Chapter 778
"Does Sister Yanqiu know about this?" Tang Huanxi was not surprised. It was definitely not General Yang's handwriting that Song Zhuo was able to enter the capital.

General Yang is upright, and he hates people who study in officialdom.

So Song Zhuo's promotion, in addition to his own good political achievements, more importantly, has the help of an expert in the dark.

It's just that she didn't expect that this expert was An Xionghu.

"Yang Yanqiu is so careless, I think I never noticed the twists and turns."

"Since this is the case, then I have to get in touch with Sister Yanqiu even more. The disaster is not as good as my wife and children. Even if Song Zhuo really does something outrageous in the future, I will not let Sister Yanqiu and the two children be involved in it."

"Since the lady has made up her mind, I won't say more." Xiao Baorui smiled.

"I know that my husband is the best!" Tang Huanxi immediately leaned into his arms, smiling like a flower.

At that time, Song Mansion.

Received Tang Huanxi's invitation, Yang Yanqiu was overjoyed.

She hadn't seen Tang Huanxi for a long time since she left Yunshui County.

Yesterday's palace banquet, because the health of the two children had just improved, she did not dare to be careless, so she said she was sick and did not attend.

"Don't worry, ma'am, Mrs. Xiao misses you very much." Dong Xue looked at Yang Yanqiu crying with joy, and comforted softly, "Madam Xiao is here, maybe the old lady will restrain herself in the future."

"I hope, now I am disheartened with my husband, and I only hope that the two children can grow up smoothly and safely in the future." Yang Yanqiu smiled bitterly, "If I had known that there would be a relationship between me and him Now that I look like this, I should have stayed in Yunshui County and took good care of my two children."

These years, if she hadn't held five cents of Dai Laimei's dry stock in her hand, I'm afraid this life would have been difficult for a long time.

"Don't worry ma'am, everything will be fine."

"hope so."

After noon, the well-known matchmaker in Kyoto brought more than 20 people into the general's mansion.

Tang Huanxi sat on the bamboo chair and smiled slightly.

"Ma'am, do you see if these can get into your eyes?" White Prostitute asked cautiously with a flattering smile on her face.

"Just stand aside." Tang Huanxi suddenly suppressed the smile on his face, and then looked at Nanny Gui, "Mommy, just take a look."


Nanny Gui took a step forward, carefully interrogating the backgrounds of the little girls, and then looked at their palms. In the end, only eight of the twenty people remained.

Three of them are thick women, and five are little maids.

Tang Huanxi nodded to Nanny Gui, who immediately paid the money and left the eight people's contracts of prostitution.

The white toothmare took the money and left happily.

"Since you have been retained, from today onwards, you are members of the General's Mansion!" Nanny Gui said loudly and expressionlessly, "Our wife is generous and kind, and there is only one requirement for you, and that is loyalty! For those who betray the master, there will only be one end, and that is death!"

"What Mammy said is what I want to say." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, and glanced at the eight people one by one, "Mammy, let Hongrong take the three of them to the servant's room, By the way, let's see what they are good at."


Looking at the five little maids standing in front of her, Tang Huanxi named them respectively, "Bai Wei, Bai Ying, Qing Dai, Fu Ling, Lilac."

"Bai Wei, Bai Ying, why do you look so similar?"

"Reporting to Madam, Nubi and Bai Ying are twin sisters."

"I see." Tang Huanxi nodded in amazement, "Nurse, you can take them back to their room to rest too. Tell them to prepare a richer dinner today."


The cool breeze is blowing, and after autumn, the temperature difference between day and night is getting bigger and bigger.

Compared with Jinling, Kyoto seems to be colder.

Fuchu study.

Xiao Baorui looked at the thick list on the table, and unconsciously frowned.

"What are you thinking about? You're so preoccupied?" Tang Huanxi walked up to him with a smile, and put down the freshly cooked ginseng soup. "Guimama's freshly cooked ginseng soup, would you like to taste it while it's hot?"

"Okay, thank you lady."

"I saw you frowning just now, is there something unhappy?"

"Miss, just look at this list."

Tang Huan looked at him curiously, then took the list and read it carefully.

"Unexpectedly, Concubine Lan Gui buried so many hidden stakes in the capital?"

"If the concubine mother really had that ability, how could she have tried every means to send me to Jinling?" Xiao Baorui sneered, and said with an annoyed smile, "It's just that I never thought that he would be so boring that he would use this A way to test me?"

"Then what is your husband planning to do?"

"Since Murong He wants to use my hands to eradicate dissidents, how can I not be as good as he wants?" Xiao Baorui looked at her and smiled confidently, "Mistress, don't worry, I know what my husband knows."

"Well, An Xiuhui will give birth in ten days. I think An Xiuhui will summon me into the palace within two days."

"If the lady doesn't want to enter the palace, she can refuse."

"Take one step at a time."

"Has there ever been a letter from Chaozhou?"

"Well, a letter came yesterday. It turns out that there were some changes in the Xinzhou Army. Uncle Qin sent those people to Mingtang Mountain."

"Could it be done on purpose?" Tang Huanxi quickly figured out the key point, and smiled, "But Brother Scorpio loves weapons to the point of madness, and I think there will be good news when the time comes."

"Well, now that we are walking on a tightrope, we can't be sloppy, so I have to prepare for us to retreat anyway." Xiao Baorui subconsciously hugged her shoulders, his eyes were bright, "Lady, everything will be fine."

"Well, with you here, everything will be fine."

The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled, everything was silent.

At night, Nanny Gui looked at Tang Huanxi and hesitated to speak.

"Mammy has something to say, but it's okay to say it."

"Ma'am, this old slave missed someone today."

"Oh?" Tang Huanxi asked with interest, "Who?"

"Ding Xiang, the old slave originally thought that Ding Xiang was the youngest, and her hands were full of calluses, so I thought that this girl must be honest and honest, but when I was eating, the old slave looked at her in a basin of crystal knuckles. He frowned."

"Mammy thinks Lilac is a nail inserted by someone else?"

"It was only a four or five point guess at first, but just now the old slave saw the gold bracelet on her wrist..."

"What's the story of the toothmaid?"

"It is said that I lost my parents since I was a child, and I have always been lonely."

"It seems that Lilac was bought by someone. Most of the maidservants at her age are not strong-minded and easy to be bought. Mammy, when you have time, give it a good beating."

"Yes." Nanny Gui nodded, her eyes full of self-blame.

"Mammy is still blaming herself?"

"The old slave is old after all..." Nanny Gui sighed in a low voice, her tone full of melancholy, "I don't know how long the old slave will serve Madam..."

(End of this chapter)

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