My stunning iceberg goddess wife

Chapter 269 The Battle Begins

Chapter 269 The Battle Begins

"Break me." Zhang Tian also exploded with powerful mental power, destroying everything.

"Bang bang bang..."

Two powerful mental forces collided, and Zhang Tian was pushed back, his head felt dizzy, the old man's mental power was higher than his.

"I said that you will die, and you will die." The old man shouted, gathering super strong mental strength to kill Zhang Tian.

"Kill me, you are really not qualified." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, his whole body disappeared in an instant, bloody killing intent gushed out, spreading towards the old man.

The next moment Zhang Tian appeared behind the old man and kicked him out.

"Not good, stop it." The old man's face changed drastically, he concentrated his mental strength and put his hands on his head to block Zhang Tian's blow.

However, there was still a gap between the old man's strength and Zhang Tian's, and he was kicked out directly, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Death." The next moment Zhang Tian immediately came to the old man and kicked him out again.

"Li Tian Mirror." The old man took out a mirror, bursting out with powerful spiritual power, and killed Zhang Tian.

bang bang bang...

Zhang Tian frowned, backed away quickly, and immediately came in front of Chen Sixue. After picking up Chen Sixue, he quickly returned to the lunatic again.

Chen Sixue was a little shocked, she didn't expect someone with two broken arms to be so calm.

But then something even weirder happened, the broken arm immediately came to Zhang Tian's hand, and then recovered.

"Is this still a human?" Chen Sixue said in disbelief.

The lunatic was very happy to see that Zhang Tian was fine.

"Zhang Tian, ​​you are looking for death." The next moment, the old man's Li Tianjing had already killed Zhang Tian, ​​peeled off the bloody killing intent, and aimed at Zhang Tian.

"If you want to kill me, you are really not qualified." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, his aura rose sharply. At this moment, Zhang Tian unreservedly poured out powerful strength, and strands of strength blocked the power of the mirror.

"Are you even able to compete?"

"If it weren't for the two of them here, you would have died the first time I saw you." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he came to the old man in a blink of an eye, and said directly, grabbing his neck.

"Don't kill me, it's none of my business, someone just wants to buy your life, it's none of my business."

Zhang Tian couldn't be bothered to care so much, a force surged out, all the limbs of the old man were shattered, and then the whole person lay on the ground, unable to move.

After abolishing the old man, Zhang Tian glanced at everyone around him, and everyone fell down one after another, but there was only one peak god left who barely resisted.

"Get over here and kneel down." Zhang Tian looked at this person and said.

"Yes, yes, yes." The strong man at the peak of the gods did not dare to resist, and immediately came to Zhang Tian and knelt down. He had to kneel, because Zhang Tian was so powerful that he was simply invincible.

"I ask you questions, and you answer, understand?"

"Impossible, I can't betray the organization."

"Then die!" Zhang Tian was too lazy to talk nonsense, a force swallowed the power of the peak god, and then crushed the man's neck.

Next, absorb the power of everyone else, Zhang Tian is too lazy to care so much.

"Do you want to die or live." Zhang Tian looked at the old man and said.

"Hahaha, kill me!"

"Oh." Zhang Tian didn't think too much, he came to the old man, absorbed the old man's mental power, and really killed him.

He also condensed the spiritual fire to burn these corpses, and the ashes were wiped out.

After it was destroyed, Zhang Tian felt that there was enough aura here, so he sat down cross-legged to absorb the aura between heaven and earth.

And when one eye looked at the two of them, the ropes of the two of them were all broken, and the two of them resumed their actions.

"Is this still a human?" Chen Sixue said in shock, indescribably shocked.

"Boss, are you a god?" The lunatic also said in shock, almost seeing a miracle.

"You two go back! There is no danger for the time being." Zhang Tian said while sitting cross-legged.

"What about the boss?" The lunatic felt too much gratitude in his heart, but there was no need to talk about these between brothers, only concern.

"I'll leave after practicing for a while."

"It's the boss, I understand."

The lunatic then took Chen Sixue away immediately.

Time continued to pass, and an hour later, Zhang Tian's aura rushed to the middle stage of the emperor, and his aura became stronger again, and he said with satisfaction: "No matter what, we must hurry up and practice."

After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he immediately called Wu Dao, the deputy boss of the military department: "Hey, boss, do you have any orders?"

The military respects the strong. After Zhang Tian became the boss of Glory, he was naturally very respectful.

"Nothing else, just want to know what terrorist forces are there?"

"Back to the boss, there shouldn't be any terrifying forces there, but there are some ancient families, at most they should be just people with gods."

"This is not the answer I want, think again."

"There is a legend that goes back even further, and that is the Demon Sect. It is rumored that there is a Demon Sect, a group of people who have inherited the blood of the gods and demons."

"Mozong, I understand." Zhang Tian nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Is there any other orders, boss?"

"I want to control the power, so send more people to set foot here! After all, the sky is about to change."

"Understood, boss, don't worry about this! I will."

"Has the military department taken any action recently?"

"Cultivate talents, vigorously cultivate talents, and face the coming crisis."

"No matter what happens, everything is domestically focused, and stability must be controlled."

"Boss, you are building the temple of the gods abroad, and you will really need your help then."

"I didn't say I wouldn't help you."

"Thank you."

"Okay, I will go to the military headquarters when I have time, and I will give you some pointers."

"Thank you boss."

"En." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone.

"I have to go to the capital of God earlier." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he quickly disappeared.

Zhang Tian immediately returned to the Capital of the Hunting God. As soon as he appeared, he saw a group of people waiting. There were as many people as Zhang Tian came.

"Boss." Everyone said excitedly after seeing Zhang Tian.

"Release the news directly, and the Hunting Gods will be unified. Those who refuse to accept it will come to Jiuhu Mountain. If someone does not show up, they will be killed directly, or they can choose to surrender." Zhang Tian looked at Qiongtu and said.

"Boss, do you want the jackal to help you with this matter, hurry up."



Everyone was very excited, and it was a feat to unify the entire force!

"I'll be waiting for you at Jiuhu Mountain." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he disappeared immediately.

"Boss is too powerful, hurry up."


After talking, everyone drove away immediately.

After everyone dispatched, the Quartet got the news, and people were panicked for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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