Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 885 It's Time

Chapter 885 It's Time
It's three quarters.

The team of elite soldiers led by Yang Jing completely defeated the bandits in Longhu Mountain.

There were 500 soldiers and horses in Longhu Mountain, and there were countless casualties. Now there are only [-] people left.

A thousand elite soldiers were left stationed at Longhu Mountain, and Yang Jing led the remaining troops back to the camp.

At that time Xiao Baorui had brought Tang Huanxi back to the tent.

"Xiao Baorui?" Tang Huanxi walked around in front of him and called softly, "Husband?"

"My lady?" Xiao Baorui came back to his senses now, smiled and handed over the book of secrets in his hand, "No one would have thought that the Murong family, who claimed to be teachers of benevolence and righteousness back then, turned out to be thugs from Longhu Mountain!"

Although the emperor of Dajing acted absurdly and his morals were corrupt, he did not do anything to harm the people.

The Murong family has been entrenched in the area of ​​Longhu Mountain all year round, occupying the mountain as the king. After many years, the former Emperor Taizu was tired of this life of being a bandit, so he changed his disguise and joined the army. Later, Emperor Taizu successfully married Liang The emperor's favorite princess.

In order to conceal his true identity, Emperor Taizu made up a rather touching lie.

Everyone thought that Emperor Taizu was a hero in troubled times, but no one knew that he was just an unknown pawn on Longhu Mountain.

"In the late period of the Great Beijing Dynasty, Emperor Liang was useless and useless. It is not surprising that Emperor Taizu would ascend to the throne of God. He has already established prestige in the army and married a princess. Naturally, there are people in the court who are willing to support him." Tang Huanxi After reading the book of secrets, he sighed softly, "But it is also true that Emperor Taizu broke his promise. He promised that Emperor Liang would take good care of the princess, but he tried every means to kill the princess and married the daughter of a powerful minister."

"I never thought that my ancestor Xiao Baorui would be like this..." At this moment, Xiao Baorui really couldn't find any words to describe his mood at this moment.

Tang Huanxi gently hugged his shoulder, comforting him silently.

Until Yang Jing walked into the camp refreshed.

"It's been so hearty for a long time!" Yang Jing poured himself a cup of tea, drank it quickly, then looked at Xiao Baorui and asked with a smile, "General Xiao, what do you plan to do with the remaining gangsters on Longhu Mountain?" deal with?"

"What does Uncle Yang mean?"

"These thugs have occupied Longhu Mountain for many years, and they have committed many crimes. It is not a pity to die!" Yang Jing glared angrily, "My idea is to shoot and kill!"

"But half of the gangsters in Longhu Mountain have already been killed or injured, and one-third of the remaining people are old, weak, sick and disabled. Are we really going to kill them all?" Tang Huanxi immediately frowned, with a slightly disagree.

"What do you think of General Xiao?"

Xiao Baorui was silent for a moment, and finally made a decision.

"Uncle Yang, re-screen the rest of the people. Those old, weak, sick and disabled who are physically disabled or inconvenient to move, let them go! In addition, those young and strong young people will be compiled for the time being, and we will train them well in the future." .In addition, those who are unwilling to be recruited should be dealt with!"

"Okay! I understand!" Yang Jing nodded, drank another large glass of water, and left in a hurry.

Xiao Baorui looked at Tang Huanxi who was sitting across from him without saying a word, and suddenly became a little nervous, "My lady?"


"What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about those boxes in Snake Fairy Cave." Tang Huanxi smiled at him, "We must find someone trustworthy to bring out those boxes, and Xu Jiang and Xu Shaoyu, what are you going to do with them?"

"Xu Jiang is still useful for the time being, and I will save his life for the time being. As for Xu Shaoyu..." Xiao Baorui's eyes quickly flashed a murderous look, and the meaning was self-evident.

If Xu Shaoyu had been able to wake up in the first place, Xiao Baorui would have saved his life for Murong He's sake.

It's just that he didn't know how to cherish the opportunity, so he tried to hold Tang Huanxi hostage and threaten Xiao Baorui!

Anyone who dares to offend Tang Huanxi will have only one consequence.

"Miss, you look very tired." Xiao Baorui rubbed her face lightly, his tone full of distress, "You should go back and rest first?"

"it is good."

Tang Huanxi went back to the camp. At that time, Nanny Gui was taking care of Xiao Wuyou who had just woken up.

"Madam is back?"

"Well," Tang Huanxi smiled slightly, "Nurse, how is Wuyou doing today? Where's Yijin?"

"Second Miss is very good today, Eldest Young Master just went to the General's camp." Nanny Gui replied with a smile, "Madam, you look very haggard."

"Well, I'm a little tired." Tang Huanxi yawned a little tiredly, washed up briefly, then leaned on the soft bed, and soon fell asleep.

Nanny Gui put Xiao Wuyou on the bed, turned around and picked up a cloak to cover Tang Huanxi's body.

When night fell quietly, Tang Huanxi also woke up.

[Ding dong, master!Congratulations on getting Hongyu back! 】

[Hong Yu? 】Tang Huanxi was stunned for a while, and then some strange memories gradually appeared in her mind.

After a quarter of an hour, Tang Huanxi, who had completely digested these memories, finally understood why Hongyu was so close to her.

Hongyu was originally a red snake, a little snake demon who had practiced for a hundred years.

Later, when Hongyu was almost caught by a golden eagle, it was Bairui, the Baihua fairy at that time, that is, Tang Huanxi a hundred years ago, who saved it.

Later, Hongyu became Bairui's pet and her best friend.

When Bairui was punished by reincarnation, Hongyu also disappeared.

They didn't meet until this life.

"No wonder I felt kind when I saw you." Tang Huanxi spread out her palms. At that time, Hongyu was resting. When she heard a familiar voice, she immediately writhed excitedly.

"Silly girl, don't be awkward, take a good rest." Tang Huanxi touched her brow lightly, and smiled softly, "This time, Bairui will never leave you behind."

[Smelly refrigerator, take good care of Kureha, do you hear me? 】

【okay! 】Little cutie readily agreed.

The gangsters in Longhushan were completely annihilated by the joint forces of Xiao Baorui and Yang Jing, and the news quickly spread throughout the Yong Dynasty.

At the same time, Qin Xiao, who had been staying in Chaozhou, also received the news, gathered the Xinzhou Army, and came to Kyoto.

inside the tent.

Yang Jing looked at Xiao Baorui, who was silent with downcast eyes, and couldn't help being a little puzzled, "Isn't it the best time yet?"

"Han Jianming is always a hidden danger. What if he is also a descendant of the Murong royal family? Besides, we haven't figured out the power in his hands so far. It would be bad if I revealed my life experience now." Xiao Baorui analyzed seriously, "Also, I don't believe that Murong Ze will fall so quickly. With his temperament, I'm afraid the situation in Kyoto will change!"

"Then what are your plans next?"

"After bypassing the Dragon and Tiger Mountain, after half a day's journey, we will arrive at Wintersun City." Xiao Baorui suddenly laughed, "It's time to go to Wintersun City to meet an old acquaintance."

(End of this chapter)

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