Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 763 The Xu Family Separation

Chapter 763 The Xu Family Separation ([-])

Tang Huanxi walked into the main hall with a smile along Xue Lai who was tied up.

"Sister Jiudi, I've brought you the person you want."

"Xu Jiudi, what do you mean?" The third young master of the Xu family suddenly felt guilty, pointing at Xu Jiudi's nose and cursing, "Didn't you say that today is the Xu family's family meeting? Why do you let these dubious people come in?"

"This is the goddaughter my father recognized before he was alive, Xiao Tangshi, the wife of the third-rank vanguard general Xiao Baorui." Xu Jiudi took Tang Huanxi's hand and introduced grandly, "Everyone, I, Xu Jiudi, didn't have a very good reputation in the past. , So my father thought it over again, in order not to let me ruin the Xu family's family business, so he left a letter in her hand."

"Happy?" Xu Jiudi smiled at her.

Tang Huanxi nodded immediately, took out a letter from his bosom, and said righteously, "My righteous daughter is happy, I know that time is not long, but I miss my children in my family, and I pursue prosperity and wealth all my life and only hope that the Xu family will be successful." However, none of my seven sons are capable. There is only one daughter, my youngest daughter, Jiu Di, who is pure in nature and has a pure heart despite her reputation. Therefore, I have decided to hand over all the Xu family property to Jiu Di. He Yidong, tell Jiudi for me that the tree is bifurcated, and the family can be separated if the hearts of the people are not disturbed."

The word "separate family" was like a huge boulder thrown into the lake which was originally not calm, causing an uproar.

"No! It's impossible!" After Tang Huanxi's voice fell, the fourth young master of the Xu family roared angrily, "You witch, how dare you deceive the public? My father would never write such a letter!"

Just when Master Xu Si was about to rush out to snatch the letter, Xiao Baorui dodged and immediately protected Tang Huanxi behind him, not forgetting to kick Xu Si hard, "If you dare to hurt my wife, I will take it!" Your life!"

When Xu Si met Xiao Baorui's fierce eyes, he shuddered immediately and didn't rush forward again.

Xu Jiudi couldn't help laughing when he saw that everyone was looking at him more or less suspiciously.

"You don't need to look at me with such eyes. I believe that the two elders can clearly understand the handwriting of my father." Xu Jiudi took the letter from Tang Huanxi and handed it to one of the elders, and then Deliberately lowered his voice, "Clan elder, daddy just wants to separate these unworthy sons from the clan."

Hearing these words, the face of the clan elder looked a little better.

However, the face of another clan elder was not so good-looking, "Jiudi, even if this is the letter left by your father, you are all from the Xu family after all, and you can't write a single word of Xu. Why do you insist on writing a letter?" What about splitting up?"

"Grandpa Mu, third brother, fourth brother, and fifth brother have dared to join forces with outsiders to deceive or even murder me. If Jiudi continues to live with these people, will his life be in danger? After all, Jiudi is Xu The direct heir of the family line."

The Mu clan elder choked suddenly and had nothing to say.

"I don't agree to the separation!" Fifth Young Master Xu said with a stern face, "Daddy has already left now, these are just your one-sided words, why should I trust you?"

"Father has said that before the separation, let me give each of you a house and 1000 taels of silver."

"What can you do with 1000 taels?" Third Young Master Xu spat angrily, "Xu Jiudi, don't you pretend to be hypocritical here? Who doesn't know what kind of virtue you used to be? What if all the property of the Xu family fell to you In your hand, maybe you Brick will go to make up for that wild man!"


Xu Jiudi slapped him without hesitation.

This crisp sound completely shocked the extremely chaotic scene at this time!

"You... you bitch, you dare to hit me?"

"Why not?" Xu Jiudi squinted his eyes and said with a sneer, "Come here, bring me the Second Butler Fang!"

"what do you mean?"

Xu Jiudi didn't bother to pay attention to her, but turned her eyes to Aunt Fang's face who was sitting on the teacher's chair not far away.

When she heard that Xu Jiudi was going to bring the second butler Fang up, Aunt Fang's eyes quickly flashed panic.

Will not!
What happened back then was so hidden that no one knew about it at all, and the eldest lady certainly wouldn't know...

"Aunt Fang, I thought you had served my father sincerely for more than 20 years, so I didn't want to pierce this layer of window paper, but now, I suddenly realized that if I can't give you a little color, You don’t even know what the sky is high and the earth is thick!”

"Eldest...Eldest Miss..." Aunt Fang slumped down from her chair in a panic, her whole face was ashen.

"Auntie, what are you afraid of her doing? She's just a little bitch... slap..."

Surprisingly, Aunt Fang, who has always been gentle and gentle, even slapped Young Master Xu San, "You...you rebellious son, hurry up and apologize to your sister! Apologize immediately!"

If Xu Jiudi can dispel the anger in Xu Jiudi's heart at this time, at least... at least he can get a house and 1000 taels of silver, if not...

"Auntie, are you crazy?" Third Young Master Xu touched his swollen cheeks in disbelief and roared angrily!

Xu Jiudi didn't bother to watch these two acting again, since she made the decision to separate the family, she was doomed to have no turning back!
Soon, Housekeeper Fang Er was brought to the main hall.


"Master Fang Er, what is your relationship with Aunt Fang, and whose child is Xu Le? I believe you have a bright mirror in your heart, right?"

Steward Fang Er was secretly startled, this...how could someone find out what happened more than 20 years ago?
"Xu Jiudi, what nonsense are you talking about?" Xu Sanshao seemed to realize that the situation had become uncontrollable, and his eyes widened immediately!

"Am I talking nonsense, I believe you all know it, right? Aunt Fang, the second housekeeper Fang?" Xu Jiudi raised an eyebrow and sneered, "Aunt Fang, you and the second housekeeper Fang are cousins, and they used to be childhood sweethearts. But in an accident, you and my father... Later you willingly became my father's third concubine. But whether Xu Le is my father's child or Fang Er's son, I believe you are the clearest in your heart, right? ?”

A look of pain flashed across Aunt Fang's face, and finally she closed her eyes helplessly, and her whole body collapsed to the ground.

Her behavior like this is her acquiescence.

"According to Xu's family law, Aunt Fang, you will be thrown into a pig cage for such behavior." Xu Jiudi couldn't bear it after all, "But after all, my father has loved you sincerely for many years. You can be regarded as loyal in doing things, so I am willing to be extra merciful and let you live, and all three of your family can go! You are not allowed to appear in Jinling City, and you are not allowed to take away any needles and threads of the Xu family!"

Such a result, for the other aunt, is not bad.

She was content to be able to barely recover a life.

But the second housekeeper Fang showed a look of embarrassment. What happened back then has long since turned to dust, and he has already married and had children.

After leaving Xu's family, he still has to raise the whole family...

"No, it's impossible! How could I not be my father's son? There must be a mistake somewhere!" Xu Sanshao, who had been silent, was completely insane. He looked at Xu Jiudi viciously, "What's going on? ? Is all this a conspiracy designed by you? You bitch! I'm going to kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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