Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 800 Cut to the chase

Chapter 800 Cut to the chase
Although Tang Huanxi had guessed that the person in front of her might be Wen Wenshi, she still pretended to be ignorant and asked, "Excuse me, madam..."

"Ma'am, this is Mrs. Wen." Nanny Gui smiled slightly, then calmly protected Tang Huanxi behind her, facing Wen Wenshi, and said in a deep voice, "Mrs. Wen, my wife is pregnant right now. and played chess with the empress for more than an hour, and now my wife is exhausted and continues to rest, if there is something for the eldest lady, why don't you come to discuss it tomorrow?"

Wen Wenshi gave Nanny Gui a meaningful look, and finally smiled apologetically at Tang Huanxi, "Madam Xiao, I am very sorry for rushing in, but I really have something urgent to ask."

Tang Huanxi looked at her, and finally winked at Nanny Gui. Nanny Gui immediately understood, told Bai Wei to treat Wen Wenshi well, and then helped Tang Huanxi back to the inner courtyard.

"What is Madam going to do?" Nanny Gui went around behind her and took off the cloak she was wearing, "I heard from the imperial physician in the palace that Concubine Xian won't survive for three days."

"No wonder Wen Wenshi came to visit." Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, but the tiredness in his eyes could not be concealed, "Nurse, tell the kitchen to cook some winter melon pork ribs soup today, and ask Yijin to accompany me for dinner later. "

"What about Wen Wenshi?"

"If she wants to save her daughter, she will have to pay a price. If I respond to everyone's requests, I'm afraid there will be endless troubles in the future." Tang Huanxi yawned a little tiredly, "Nurse, tell me Bai Wei entertained Mrs. Wen well, I'm a little sleepy, I'll sleep for a while."

"it is good."

After half an hour, Wen Wenshi who had been sitting in the side hall began to feel restless.

It seems that Mrs. Xiao is even more powerful than she imagined, and she still refuses to come out to meet her.

Concubine Xian's life is hanging by a thread right now, all she can ask for is Tang Huanxi.

"Do you feel hungry, madam? This servant immediately ordered the kitchen to make some more cakes. I wonder what cakes you like, madam?" Bai Wei noticed Wen Wenshi's mood change, and said with a smile, "The cakes in our General's Mansion are among the best. It's delicious, madam, would you like to try it?"

"Dare to ask girl, when will Mrs. Xiao see me?"

"Since the general went out on New Year's Eve, my wife has been in a bad mood." Bai Wei deliberately answered the question, "Madam is not in a good mood, and she is pregnant, so she often feels tired. Slave At least it will be dusk when my wife wakes up."

"Mrs. Wen, if you have other matters in your house, why don't you go back first, and wait for my wife to wake up, and then I will send someone to deliver the letter to you?"

"No, no, since I'm here, just wait here, and I'll trouble you to bring me some more tea."

"it is good."

Tang Huanxi fell into a deep sleep, and when she woke up, it was dusk.

"Ma'am awake?"

"Well, I just feel refreshed after a good night's sleep." Tang Huanxi smiled with a ruddy complexion, "Nurse, did Mrs. Wen ever leave?"

"In the beginning, I waited very patiently. After half an hour, I became a little impatient. Now I am anxious like ants on a hot pot." Nanny Gui smiled slightly, but there was a bit of tinge in that smile. Sarcasm, "If I knew today, why bother?"

"Xiao Baorui and the Wen family have never had much contact with each other. Wen Huairen has done so many things behind the scenes just because we had a dispute with Wen Shaolan. If he can't taste the blood and tears this time, I'm afraid he will never Know what it means to regret!"

"Madam is going to see Wen Wenshi?"

"Well, it's not an option to leave her alone, not to mention some things should be put on the agenda."

Night had fallen quietly, and just as Wen Wenshi was about to leave in despair, Tang Huanxi's figure appeared in front of her.

"Mrs. Wen, I'm really sorry. I've been in the palace for the past two days to accompany the empress, and the empress is also a chess idiot. I played too many chess in the past two days, which hurt my mind for a while, so I fell asleep right now. It's too long, Madam Wen please forgive me!" The moment Tang Huanxi saw her, there was a decent smile on her face, and her tone was full of guilt.

"No...it's okay..." Wen Wenshi didn't expect that after waiting all afternoon, she finally got the person, "Mrs. Xiao, actually, I came here this time to ask for something."

"Madam, would you like to try the dinner in the mansion? Although the dinner dishes are a bit simple, the taste is very good." Tang Huanxi changed the subject with a smile, then looked at Nanny Gui and said, "Mommy, Tell me to go on, I will have dinner in the side hall tonight."

"it is good."

Wen Wenshi forced a smile and nodded slightly.

Since Tang Huanxi was willing to see her, there was still room for improvement in this matter.

Thinking of this, Wen Wenshi's mood improved a lot.

"Madam, try this wax gourd pork ribs soup, it tastes really good."

Mrs. Wen took a sip, and finally nodded in praise, "This soup is cool in color, not greasy or greasy, and there is a faint fragrance when it enters the mouth. It tastes really good."

"Yes, this is a method that our wife has figured out by herself. First, the cleaned pork ribs should be blanched twice to boil out all the impurities inside, and then put in the corresponding medicinal materials to start stewing the ribs. It took a full hour and a half to cook it with wax gourd and a small amount of salt to produce such a sweet and fragrant taste. This servant thinks that this soup is much better than Fushouzhai's old duck soup."

Bai Ying hurriedly said, "Mrs. Wen, you are really a lucky person!"

"Okay, stop bragging about yourself here." Tang Huanxi smiled, then looked at Wen Wenshi, and asked sincerely, "Madam, what is the purpose of your visit today?"

Wen Wenshi did not expect that Tang Huanxi was still practicing Tai Chi at this time.

"I don't know if Madam knows about the poisoning of Concubine Xian? I heard that after the first prince was poisoned, he could only save his life by drinking the spiritual water you gave to the empress. So I... I want to ask Madam for a bottle of spiritual water. It's a price our Wen family can afford, Madam Xiao, feel free to mention it."

"I heard that Concubine Xian was very favored in the mansion before she got married. Now it seems that Madam really cares about Concubine Xian."

"Mrs. Xiao, you are also a person with a child. I believe you also understand that this child is the heart and soul of your parents!" When Wen Wenshi thought of Concubine Xian's life and death, she felt very uncomfortable, and tears began to fall non-stop.

"If the people of the Wen family really understand this truth, why would they deliberately frame my husband?" Tang Huanxi couldn't help laughing when she saw her so troubled and sad, "Mrs. Let’s get straight to the point instead of talking in secret.”

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(End of this chapter)

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