My stunning iceberg goddess wife

Chapter 142 People Should Live Like This

Chapter 142 People Should Live Like This
Zhang Tian was already used to this kind of voice, so he didn't say anything to others, and led the shy Leng Yurou for a walk.

The two looked very affectionate, Leng Yurou leaned on Zhang Tian's arm, and Zhang Tian touched Leng Yurou's head and hair from time to time.

He likes this kind of life, plain and happy.

"Look Zhang Tian, ​​he's so cute!" Leng Yurou suddenly said to a three-year-old boy who was more than ten meters away.

Children belong to the type that looks very cute and is very popular with girls.

"Why don't we give birth to a child who will be ten times cuter than him."

"Bragging, you are not handsome, how could you give birth to a cute one."

"It's enough that my wife is beautiful."

"Hmph, anyway, I don't want to have a baby. It's too scary to have a baby, so I don't want to."

"Don't worry, if you're pregnant, I'll make your body look better and you'll be fine."

"I don't want it anyway."

"If you don't give birth, I will find the goddess of the military department to give birth."

"Hmph, go find it!" Leng Yurou pouted, not wanting to talk to Zhang Tian anymore.

"Whose children are not treasures in the eyes of their parents, so do you." Zhang Tian hummed.

"Hmph, I don't want to take a walk anymore." After Leng Yurou finished speaking, she immediately let go of Zhang Tian and walked back to Leng's house by herself.

"Angry?" Zhang Tian immediately came to Leng Yurou and said.

"I'm not angry, why am I angry." Leng Yurou said arrogantly.

"A woman is angry when she says she's not angry."


But when Zhang Tian was about to say something, a young man appeared in front of them. The young man was about 28 years old. He was not a cultivator, but he looked pretty good.

"Yurou, you said that you are with Shen Longhao from the Shen family, I believe you, but now you are with an ordinary person, are you insulting me?" The young man looked at Leng Yurou and said angrily.

"What does it matter to you who I'm with?" Leng Yurou questioned, her eyes were a little unhappy.

"I have no chance when you are with Shen Longhao. I thought you were that kind of dedicated woman, but I didn't expect to be with this kind of man. It seems that you are also an ordinary guy! 1000 million, how about staying with me for a night?"


"Stinky bitch, I have money, don't tell me it's not for money."

"You make me feel sick."

"Leng Yurou, aren't you just such a person?" The young man said, swallowing his saliva to touch Leng Yurou's face.

Leng Yurou immediately dodged subconsciously and came behind Zhang Tian.

"Yurou, who is this idiot?" Zhang Tian said with a slightly serious expression.

"A suitor who once pursued me, I refused countless times without hesitation, he was a particularly annoying person." Leng Yurou immediately said, because this young man was really annoying.

"Understood, just leave it to me." When Zhang Tian looked at the young man, he felt like he was looking at an ant.

"Boy, who are you calling an idiot? Are you courting death? Do you know who I am?" the young man roared.

"I don't care who the fuck you are." The next moment, Zhang Tian had already arrived in front of the young man, and directly grabbed his neck, completely disdainful.

The young man was strangled by Zhang Tian, ​​unable to move.

"You let me go, if you don't let go, I'll call the police immediately."

"After I abolish you, you can call the police slowly!" After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he directly threw the young man on the ground and hit him hard.

The young man's face was ferocious, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and his expression was full of pain.

" will die badly, if you kill me, you will die..." the young man roared in various ways.

"I will really kill you, don't be afraid!" After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he stepped on it, directly smashing his arm, crushing it hard.


"No, I was wrong, I was wrong."

It's a pity that begging for mercy was fruitless, Zhang Tian continued to crush the young man's limbs, and finally stopped after completely crippling the young man's limbs.

"You lunatic, you actually crippled someone?"

"Are you still wrong?"

"What a couple of dogs and men."

Suddenly, many people passing by watched and said, although many people didn't know what happened, but it was very infuriating to directly cripple people.

"Zhang Tian, ​​let's go quickly!" Leng Yurou felt the eyes of many people and said immediately.

Leng Yurou didn't think there was anything wrong with Zhang Tian's actions. She still understood the reason why people are kind and bullied. If this young man is not taught a lesson today, he will still annoy them in various ways in the future. It's better to abolish it. It's simple and clear. .

"Wait a minute." Zhang Tian said suddenly.


At this time, Zhang Tian looked at everyone around and said, "Everyone, have you heard of Shuiju Pavilion?"

Many people heard that Shuijuge frowned, as if Shuijuge was very powerful.

"Let me make it simple and clear. I am the boss of Shuiju Pavilion. There are cameras here, so I will recognize you. You will know what despair is in the past few days. Let me let you know that some people are not something you can talk about." Zhang After Tian finished speaking, he immediately came in front of Leng Yurou, and led Leng Yurou away.

Zhang Tian was very upset. After being very upset, many people would be upset. Zhang Tian also taught these people a lesson. Things like mouths will bring nightmares.

Zhang Tian doesn't say anything in the accident world, no matter who it is, but if he hears or sees it, the consequences will be different. Zhang Tian is a person who goes with the flow. If he can't see or hear it, it's nothing. See Arrived, heard, and the consequences were dire.

"This..." Everyone seemed to be frightened, their faces were not very good, and they stopped talking about Zhang Tian for a moment, and then they started to worry and left.

As for the young man, some well-meaning people called an ambulance.

Leng Yurou looked at Zhang Tian and said, "You were a little handsome just now."

"Do you feel like you like me more?"


"In the future, if you encounter this kind of thing, you should solve it decisively. Don't let yourself be annoyed. If you are alive, don't be too annoying."

"It's easy for you to say, how can people have no worries?"

"What's bothering you?"

"Family matters, your safety, all kinds of things."

"Do you care about me so much?"


"If you encounter troublesome things, tell me, it's a big trouble, and I will make you happy too."

"You make me very happy now." Leng Yurou said with a smile, she still lost her temper before, but not anymore.

"You women's temper is like the weather forecast, it can change as you say."

"Why, do you regret looking for an angry woman like me?"

"Not at all, you are so angry." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he picked up Leng Yurou and walked back.

"You big pig's hoof, put me down quickly."

"Don't let it go."

"You bastard, put me down quickly."

"Don't let it go."

Leng Yurou immediately pinched Zhang Tian's stomach.

"Ah... If you dare to continue, I will throw you directly into the trash can."

Leng Yurou didn't care about these things, and worked even harder.

"You won, aunt." Zhang Tianxia was convinced for a moment, and immediately put down Leng Yurou, afraid of this kind of woman.

But at this time, Qingyu's phone call came.

(End of this chapter)

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