Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 887 Earthshaking Changes

Chapter 887 Earthshaking Changes

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Hearing this, An Xiuhui was shocked, her whole body seemed to have become an eggplant beaten by Shuang, and she completely lost her energy, "This is impossible, my father must be fine, Mr. Han, how dare you deceive me?" I?"

"Cheat you? Is it necessary for the old minister to do this?" Han Jianming sneered, his eyes full of sarcasm. It was a good move to raise Jinling Xiao Yuanchuan's daughter under his knees. He probably never imagined that he would fall into this pawn!
When Xiao Jingyuan found out her life experience, she poisoned your good father's food, stole your father's token, and went to join her good brother Xiao Baorui, but now Xiao Baorui is not Xiao Baorui, but The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. "

Han Jianming looked at An Xiuhui's unbelievable expression, and sneered, "Empress, I will give you three days, and you should think carefully about whether you want to cooperate with me. After three days, if you can't give me a satisfactory answer, that sword has no eyes!"

When Han Jianming's figure completely disappeared in front of her eyes, An Xiuhui couldn't help but took a step back, and she almost fell in the last stagger. Fortunately, Lu Yin's eyesight and hands quickly supported her.


"Lu Yin, have you sent the letter I ordered you to send ten days ago?"

"Send it, it's a dark thread."

"It's been ten days. It stands to reason that if my father had received the letter from Ben Gong, he would have brought troops to the capital long ago. Why...why has there been no news yet? Could it be that what Han Jianming said was true? Father Has something really happened?" Rao An Xiuhui, who has always been calm, couldn't help but panic and fear in the face of the current situation.

"Your Majesty, don't worry." Lu Yin hastily poured a cup of tea and handed it to her, "Madam, what Han Hangong said is just his one-sided words, you must not fully believe it. With the general's ability, how could he do so easily? Was it calculated?"

Probably because of taking a sip of herbal tea, An Xiuhui's mood gradually calmed down.

"That's right, you're right, I can't mess with my own position now." An Xiuhui closed her eyes lightly, made serious calculations, and finally made a bold decision.

"My lady, are you really going to do this?"

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty also had some affection for me back then, not to mention that he is the father of Xi'er and Ming'er anyway, so I can't just watch him have an accident." After making up her mind, An Xiuhui The mood is not so flustered.

In fact, there is one more point that An Xiuhui didn't say.

She always felt that Han Jianming's coercion succeeded too quickly.

Even if His Majesty is not on guard against him, Taishang Huang has always been a ruthless person.

Therefore, all of this may be reversed.

For the slightest possibility, she has to try her best.

At that time, Jianjia Hall.

Murong Ze was leaning on the bed and closed his eyes to rest his mind. Although his hands and feet were shackled, his face looked normal. On the other hand, Murong He's face was not so pretty.

"Damn Han Jianming, I will definitely tear him into pieces!"

As the emperor of a country, but now being shackled and locked in the palace, not everyone can bear this kind of humiliation.

"It's been so many years, He'er, why haven't you made any progress?" Murong Ze quietly opened his eyes, raised his eyelids and glanced at him, "When will you learn the calmness of not being surprised? ?”


"Let Han Jianming play around for a few days, he won't be happy for a few more days." After Murong He finished speaking, he closed his eyes again to rest his mind.

In the dead of night, the cicadas and frogs chirped outside the window.

The shadow of the moon whirled, and a gray figure avoided the numerous guards, and quietly entered the Jianjia Hall.

Although the sound of footsteps was very subtle, Murong Ze still noticed it.

"The emperor, don't panic, it's me." An Xiuhui carefully untied the cloak on her body, and then squatted down in front of Murong Ze. She carefully pulled out a red hairpin from her head, and then untied Murong Ze. Shackles on hands and feet.

At the same time, Murong He also woke up.

"Hui Er?"

"My lord," An Xiuhui shook her head slightly towards him, and then carefully untied the shackles on his hands and feet.

"I secretly put some ingredients in the food, and the people guarding the Jianjia Palace are all asleep right now." An Xiuhui lowered her voice and said cautiously, "But now there are people brought by Han Jianming in the entire palace. Patrols all night, even if we leave this hall, there is nothing we can do."

"Sometimes, if you want to do something, you don't have to do it yourself." Murong Ze, who had been silent all this time, said with a smile, then turned around to an inconspicuous eight-treasure glazed bookshelf, reached out and turned the white jade placed on it. vase.

The original wall was suddenly pulled away, revealing a hole about one meter wide.

"This is?"

"Queen, go back to the Fengluan Palace in a big way. The bigger the commotion, the better. No matter what, you must lure Han Jianming to this Jianjia Palace." Murongze took a deep look at her, "For the sake of Xi Er and Minger, you must do this."

"Yes, Erchen understands."

A quarter of an hour later, the empress, who was making a fuss in the Jianjia Palace, successfully aroused the idea of ​​the Duke of Korea.

It's just that Han Jianming is suspicious by nature. Facing the furious queen, he only frowned and asked, "The empress doesn't rest at night, what exactly do you want to do? Or is the empress disgusted that I have lived too long? A little impatient? "

"Well, you Han Gong, how dare you be so presumptuous?" An Xiuhui pointed at his nose and cursed, "I want to see the Holy Majesty, and I need to see you now!"

"Come here, send the empress back to the palace!"

Originally thought that An Xiuhui would still make a scene, but she didn't expect that she would obediently cooperate with the palace servants and turned to leave.

An Xiuhui's attitude changed too quickly, and Han Jianming hurried into the inner hall.

But he didn't expect that in the huge Jianjia Hall, there were only two shackles left on the ground.

Going around the screen, Han Jianming saw the entrance of the cave, and when he was about to go in, he hesitated.

But at this moment, two figures suddenly appeared behind him, and then pushed him into the hole!


Murong Ze quickly touched the mechanism, and the hole in front of him was quickly closed.

Indistinctly, a miserable cry came over...


"Quickly release the signal flare and summon the Dragon Guards."


In just half an hour, the situation in the palace has undergone earth-shaking changes.

(End of this chapter)

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