My stunning iceberg goddess wife

Chapter 287 Several women 1 play

Chapter 287: Several Women, One Drama
"Second, we can't have sex."

"No, don't fuck the sheets, can I have a pure love with you? Is it not good to be friends?"

"I have to break through the realm of the gods before I can do anything with you." Lin Qing said seriously.

"Why?" Zhang Tian was curious.

"You should know that my bloodline is special. If the bed is broken at this time, the power of my bloodline cannot be exerted to the extreme."

"Understood, then my next goal is to help you break through the gods?"


"The emperor has reached the peak state, it is not difficult to break through the gods, leave it to me."

"What do you want?"

"Of course it's to help you improve your strength by taking off your clothes."

"Oh." Lin Qing said with a rosy face.

"Your blood is special, I'm actually very interested in this kind of mutual benefit." Zhang Tian said again, not only this woman's realm has risen tremendously, Zhang Tian should also be able to make great progress, it's no wonder Zhang Tian is not active.

"En." Lin Qing whispered, not daring to look at Zhang Tian.

"What, are you shy?"

"I'm not shy."

"It's no wonder you're not shy. I still remember how furious I was when I kissed you for the first time."

"Who told you..." Lin Qing hesitated to speak, and didn't want to talk to Zhang Tian anymore.

"Come on! Where do you live?"

"I live in a five-star hotel."

"The food should be good."

"It's not bad, it's not good."

"Then shall I cook for you?"

"Do you know?"

"will not."

"Then what did you say?"

"Am I carrying your back?"

"Why are you behind my back?"

"It's a skin-to-skin relationship that enhances the relationship."

"Oh." Lin Qing said with a ruddy face, completely different from the previous violent women.

Zhang Tian likes this kind of woman, let you be scary and violent outside, but behave like a child in front of him.

Then Lin Qing was hugged by Zhang Tian like this, and then disappeared in an instant, without a trace.

Countless people were shocked, and there were all kinds of discussions. They thought they had seen a ghost, but when they thought of some things that happened before, they were shocked and said: "It turns out that cultivators really exist, and the earth can cultivate and become stronger."

"Damn it, it turns out that none of the previous websites lied to people. Go and see the exercises and practice."

Suddenly, it aroused the shock and yearning of many people.

Then the two came to a five-star hotel. Lin Qing lived in the presidential suite, which can be said to be awesome.

After the two arrived, Zhang Tian directly threw Lin Qing on the bed. Lin Qing thought that Zhang Tian was going to do something bad, and immediately said: "Stinky rascal, you can't do anything wrong."

"Understood, take off your clothes and start practicing."

"Do you really want to take it off?"

"I can't do anything if I don't want to become stronger."

"Oh." After Lin Qing finished speaking, she immediately took off her clothes.

"Actually, I can help you break through to God, but you don't need to be my woman." Zhang Tian said suddenly.

Lin Qing said while taking off his clothes: "Do you really think that I approached you for your protection and strength?"

"I really don't think there's anything about me that attracts you."

"When we met for the first time, when I was rescued by you for the first time, I actually already liked you."

"Really?" Zhang Tian was a little surprised.

"I used to think it was clichéd for a hero to save the beauty, but when it happened to me, I couldn't forget you, you didn't care, and it didn't matter what you did, but I was different. The more I hated you, the more I hated you. I care about you more."

"Are all women like this?"

"I don't know if other people are like that, but I am."

"I really hope Yurou didn't kill me when she found out."

"You don't know Yurou too well. If Yurou knows, she will really kill you." Lin Qing said seriously.

"Damn, what, I have something to do now, I'll..."

"Okay, okay, those who scare you, what is a lover, you don't find out in your life, you are called a lover."

"It also makes sense, it feels very exciting."

"Let's start!" Lin Qing was completely naked at this time.

Zhang Tian swallowed his saliva and said, "Come here."

Lin Qing didn't dare to look at Zhang Tian and walked over.

Zhang Tian immediately gathered his strength and began to transport it into Lin Qing's body.

And all the spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth is constantly gathering.

"Absorb quickly."

"Okay." Lin Qing was shocked that Zhang Tian was so powerful, and immediately absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, frantically absorbing it.

Time passed quickly, and after three hours passed in a blink of an eye, Lin Qing's aura had already reached the level of a half-step god, and it was getting stronger and stronger, with the feeling that his aura was constantly rising.

"Okay, after refining these powers, it should be enough to break through the gods." Zhang Tian said at this time.

"Thank you Zhang Tian."

"This is for you. In case of danger, hold it and I will appear in front of you." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he threw a ball.

"I remember."

"Why did your family let you out?"

"I have broken through to the peak of the emperor, and no one can do anything to me except my grandfather. I figured it out, it's not easy."

"Okay, then you can practice here!"

"No, I want to kiss, can you let me feel it again."

Without saying a word, Zhang Tian kissed Lin Qing directly, holding Lin Qing down, using various techniques.

A few minutes later, Zhang Tian kissed his forehead, and finally left here. After leaving for three hours, Zhang Tian was really afraid that the underground queen would be unhappy. After all, he was not by her side when he came here for the first time.

After Zhang Tian returned to the villa, Zhang Tian felt that his worries were superfluous. Inside the villa, Leng Yurou, the Underground Queen, Bing Yuening, Zi Han, Queen, Yinyin and other girls were chatting at this moment. Zhang Tian started Don't dare to show up, secretly listen to what the girls are talking about.

Then Zhang Tian became unhappy. All the girls were talking about themselves and their stories, and they opened their mouths to say that Zhang Tian was a hooligan or something.

"Damn, you guys are still shameless, just say, those present, who took the initiative to provoke you." Zhang Tian immediately appeared and said.

"Who took the initiative to provoke you." The underground queen said in a deep voice.

With the backing of the underground queen, Leng Yurou agreed.

"Didn't you take the initiative to provoke me?"

"is it?"

"No, I took the initiative to provoke you." Zhang Tian said helplessly, Zhang Tian thought about offending all the girls, and later he would not roll the sheets, cook, wash clothes, or be gentle with him, just thinking about it makes him afraid.

Zhang Tian finally understands what it means to have three women in one play, and there are not three of these f*cking ones.

"Hmph, you're wise, come on, give us a boost." The Underground Queen said immediately.

"Honey, it's getting late, let's sleep first, how about we talk about it tomorrow?" Zhang Tian said speechlessly, if this group of women had no clothes, would Zhang Tian be able to bear it?
(End of this chapter)

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