tang Huanxi looked at her and asked softly, "Apart from your shoulder, is there any pain in your body?"

Hong Rong shook her head lightly, her eyes filled with tears of emotion.

"Ma'am, I'm fine..."

"Nurse Gui is going to make medicine. You will drink the medicine later and sleep for a while. I will talk when you feel refreshed."

"Madam, I feel much better already." Hong Rong said weakly, "Madam, something happened in Yun'an City."

"Isn't An Xionghu always in Yun'an City?"

"I was chased and killed that day, so I went to Yun'an City in desperation, and found that the soldiers and horses staying in the city were a little strange."

"What kind of weird method?"

"Those guarding soldiers are very strange. The people in the entire Yun'an City have become very cautious. Even in the original busy market, few people appear now."

"It seems that An Xionghu is planning a big conspiracy." Tang Huanxi frowned, his eyes became more serious, "Hong Rong, you should rest first."

"Ma'am, I noticed the change in Yun'an City, so I sneaked into the prefect's mansion in Yun'an, and found a very strange woman. I told the general about the woman's appearance, and the general said that the person might be the general's younger sister, Xiao Jingyuan."

(End of this chapter)

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