My stunning iceberg goddess wife

Chapter 229 Judge Yuman

Chapter 229 Judge Yuman

"Hey, master, you are finally willing to look for me." On the phone, a sweet Huaxia voice with a foreign accent said.

"I remember that your company has developed to the face of Modu?"

"That's right, master, and master, that's your company, and I'm yours."

"A good obedient woman, I allow you to come to Huaxia." Zhang Tian said seriously.

"Really?" said the Queen excitedly.

"Of course it is."

"Okay, I'll go to Huaxia Magic City after I prepare."


"Master is so kind." The queen even kissed Zhang Tian a few times on the phone.

Zhang Tian didn't say anything more. After hanging up the phone, he came to the roof of the Lengyue Group, sat down cross-legged, and began to practice.

"Now my strength has reached the half-emperor realm, and my strength should belong to the gods. I don't know the specific strength, but the Taoist strong dare to kill me, which shows that the Taoist strength should be half-step gods or gods. , or to break through the realm of the emperor." Zhang Tian said, and began to sense the aura of heaven and earth. The higher Zhang Tian is from the sky, the wider the aura of heaven and earth he senses. Zhang Tian always feels that there is a so-called vast world outside the earth. The aura of heaven and earth.

Next, the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth began to change, and the vast spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth slowly condensed, and Zhang Tian also began to absorb, constantly absorbing the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth.

Zhang Tian's absorption speed was very fast. Under the crazy absorption, his breath became stronger and stronger, and he continued to approach the so-called emperor.

"The one who breaks through the emperor, reborn, rises in the sky, maybe he can become handsome, look forward to it!" Zhang Tian sighed.

Time passed quickly, and after eight hours passed in a blink of an eye, Zhang Tian was interrupted by a phone call, and took out the phone to see that it was Bing Yuening.

"What's the matter, Ning'er?" Zhang Tian said after answering the phone, and he was very concerned at the first moment.

"The Bing family agreed, but Shuaier can't leave the Bing family for the time being, it will take a few days before he can leave."

"Really agree?" Zhang Tian said in shock. As for a few days, Zhang Tian felt that it was a snap of his fingers and didn't care.

"Of course, don't look at who I am."

"You are the invincible number one fairy in the universe." Zhang Tian said seriously.

"It's good to know that I'm a fairy."

"Then you want to come and find me?"

"No, I want to go to the ancestral land to practice, and I will beat you when I come out."

"I miss you." Zhang Tian said pitifully, after all, Leng Yurou ignored him.

"Isn't your Zihan and your Leng Yurou accompanying you?" Bing Yuening said.

"They don't talk to me anymore."

"Hahaha, you deserve it."

"Are you still gloating?"

"I'm gloating, what can you do, you have a kind of flying over to find me."


"Don't, don't, can't I be wrong?" Bing Yuening immediately begged for mercy and said, really afraid that Zhang Tian would come over.

"be careful."

"Of course I'm safe in my house."

"Well, I miss you."

"I miss you as well."



"That's great." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he immediately hung up.

For some reason, Zhang Tian felt that he was conquered by these women, and he couldn't resist that.

"I didn't expect it to be afternoon in a blink of an eye, and it's time to go to Jiangnan." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, his figure blinked and returned to Leng Yurou's office.

"Where have you been, stinky bastard?" Leng Yurou said with a pout after seeing Zhang Tian.

"Didn't you let me accompany you? I'll go to the roof to practice!" Zhang Tian said speechlessly, but seeing Leng Yurou's petulant look, he stepped forward and hugged Leng Yurou.

"Hmph, I want porridge."

"Aren't you going home for dinner?"

"Not going home."

"Okay then! I'll take you to drink porridge."

"I still want to eat chicken."


"Hmph, that's about the same."

"Then shall I tell my mother not to eat at home?"


After Zhang Tian called Lu Xin, he took Leng Yurou to drink porridge.

Leng Yurou was like a greedy cat, eating everywhere but still not feeling full, Zhang Tian was speechless, but he didn't think too much, after the two had eaten for a long time, Zhang Chuchen sent Leng Yurou back to the villa.

After being sent back, Zhang Tian's speed disappeared, and Zhang Tian then rose into the sky. He had already realized a lot of power of space, and he was able to volley in the air without relying on strong power, and headed towards the south of the Yangtze River at extreme speed.

Leng Yurou knew that Zhang Tian was looking for Zihan, so she let Zhang Tian go without saying anything.

As soon as he left, Zhang Tian immediately called the boss of the judge and asked the judge to receive him.

Time passed quickly, and half an hour later, Zhang Tian appeared in the land of Jiangnan. Jiangnan is very large and prosperous. It can be said that the economic development here may be even more terrifying than that of Shanghai, and there are many powerful families with backgrounds. They are all willing to live in Jiangnan, after all, the environment and air here are very good.

Zhang Tian came to Jiangnan to perform missions when he was hunting gods, so he has a basic understanding of Jiangnan's situation.

Zhang Tian asked the judge's people to come to the airport, so after Zhang Tian arrived at the airport without anyone noticing, he immediately called the phone number sent by the boss of the judge.

"Are you the boss of the military department?" A sweet girl's voice said on the phone.

"Yes, I have arrived at the airport."

"I'm right here at the airport gate, I'm wearing black leggings and a white blouse."

"I saw you." Zhang Tian saw a girl holding a phone in the crowd. The girl's beauty was about 97 points, but she was very beautiful.

And the girl was accosted by several boys here asking for phone numbers and the like.

"I saw you too." The girl also noticed Zhang Tian. When she looked at Zhang Tian for the first time, her eyes were very strange, with curiosity, surprise and so on.

"Did the judge boss do it on purpose? Seductive?" Zhang Tian said speechlessly. After all, the woman in front of him was too beautiful, whether it was her figure, appearance, or anything else, she was too beautiful.

"Forget it, seductive beauty is not enough." Zhang Tian shook his head and said, who can seduce him, unless there is a big beauty with a score of 99, Zhang Tian really doesn't like it.

"Boss." When Zhang Tian approached, the girl looked at Zhang Tian and said seriously.

The girl speaks very sweetly and looks very pure, absolutely the best.

"What's your name?" Zhang Tian asked.

"My name is Yuman, you can call me Xiaoman!"

"Well, let's go!" Zhang Tian said.

"it is good."

But when Yuman was about to leave, several youths stopped Yuman's way and said: "Big beauty, it's late at night, where are you going, we will take you there."

"I have a car, no need." Yuman said.

"Let's go!" Several people said, stretching out their hands to grab Yuman.

(End of this chapter)

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