My stunning iceberg goddess wife

Chapter 113 Seems Kind of Handsome

Chapter 113 Seems Kind of Handsome
Most of the people facing this one-night allure are young people in the city, there are hardly any middle-aged people, and coupled with hot clothes, pole dancing, hot dances of men and women, Leng Yurou feels a little afraid to look directly.

One Night Allure, as the name suggests, one night, if you have a good time here, the two of you will spend the rest of the night in bed, or it can be called a hunting bar.

After Leng Yurou appeared, she attracted a lot of men's attention. Men felt as if they saw a goddess, and their heart beat faster. Women looked a little overshadowed. It seemed that because of Leng Yurou's appearance, other women were not so attractive. up.

As for when everyone saw Zhang Tian, ​​they frowned and were very upset. The reason for their displeasure was that Zhang Tian looked like an ordinary person, not too handsome, and he also looked disdainful. Why? Being able to be by Leng Yurou's side made people very uncomfortable.

"Follow me closely." Leng Yurou looked at Zhang Tian and said nervously.

"If you're really nervous, just be my little fan girl and let me take you flying." Zhang Tian said with a smile, he knew from the beginning that Leng Yurou was stubborn, and when he really came to this kind of place, he would be timid.

"No." After Leng Yurou finished speaking, she immediately came to a bar with a relatively good location. In fact, the key is the reason why the bartender at this bar is good-looking.

Zhang Tian didn't care and sat next to Leng Yurou.

"Hi, ladies and gentlemen, what do you want to drink?" The bartender looked at Leng Yurou and Zhang Tian said. When the bartender glanced at Leng Yurou, his eyes widened and he was a little excited. It was rare for such a beautiful woman to appear. Be good.

"What kind of wine do you have here that is suitable for women, and the alcohol is not high?" Leng Yurou asked.

Zhang Tian was a little embarrassed, very embarrassed, this woman was really convinced.

"Would you like to make a cocktail?"


"Okay, sir?" The bartender looked at Zhang Tian and said, but his tone was not so gentle.

"Do you have Erguotou, brandy, etc.?"

"There's brandy."

"Then have a brandy!"

"it is good."

After the bartender finished speaking, he started to make a cocktail for Leng Yurou first.

"Beauty, can I invite you to dance?" At this time, a handsome man with a height of more than 1.8 meters and a good figure came to Leng Yurou and said.

When this young man appeared, many people looked over to see if they could catch the iceberg goddess.

"I don't know how to dance." Leng Yurou shook her head and said, Leng Yurou didn't directly reject that, but simply said that she couldn't dance.

Hearing Leng Yurou's words, many young people expressed their excitement. The goddess said no, not that she couldn't.

"I can teach you if you don't know how to dance!" The handsome young man said with a smile.

"No, I really can't dance."

"Then can I buy you a drink?"

"Yes." Leng Yurou said with a smile.

"Brother, mix a few glasses of the most expensive wine." The handsome young man immediately looked at the bartender and said.

"OK, just a second."

As the bartender said, he had already delivered a glass of wine to Leng Yurou, and then poured Zhang Tian a glass of brandy.

Zhang Tian drank habitually, and he didn't care if someone soaked Leng Yurou, since Leng Yurou wanted to play, Zhang Tian made her feel the 'fun' of being a bubble boy all at once.

After taking a sip of the cocktail at this time, Leng Yurou looked at Zhang Tian with a proud look.

At this time, another young man came over. The young man had a snake tattoo on his neck, his skin was a little dark, but he looked absolutely handsome, like the male protagonist who came out of the movie.

Handsome is synonymous with this man.

"very handsome!"

"This young man has appeared several times and rejected countless beauties, so he took the initiative to prey today?"

"That woman is beautiful and beautiful, who can resist it?"

After the youth with the snake tattoo appeared, many people talked about it.

"Beauty, my name is Long Ao, I don't know what the name of the beauty is?" the snake tattoo youth came to Leng Yurou and asked.

"Just call me Xiaorou." Leng Yurou said with a smile, she didn't want to tell the man's real name, and the man was so handsome that Leng Yurou could face it with a smile.

Leng Yurou is now a group of happy people, and she really wants to tell Zhang Tian loudly that she is also pursued by many handsome men.

"Xiaorou, the words are like a person, very soft, very gentle, very kind."

"Hey." Leng Yurou said with a smile.

"I said boy, where are you from? Don't you know that you come first?" The next moment, the handsome young man stood up very upset and said, the handsome young man was really upset, because the young man with the snake tattoo really looked very upset, because he came first of.

"Could it be that I came to this bar first, and all the women are mine?" the snake tattoo youth asked back.

"Do you mean to argue with me?"

"I'm not arguing with you, and you are not qualified."

"Brothers, someone wants to die, what do you think should be done?" The handsome young man suddenly said loudly.

At this time, several people twisted their necks one after another, clenched their fists with both hands, and gathered together one after another.

When a few people came over, almost everyone in the bar looked over, because there was a good show to watch.

"I advise you to let them go, and you kneel down and beg for mercy, otherwise, I really can't guarantee that you will not die." The snake tattoo youth said disdainfully.

"Hahaha, little boy, have you watched too many movies and begged us for mercy? You are a weak chicken in my eyes. Fuck you all." The handsome young man shouted.

"It's the boss." After several young people finished speaking, they punched the young man with the snake tattoo and left.

"You are really a bunch of weak chickens." After the young man with the snake tattoo finished speaking, he kicked out. A young man was kicked flying several meters away, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, as if his internal organs had been severely injured.

When the others saw this situation, their faces became more ruthless, and they shot at the same time.

But then the ending is still the same, all fell to the ground.

"Are you an earth-level powerhouse?" The handsome young man said with a drastic change of expression, and finally came to his senses.

"Is the strong one so important?" After the young man with the snake tattoo finished speaking, he quickly came in front of the handsome young man and kicked him out.

"Let's go." The handsome young man held back the pain and immediately scrambled away from here.

The strength of the youth with the snake tattoo is like a mighty statue, crushing everything.

Everyone gasped, shocked, shocked by the powerful strength of the young man with the snake tattoo.

"It seems a bit handsome." Leng Yurou looked at Zhang Tian and said.

Zhang Tian was speechless, Shuai had something to do with him, so just don't seek death anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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