My stunning iceberg goddess wife

Chapter 256 Absolute Strength

Chapter 256 Absolute Strength
"Slave, what should it look like?" Yingzi asked.

"If I tell you to kneel, you must kneel."

"Hmph, Zhang Tian, ​​let's wait until you survive!" Yingzi said disdainfully.

"You have seen my strength, do you really think that with the people behind you, you can kill me?" Zhang Tian asked.

"Master's strength is as high as the sky, and it is easy to kill you."

"Then if this is the case, why did you choose to surrender before, and let me roll the sheets so many times for nothing?" Zhang Tian said with a sneer.

"Your bed skills are not bad." Yingzi said a little shyly.

"Women are too real." Zhang Tian was speechless, he really didn't know what was in Yingzi's head.

"Okay, you two, whether you are evil or not, let's do it right in advance."

"Are you younger sister or older sister?" Zhang Tian asked again.

"Sister." Sakura said.

"No wonder the other one is prettier than you." Zhang Tian said to his sister.

My sister's appearance has reached 98 points, and she also belongs to the super beauty of the island country.

In Zhang Tian's head, he felt that the combination of twins was more exciting and refreshing than any beautiful woman.

"Shut up your rhetoric and prepare to accept death."

"Isn't it annoying to fight and kill all day long? Anyway, I'm tired, so it's okay to chat for a while."

But when Zhang Tian was talking, a figure appeared extremely quickly, and just after it appeared, an energy layer appeared around Zhang Tian, ​​and the energy layer formed instantly, surrounding Zhang Tian.

Zhang Tian didn't care about energy layers, formations, or anything else, but was a little surprised to look at the person who appeared. It was a woman, wearing a black skirt and a white veil, very agile and beautiful.

When Zhang Tian looked at a woman, he immediately knew that she was a beauty, a fairy, and a woman who was more beautiful than the other two.

"Greetings, Master." The twin beauties from the island country immediately looked at the woman and said.

"Men are all so virtuous." The woman in the black skirt said disdainfully after seeing Zhang Tian's eyes.

"If a man doesn't look at a woman, it means the woman is ugly."

"Don't be so noble."

"Are all beautiful women so unreasonable?"

"I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you, you will definitely die today."

"Wait, before we start the war, I want to know who you are?" Zhang Tian asked curiously, after all, this woman Zhang Tian really couldn't figure out when there would be such a person in the island country.

Zhang Tian knew about the God of the Island, the Nine-tailed God, etc., but this was the first time Zhang Tian had seen this woman.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you will definitely die today." The woman said with disdain.

"Kill me, do you have the strength?"

"You'll know if you try it."

"Then let me see how you kill me."

"Is my spiritual strength enough for this qualification?" After the woman finished speaking, a surge of strength gushed out, it was a surge of spiritual strength.

"A person with strong mental power?" Zhang Tian said in shock. This mental power was more pure and terrifying than his. Only then did Zhang Tian realize how powerful this person was.

People with strong spiritual power are different from those with strong martial arts. They hurt people with spiritual power, and the damage is irreversible. If you are injured by a strong person with spiritual power, it is almost impossible to recover.

"You still know mental power, it seems that you are not simple anymore." The woman said slightly surprised.

"Not only do I know, I own."

"Then it will be even more difficult to keep you." After the woman finished speaking, dozens of golden needles suddenly appeared, and she manipulated the golden needles with her mental power, then locked on to Zhang Tian, ​​and rushed towards Zhang Tian at a high speed.

"The killing intent comes." Zhang Tian didn't care, a powerful killing intent appeared, the red killing intent instantly enveloped the entire space, the powerful killing intent covered everything, blocking the woman's golden needle.

However, Bloody's killing intent couldn't stop the golden needle, piercing it directly, and killing Zhang Tian.

"Immortal Eyes." Zhang Tian frowned, and immediately opened the Immortal Eyes. The Immortal Eyes can see through everything. The moment the golden needle came over, Zhang Tian quickly dodged, his movements were very tricky.

The golden needle hit fruit, changed direction again, and rushed towards Zhang Tian at top speed.

"Is this the ability of a person with strong spiritual power?" Zhang Tian frowned and said, and dodged again. After all, he had blood-colored killing intent, which was vague and unclear at all, and it was difficult to kill Zhang Tian.

For the next 1 minute, the crazy golden needle stabbed Zhang Tian to no avail.

"What is the speed of this guy, can this be dodged?" The woman said in shock, unable to imagine how fast Zhang Tian's speed would be to dodge.

"Have you played enough?" Zhang Tian stepped out of bloody murderous intent, looked at the woman and said.

"You can dodge fifty golden needles, but I don't believe you can dodge a hundred golden needles." After the woman finished speaking, another fifty golden needles appeared.

"Just relying on your strength, you still want to kill me. I really don't know where your courage comes from." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he gathered a powerful force and directly collided with the energy layer.

Zhang Tian's power is terrifying, even if this place is an iron wall, it will be shattered directly.

At the next moment, the energy layer shattered piece by piece, and then shattered, unable to trap Zhang Tian.

"What a terrifying strength." Yingzi and Yingzi's sister said in shock, feeling that Zhang Tian could no longer be described by humans, like a real god.

"Death." The woman didn't care about Zhang Tian's shattered formation, and controlled a hundred golden needles to kill Zhang Tian at a high speed.

"Just because you are really not my opponent." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, bloody murderous intent permeated the woman, and then disappeared.

Since Zhang Tian broke through to the realm of the emperor, he has been completely reborn, and his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes. A single look can make Huo Qilin afraid, let alone someone who is not strong.

At first, Zhang Tian was afraid of those with strong mental power. After all, damage to mental power is irreversible damage, but after understanding the strength of women, he no longer has so much fear.

"No, this guy's strength is against the sky." The woman's face turned ugly, because Zhang Tian disappeared.

"Is that all you have?" Zhang Tianxia suddenly appeared behind the woman, and put his arms around the woman's small waist.

"The hooligan is looking for death." The woman shouted loudly, bursting out with mental strength.

But Zhang Tian immediately retreated and disappeared again.

The woman was in Zhang Tian's bloody killing intent, and Zhang Tian was haunted by ghosts, which made her terrified to the extreme.

"Spiritual energy." The woman shouted loudly, and waves of invisible spiritual force gushed out, crushing the surrounding space, ready to deal with Zhang Tian who would come out at any time.

"Ability is like an ant in front of absolute strength." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he came to the woman in the blink of an eye, and punched it out.

The woman's golden needle and strength shattered directly, and the whole person was thrown out, collided with a tree, and then fell down, spitting out a mouthful of blood, Zhang Tian didn't feel sorry for the fragrance.

(End of this chapter)

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