My stunning iceberg goddess wife

Chapter 149 Calling Dad, Dad

Chapter 149 Calling Dad, Dad
"It's quite boring and childish, but it's interesting to be able to play with people you like." Zhang Tian said with a smile, and kissed Leng Yurou on the forehead.

"Stinky rascal, do you really like playing with me?" Leng Yurou asked.

"Otherwise, it would be boring to play games alone."

"Okay! Then I'll download it now."

"Well, tonight, your man will take you to eat chicken."

"It doesn't matter if you eat chicken or not, you can't scold me for cooking."

"Promise not."

"That's good."

Zhang Tian felt that if the two of them couldn't fall asleep together, they should find something to do, playing games would be the best, and they could also tease Leng Yurou from time to time.

People are always thinking about how to live. Zhang Tian thinks that it is not necessary to do meaningful things. As long as you do something that makes you feel happy and happy, that is enough reason to live.

Then the two started the game of eating chicken, Leng Yurou was like a little girl who didn't understand anything, Zhang Tian also taught patiently, Leng Yurou was also very smart, and slowly learned it.

But at this time, the other two teammates stared at Leng Yurou, and immediately said, "Are you a young lady?"

"Zhang Tian, ​​they are talking to me, should I talk to them?"

"Say what you want, and forget it if you don't want to."

"Then I still don't want it."


Afterwards, the two continued to stare at Leng Yurou, saying something ugly about the man-machine, but after Leng Yurou still ignored them, the two of them bombed Leng Yurou with a grenade.

"Smelly rascal, No. 3 bombed me with a grenade." Leng Yurou said anxiously.

"Isn't he a teammate? Why did he blow me up?" Leng Yurou pouted.

"Do you think I'm easy to bully?"

Leng Yurou was about to cry, being bullied.

"Wait for me." Zhang Tian was No. [-], only a few tens of meters away from Leng Yurou, and ran over immediately.

Just after appearing, Zhang Tian saw that Leng Yurou was not in danger for the time being, hid himself, and was about to throw a grenade.

"Rogue, blow him up, avenge me, hum." Leng Yurou immediately came to Zhang Tian's cell phone and looked at it and said.

"Get out of the way, don't get bombed."


Leng Yurou nodded and ran away immediately.

Zhang Tian also waited for two seconds before throwing the grenade out. In an instant, the two of them were knocked down.

Zhang Tian also immediately came to Leng Yurou's place and after saving Leng Yurou, he left directly, not bothering to talk to the two of them.

It was useless for the two of them to scold in various ways.

"Exhaust, the stinky rascal is so handsome." Leng Yurou said, and immediately kissed Zhang Tian.

"Follow me in the future, don't be bullied."


Next, Zhang Tian's [-]K mode was activated, one shot at a time, Leng Yurou followed Zhang Tian and lay down on his stomach, cheering Zhang Tian up in various ways.

In the final round, Leng Yurou had no choice but to be beaten to death, but Zhang Tian finally won the chicken by relying on his strong skills. He killed three and succeeded in winning the chicken.

Leng Yurou didn't think it was much fun, but it was interesting to play games with Zhang Tian,
The two played two more rounds. After two rounds of eating chicken, Zhang Tian felt bored and immediately fell asleep with Leng Yurou in his arms.

But at this time, Qin Zhen's phone call came, and Zhang Tian saw Qin Zhen's phone call, there was no surprise, after all, he had killed many people, and if he didn't call, Zhang Tian felt abnormal.

Zhang Tian also answered the phone immediately and said, "Old man, I know what you want to say, but I don't regret it. Some people must die."

"But do you have to kill people? Some people are already furious, and some people have even said that they will never die with you." Qin Zhen sighed. He felt that Zhang Tian was too impulsive. The mighty strong there.

"I like to be blocked by soldiers, and covered by water and earth. If I dare to make a move, I will dare to kill. I will kill as many as I come."

"I really don't know what changes have happened to you in the past two years, which made you so lawless. That's all, the future belongs to you young people. I won't persuade you, but since you have the strength, you will go to the military department when the time comes. I hope you With great power comes great responsibility."

"What do you mean, old man?"

"The military department is huge, and there are more mysterious forces above mine, you should understand."

"We'll talk about it then."

"Okay." After Qin Zhen finished speaking, he immediately hung up.

"The wind and rain are coming, why have I ever been afraid?"

"What's wrong?" Leng Yurou asked while hugging Zhang Tian.

"It's okay, go to sleep!"


Since Zhang Tian didn't want to talk about it, Leng Yurou didn't ask any more questions.

After [-] o'clock in the morning of the next day, Leng Yurou finally woke up, but when she just woke up, Zhang Tian had already prepared a hearty breakfast, which was no worse than what Leng Yurou cooked herself.

"You did it?" Leng Yurou said in shock.

"Do you think I can cook?"

"will not."

"That's it."

"But anyway, thank you rogue."

"Can you change the name?" Zhang Tian said a little bit upset.

"What's your name?"

Husband, master, brother, and father are actually all right. "

"Hey, it's so fleshy, so I don't want it."

"Should I call?" Zhang Tian immediately came to Leng Yurou, hugged Leng Yurou and said.

"Smelly rascal, I'm walking with a limp now, don't try to bully me again."

"Then call."


"Then don't blame you man, I attacked you against the sunset early in the morning." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he immediately set his hands up and started to run amok.

"Hubby, hubby, I was wrong, hubby." Leng Yurou immediately begged for mercy.

"Remember, I will call you husband from now on, understand?"

"Hmph, I got it." Leng Yurou pouted, but what can be done, Zhang Tian doesn't care about her begging for mercy now, and his body even unconsciously wants to have sex with Zhang Tian, ​​so there is nothing he can do.

"So good." Zhang Tian kissed Leng Yurou's neck, and after planting a cherry, he let Leng Yurou go.

"You stinky rascal, if you dare to bite me, I'll kill you." Leng Yurou was furious, and directly twisted Zhang Tian's stomach, twisting hard.

"It hurts, Yurou, I was wrong, you let go immediately, I was wrong."

"Call Dad."


"Call Dad."



After Leng Yurou finished speaking, she immediately went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

"A docile sheep one second, a tigress the next, are all women so cruel?" Zhang Tian said with a little fear.

But at this time, Zhang Tian's bell rang, and it was Wang Xinyue who called.

"Why is this woman looking for me?" Zhang Tian was a little puzzled, but got connected immediately.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Tian asked.

"Zhang Tian, ​​are you free?" On the phone, Wang Xinyue cried, feeling like she couldn't cry.

(End of this chapter)

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