My stunning iceberg goddess wife

Chapter 136 The old man is here

Chapter 136 The old man is here
"Zhang Tian, ​​send me back to the entrance of the wood forest. I'll go back to the family temporarily." Zhou Lan said at this time.

"Yeah." Zhang Tian nodded and disappeared at a high speed.

At this moment, Zhou Lan is a little charming and cute, and she peeps at Zhang Tian from time to time, with curiosity, happiness, etc. in her eyes.

This action was noticed by Lin Qing, and when she looked at Zhang Tian, ​​she frowned, but she didn't say anything, she just despised these women in her heart, all of them were vulgar to death.

Zhang Tian naturally knows Zhou Lan's gaze, but he has never looked at it. Zhang Tian has no feeling for this kind of woman. If he is abroad, he can be a mistress and have a one-night stand. You are happy, I am happy, everyone is happy, but now he After having Leng Yurou, she has a sense of responsibility and dare not mess around.

There are more than 70 billion people in the world, and there is no shortage of beauties. According to Zhang Tian's experience in these years, it is estimated that there are only three perfect ones, about twenty perfect ones of 99 points, fifty or even fifty ones of 98 points, and 97 points. There are a hundred and so on, and there are countless others below. If every such beautiful beauties fall in love with him, and he accepts it, then Zhang Tian feels that he has really become a Western romantic.

"Let's go with the flow!" Zhang Tian secretly sighed, living a little more casually, you can't go wrong.

Next, after Zhang Tian drove to the entrance, more than a dozen people were already waiting for them here, and one of them was a strong man in the realm of kings, probably all strong men from Nine Dragons Gate.

After arriving, Zhou Lan ran over and hugged the middle-aged man in the realm of kings and began to cry, as if he had never been wronged like this since he was a child.

"Thank you Zhang Tian for saving my little girl's life. Zhou Kuang is very grateful." After touching Zhou Lan's head, the middle-aged man in the realm of kings came to Zhang Tian and said respectfully.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang Tian." Others came to Zhang Tian and said respectfully.

"You're welcome, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Zhang Tian said lightly.

"If you need me for anything in the future, I will go up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire, and I will not hesitate."

"I remember that I abolished a strong man from the Nine Dragons Gate before, you don't care?" Zhang Tian asked.

"The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie."

"Understood, if Nine Dragons wants to join my forces, then just come to me. Of course, this is just a proposal." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he drove away.

"Lan'er, what strength is he?" Zhou Kuang asked.

"He can easily kill a king and a strong man." Zhou Lan said seriously. Zhou Lan only knew that the two Western Fengliu were in the realm of kings, but he didn't know the specific level. He only knew that they were powerless in front of Zhang Tian.

"Is it easy to kill the king and the strong?" Zhou Kuang gasped.


"Forget it, if he is really powerful, following such a person may not be a bad idea. Let's wait until this feast is over."

After speaking, everyone drove away one after another.

"You want these people to join your power, what power?" Lin Qing asked curiously.

"I have a lot of influence, anyway, it's right to be my person."

"Why do you unite so many forces?"

"Many friends are better than one enemy, understand?"

"Oh." Lin Qing nodded in understanding.

After that, the three of them returned to Shuiju Pavilion, sending Lin Qing back. After all, they were going to bring Leng Yurou back to Leng’s house at night. It seemed awkward for Lin Qing to follow. Lin Qing was also happy to come here, and finally he could practice with peace of mind. .

But just after he came back, Zhang Tian felt a bad premonition, because a strong man had set foot in the Shuiju Pavilion.

Sure enough, after the three of Zhang Tian came to the back of the Shuiju Pavilion, they saw a group of people, eight in total, five at the peak of the sky, three at the king's level, and one of them was at the peak of the king.

As for Qiongtu and the others, they all stood helplessly aside, as if they had just been reprimanded.

Zihan was also helpless, and after Zihan saw Zhang Tian, ​​she became happy because her man who stood up to the sky came.

"Why are there so many people?" Leng Yurou was a little confused, or a little worried.

Lin Qing was a little better, she hadn't seen any scenes before.

"Boss." After seeing Zhang Tian, ​​the five youths ran over excitedly to Zhang Tian and hugged Zhang Tian and said. They hadn't seen each other for two years, and they were very excited.

Zhang Tian naturally knows who these people are, they are all hunters, they are Xiao Fei, Duan San, Crocodile, Parrot, and Long Ba five people, all five of them have eight-pack abs, handsome body, Not bad looking either.

There are many people in the military department, and there are also many geniuses. These people, including Zhang Tian, ​​who was selected from the military department to hunt Gods, are all geniuses and handsome guys.

"I said, why did you all suddenly reach the peak of the heavenly rank?" Zhang Tian asked in shock. Although these people have good talents, Zhang Tian thought that at most they would reach the late stage of the heavenly rank. Too strong.

"Although the mission this time was close to death, we got great benefits and met a spiritual source that is rare in a thousand years." Several people said very proudly.

Zhang Tianxia frowned for a moment and said, "What about the spiritual source?"

"It's under the control of the old man!" Several people looked at the three people in the distance and said, their expressions were not very good, and they seemed to dislike these three people.

Zhang Tian looked over and saw an old man and two middle-aged men. The old man had gray hair and seemed very old. The middle-aged man was about 50 years old with half black and half white hair. He didn't look like a kind person, but Zhang Tian only knew that the old man was the person above him, named Qin Zhen.

"Hello, sister-in-law." The next moment, several people looked at Lin Qinghao and said to Leng Yurou.

A few people rubbed their heads and looked very excited. After all, Leng Yurou and the two women are really beautiful. Beautiful women are both attractive and make men puzzled. They naturally feel that these women understand everything and are not ordinary women.

"Hello." Leng Yurou said kindly.

"I'm not your sister-in-law." Lin Qing said with some embarrassment.

"Not sister-in-law, but do you have a boyfriend?"

Lin Qing shook his head.

"That's good." Several people smiled evilly, as if they were very happy.

"This person is a tigress, you guys want to try and see if I won't stop you." After Zhang Tian muttered softly, he walked towards the three of them.

"You..." Lin Qing gritted his teeth, wishing he could kill Zhang Tian.

"Don't worry about the boss, the beauties. The boss doesn't know how to be blessed in the midst of blessings. He is not worthy of a beautiful woman like you."

"Hey." Lin Qing smiled awkwardly. Although Zhang Tian hated it, Lin Qing had no feelings for other people.

Lin Qing's family is too huge, from a young age, I don't know how tall it is.

A few people understood Lin Qing, and they didn't say anything.

"Old man, what do you mean? The person who reprimanded me behind my back?" Zhang Tian said angrily when he came in front of the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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