Happy pastoral concubine

Chapter 923 The Death of Princess Yu

Chapter 923 The Death of Princess Yu

In the end, Xiao Baorui returned to the palace alone.

On the way back to the palace, he wanted to slap himself on the mouth more than once!

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Scorpio has been waiting a long time.

"what happened?"

"Your Majesty, King Yu has acted." Scorpio did not expect that during these few days when Xiao Baorui was out of the palace, King Yu would secretly contact the First Prince Tuobawei of Xiliang!
"Who is connecting with him?"


"He didn't go back to Xiliang?" Xiao Baorui immediately raised his vigilance, and asked with a frown, "Where are Chen Rui and Murong Hao?"

"Those two people also went to Luoyang with King Hexi's car. Hongluan Pavilion found that Chen Rui was haunting Luoyang."

"Luoyang?" Xiao Baorui clenched his fists tightly, "It seems that they have been hiding under my nose all this time, it is really unexpected..."

"It's all humble negligence."

"This matter has nothing to do with you." Xiao Baorui waved his hand, "If it wasn't for someone's assistance, how could they have left the capital? After all, I still underestimated this Prince Yu!"

"It is my insistence that Murong Hanjie, the Commander of the Dragon Guard Army, have an audience with him immediately."


Prince Yu's Mansion.

Liu Mingyue looked at Murong Jing, her eyes no longer had the original affection, but only disgust.

"I, Liu Mingyue, never thought that I would marry a traitor!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Whether it's nonsense or not, you know very well." Liu Mingyue sneered, "Murong Jing, you probably forgot how those barbarians in Xiliang used to bully our Great Yong Kingdom? You probably forgot too , my father, elder brother, all died in the battle against the Xiliang people! How can you be so vicious?"


Murong Jing was so angry that he slapped her resoundingly!

"You better keep your mouth clean!" Murong Jing scolded angrily, "Aren't you trying to make peace with this king? Now you have got your wish, you can get out of Prince Yu's mansion!"

"It seems that you have been completely blinded by profit." Liu Mingyue could only feel the burning pain on her cheek, "Forget it, I should have known that I couldn't persuade you, so I have already stolen your secret from Xiliang people." The correspondence between them was sent to the current sage..."

"Bitch!" Murong Jing didn't expect that she would dare to single-handedly hit the princess to such an extent, and immediately became furious, "Bitch, tell me where the letter is!"

"It's too late." Liu Mingyue suddenly took out a dagger from her bosom, "Murong Jing, you and I have been husband and wife for many years, and now you insist on cooperating with the enemy and traitorous country, since I can't persuade you, then I can only kill you and then commit suicide ..."

"Are you crazy!"

"You are the one who is crazy!"

The two quickly wrestled together, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

During the last dispute, the dagger was stabbed in Liu Mingyue's chest impartially...

Since Xiao Baorui has not yet issued an order to the Yu Palace, everyone in the capital is eagerly waiting for the final verdict from the Holy Majesty.

But everyone didn't expect that the last thing they were waiting for was the news of Yu Wangfei Liu Mingyue's death.

And the murderer is the honest and honest King Yu...

The case of Prince Yu's murder of his wife spread all over the capital.

Palace, Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Xiao Baorui looked coldly at Murong Jing who was kneeling on the ground, his expression became colder and colder, "Why did you kill Princess Yu?"

"Old minister... The old minister was killed by mistake... The original princess wanted to assassinate the old minister, and the dagger was also brought back to the mansion by the princess..." Murong Jing closed his eyes in pain.

He didn't expect Liu Mingyue to die like this...

died at his hands.

"Come here, first put King Yu in prison, and put him in the prison of Dali Temple. You are not allowed to visit him without an order."

After King Yu was suppressed, Xiao Baorui looked sideways at Scorpio and said in a low voice, "What do you think about this matter?"

"What King Yu said is probably true."

If Murong Jing deliberately wanted to kill Princess Yu, then his expression would not be so startled.

He probably didn't expect that the woman who had been with him for many years would die in his hands.

"Concubine Yu, probably did it on purpose." Xiao Baorui sighed deeply, and then turned his attention to the suicide note on the case table, "Send someone to pick up the empress and return to the palace, after all, Princess Yu She is a member of the royal family, and the queen needs to worry about her funeral ceremony."

"I'm back." Just as Xiao Baorui finished speaking, Tang Huanxi had already entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

"Xiao Baorui, I'm back."


"I want to go to Prince Yu's Mansion, can I?"

"Well, I'm with you."

At that time, in Prince Yu's Mansion, a heavy white Potato had already been hung outside the gate of the mansion.

Before leaving the palace, Tang Huanxi read the suicide note that Princess Yu handed over to the imperial court, and probably understood her thoughts.

Entering the main hall, Crown Princess Xu Pingting was kneeling on the futon, her palm-sized face was covered with tears.

"The courtier's wife sees the emperor, sees the empress!"

"Free gift!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Empress Empress..."

"Where's Hanjie?"

"Hanjie...is missing."

Xu Pingting lowered her head, bit her lips and said softly, "As soon as the minister heard the news that my mother had gone, she hurried back from the county palace, but there is not even a person in charge of the huge palace... Hanjie... Hanjie is also missing."

Tang Huanxi took a step forward, took off a handkerchief from her side and handed it to her, "My condolences."

"Thank you!"

"I know that the princess likes you as a daughter-in-law very much, and the relationship between your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is also very good, but now that the princess has passed away suddenly, you still have to take good care of yourself, after all, you are already pregnant."

"Thank you for your concern..." Xu Pingting smiled wryly, "Pingting lost her mother since she was young, so it has always been Pingting's blessing to meet a mother-in-law like your mother, but now..."

"I have some friendship with the concubine, in the future you can enter the palace more, it's for the sake of me to relieve boredom."

"My wife, thank you for your kindness!"

"It's cold on the ground, you should get up first!" Tang Huanxi helped him up himself, and comforted him gently.

At dusk, it began to rain heavily.

It was pouring rain, accompanied by bursts of thunder.

Inside Fengluan Hall, Tang Huanxi stood in front of the window, looking at the pouring rain outside the window, feeling very depressed.

"What are you thinking?" Xiao Baorui walked up behind her and asked with concern.

"I was thinking, if I hadn't interfered, would Princess Yu have died? At least she wouldn't have chosen this way to die..."

"Princess Yu has a strong temperament. She confirmed that Prince Yu had secretly contacted Tuobawei, so she left a suicide note in order to preserve the reputation of Prince Yu's mansion for many years. More importantly, she did it for Hanjie. "

"Collaborating with the enemy and treason is a serious crime to exterminate the nine clans. She doesn't want the crime committed by King Yu to implicate Han Jie, so she uses this method."

"But is it really worth it?"

(End of this chapter)

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