My stunning iceberg goddess wife

Chapter 215 Zihan leaves

Chapter 215 Zihan leaves
"Aren't you going to stay with Bing Yuening for the next few days?" Leng Yurou asked doubtfully.

"She's going back to Bing's house to pick up her son."

"Pick up your son, your son?" Leng Yurou said in shock.

Leng Yurou was shocked, and so was Zihan.

"En." Zhang Tian nodded. Anyway, the two girls will know sooner or later, so it doesn't hurt to tell them.

"You and Bing Yuening's son?"


"Okay!" Leng Yurou nodded, suppressing her shock.

Zhang Tian knew that the two women needed to digest, so he didn't say much. After entering the bathroom, he washed up.

The two women also came in to wash up.

"I'm leaving." Bing Yuening said after wiping off a little lipstick.

"Are you flying?"

"En." Bing Yuening nodded.

"Then I'll take you to the airport!"

"No need, I'm not a child, I can just take a taxi by myself, and you can accompany Yurou and the others."

"listen to me."

"All right!"

The next four people came downstairs immediately, and just after they came down, Zhang Tian saw a table of sumptuous breakfast, probably made by Zhang Tian's mother Lu Xin.

"Where's grandpa?" Zhang Tian asked curiously.

Zhang Tian felt that Zhang Hu was not found after a round, so he was very puzzled.

"Your grandfather should go out for morning exercises." Zhang Long said.

"Okay!" Zhang Tian nodded.

"Come and have breakfast." Lu Xin came out of the kitchen with a pot of porridge and said, a huge smile appeared on Lu Xin's face.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Tian looked at Lu Xin and said doubtfully, because he had never seen Lu Xin so happy before.

"Hmph, don't tell us when you have a son. If Dad didn't tell us, we wouldn't know." Lu Xin said with a blank look.

"I'm going to tell you, so you know in advance." Zhang Tian said helplessly, because everyone was not familiar with Zhang Tian, ​​so he didn't intend to tell the news.

"Brother, do you have a son?" Zhang Xiaotong said in shock.

Zhao Yueer was shocked, after all, it was too incredible.

Zhang Tian is 22 years old and has not been in Huaxia for more than two years. Having a child means that he is about two years old, and he has not told his parents if he has a child. This feels too impossible.

"Bing Yuening and my son." Zhang Tian said seriously, there was nothing to hide.

"Then am I going to be an aunt?" Zhang Xiaotong said in shock.


"Yeah, I want to be an aunt." Zhang Xiaotong was as happy as a child.

Zhang Tian's parents all showed kind smiles. Having a son is simply the best gift that fell from the sky.

"Just as long as you are happy." Zhang Tian said helplessly. Zhang Tian didn't care so much about sons and daughters. After all, the future is still so long, and it is not so difficult to want children.

Bing Yuening saw Zhang Tian's family happy, and felt happy herself.

Leng Yurou is a little helpless here, but it's okay, after all, having children is different.

Zihan's eyes felt a little overwhelmed, but it passed by for a moment, and no one could see anything.

After such a weird breakfast, Zhang Tian drove Bing Yuening away. When he left, he told his parents to pick up the child, so his parents sent it.

"Smelly rascal, your parents really like children." Bing Yuening said in the car.

"Everyone likes children, don't you?"

"do not like."


"You don't even know how difficult it is to take care of a child, hum."


"Forgive you."

"I will make you happy in the future, if I can't do it, I will let you handle it." Zhang Tian said seriously.



"That's good."


"Is the phone still off?"

"Don't close it, I will tell you the situation when I go back to Bingjia."


"Do you remember our previous missions, various adventures?"

"Well, what happened?"

"It feels like it was just yesterday."

"Time waits for no one, just get used to it."

"That's right, you have several women in a blink of an eye."

"Honey, can you stop talking about this?" Zhang Tian said helplessly.

"Understood, anyway, you can't mess with flowers and grass in the future."

"What if a woman wants me to be her boyfriend so shamelessly?"

"Tell me and I'll fix it."


Next, after Zhang Tian was told by Bing Yuening like a strict wife, she also sent Bing Yuening to the airport. Just after she appeared, Bing Yuening kissed Zhang Tian's face, put on a mask and entered the airport up.

"The goddesses of the military department are like this, the underground queen is coming to Huaxia, don't I have to shed a layer of skin?" Zhang Tian sighed, thinking of the domineering appearance of the underground queen, Zhang Tian was afraid.

"Forget it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge, so let everything take its course!" After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he drove away from the airport.

Zhang Tian came to Leng Yue Group next. After all, Leng Yurou and her two daughters drove to the company by themselves, so Zhang Tian came here directly.

But as soon as Zhang Tian appeared, he felt the aura of some lonely ghosts around him. There seemed to be something bad gathered here.

"Does the strong ghost sect want to kill me again?" Zhang Tian said seriously.

"Be careful if you don't kill me, I'll kill you instead." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he walked into the company.

Zhang Tian doesn't care whether the ghost sect is still a strong man in Kunlun Mountain, or any strong man. Today, he is no longer the Zhang Tian he was at the beginning, or Zhang Tian is improving day by day.

But just when Zhang Tian was about to enter the company, Wang Xinyue called. Zhang Tian frowned, but he connected immediately.

"Zhang Tian, ​​my parents are here, I don't know what to do, and only you can save me." Wang Xinyue cried on the phone.

"You have strength, can't you escape if you can't beat it?" Zhang Tian asked.

"I don't know where the Wang family found a strong man. Grandpa is here to protect me, but he can't protect me forever." Wang Xinyue said.

"Are you in the First Hospital?"


"Okay, I'll go there when I deal with the matter here." Zhang Tian said helplessly.


"The Wang family actually used Wang Xinyue's parents. Is this the feeling that Wang Xinyue must be obtained?" Zhang Tian said helplessly, feeling that the Wang family was too persistent.

But Zhang Tian didn't care too much, Wang Xinyue's matter was not so urgent, Zhang Tian had to deal with the issue of Leng Yue Group first.

But just after Zhang Tian returned to the company, he frowned because Zi Han had disappeared.

And the voice of a text message was suddenly heard on the phone.

Zhang Tian opened it without saying a word, and immediately knew what happened, because the text message contained the news of Zi Han's departure.

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(End of this chapter)

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