Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 890 Lucky Star

Chapter 890 Lucky Star
"Yeah, I think so too." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and finally shook her head, "But now is not the time to think about these things, Xiao Baorui, I heard that the weather this year is very dry?"

"Well, the geographical location of Wintersun City is very special. The sky here is full of wind and sand, so it is difficult for those rice to survive." Mentioning this matter, Xiao Baorui's eyes became more and more anxious, "In the past, the people of Wintersun City Living on the little rice grain in the field, Master Qin even opened a granary for the county government last year, but the grain in this granary is old rice, some of which have already grown moths, it is really not good to eat."

"What if we plant another crop? Since the land in Dongyang City is not suitable for growing rice, we should switch to a drought-tolerant variety." Tang Huanxi thought about it seriously, and soon came up with an idea in his mind, "Try to grow sweet potatoes first. Well, if the output is not bad, it may be able to solve the problem of food and clothing for the common people."

"It's still a lady's brain." Xiao Baorui pampered her little face and smiled softly.

"Of course, I'm a fairy, okay?"

"Well, my lady is the kindest fairy in my heart." Xiao Baorui, who was moved in his heart, couldn't help but wrap her in his arms, "My lady, when everything is settled, I will definitely give you a good time." The post-closing ceremony."

"Xiao Baorui," Tang Huanxi leaned into his arms, and said very obediently, "I never care about these things, I just hope that you can be well, and I am satisfied."

"Miss, you are so kind."

"Well, I know I'm fine."

The eyes of the two of them met, and there was a warm light in their eyes.

Tang Huanxi spent [-] Fu Points in exchange for [-] catties of sweet potato seedlings from Xiao Keai.

"There are nearly a hundred acres of fertile land outside Dongyang City owned by the imperial court. I want to try planting there first." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and then said the plan in his heart, "I have already visited a few days ago , there is a small pond nearby, and the water in it flows down from the nearby mountains, so I think it is a good place."

"Since the lady has already planned it, let's go ahead and do it. I support it unconditionally."

"to make."

Two days later, Tang Huanxi ordered someone to build a simple hut next to the [-]-acre field.

After everything was settled, Tang Huanxi moved in.

"Why don't you go back to the city to rest?" Tang Huanxi felt a little sorry for Nanny Gui who insisted on following her, "The conditions here are really rudimentary."

"Madam can suffer, why can't this old slave suffer?" Nanny Gui's rhetorical question left Tang Huanxi speechless.

As for Xiao Baorui, although he felt distressed, he remembered his previous promise, so he simply came to live in the field every night.

For this reason, all the ministers tried to persuade him every day, but the result was nothing.

After all, the emperor wants to solve the problem of food and clothing for the people. They can't stop a good king who loves the people wholeheartedly, right?

About a month later, Tang Huanxi's experimental field was successful.

One mu of land can produce nearly a thousand catties of sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes can be eaten not only by steaming, but also in different ways.

So Tang Huanxi launched a second plan to build a sweet potato processing plant.

The main business scope is processing sweet potatoes and turning sweet potatoes into vermicelli.

When the first bucket of fans was born, Xiao Baorui hugged her happily and circled her three times.

"Husband, let me down!" Tang Huanxi, who was dizzy by his turn, hurriedly begged for mercy, "Put me down quickly!"

"Miss, you are simply the lucky star of the common people!"

Originally, Xiao Baorui was worried that this year's severe drought would cause people to not have enough to eat.

But his wife actually planted sweet potatoes with a very high yield per mu, and now she is still running a sweet potato processing factory with great fanfare.

Compared with sweet potatoes, the taste of this vermicelli is really good.

"It's just a little effort, how can it be as exaggerated as you said?" Tang Huanxi gave him an angry look, "You are also someone who has eaten instant noodles, why are you so excited to see fans?"

"I'm excited for those common people." Xiao Baorui said arrogantly.

"However, the problem of food and clothing of the people in Dongyang City has been temporarily solved. It will take a lot of time to continue to promote this sweet potato." Tang Huanxi thought for a while, and asked worriedly, "These days, I have They all stayed in the field, and didn't ask you how the situation is now?"

"Murongze used thunder to wash away those forces that were involved with Han Jianming, and now they are getting quieter." Speaking of this, Xiao Baorui was also a little worried. Before long, the two armies will be at war."

"Chen Zheng and General Guo Changlin have always been on good terms, and General Guo also received the letter I sent. Why hasn't there been any movement?" Tang Huanxi thought for a while and asked worriedly, "Could it be that Guo Changlin still chooses to be stupid? Are you loyal to Murong Ze?"

"Murongze is not of the orthodox royal blood. Although Han Jianming is dead, the evidence he gave is well-founded." Xiao Baorui still can't figure out Guo Changlin's true thoughts, "But if you want to fight, you will suffer It is always innocent people."

Once the two sides go to war, the war continues.

The poorest people are always those poor people at the bottom.

Listening to his words, Tang Huanxi couldn't bear it.

"This battle is unavoidable after all." Tang Huanxi looked into his eyes and comforted softly, "If the battle can be resolved quickly, the common people will also be able to suffer less."

"En." Xiao Baorui nodded heavily.

August [-]th, Mid-Autumn Festival night.

Compared to the bustling Wintersun City, the Imperial Palace in Kyoto is really quieter.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Seeing Murong He's suddenly rosy face, An Xiuhui's heart sank suddenly.

Back to light.

These four words suddenly flashed in her mind.

"I never thought that I would be able to spend another Mid-Autumn Festival with Huier!"


"Send someone to the Jianjia Hall to bring the eldest prince here. I want to meet the eldest prince." Murong He reached out and held An Xiuhui's hand, with a gentle smile in his eyes, "Hui'er, it's time for me to leave. .”


"Hui'er, don't be sad, people always have this day." Murong He said with a slight smile, "I have experienced a lot of things in my life, and it can be regarded as a vigorous one, not to mention that I have you, I have Prince, for me, there is nothing to regret."

"Your Majesty, please don't say that, Chenqi...It's really uncomfortable for Chenqie to listen to." An Xiuhui forced a smile, but her eyes were already red and swollen, and tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

(End of this chapter)

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