My stunning iceberg goddess wife

Chapter 294 Battle 8 Transformation Gods

Chapter 294 Fighting against the Eight Transformation Gods

"Let's go." Zhang Tian then disappeared after kissing the girls.

After Zhang Tian left, Long Qianqian asked: "Master, can we really only be this man's slaves in this life?"

"Can you kill him?"


"You can't kill him, and he can still serve so comfortably on the bed. Do you have any other ideas?"

"Actually, it's good to be a slave, but the master is amazing."

"It's quite comfortable." Long Qianqian said.

"Okay, we're not flirtatious women either, since we've become his slaves, let's accept our fate!"



Zhang Tian will go back to Shanghai right away, and Zhang Tian doesn't care about these people's betrayal or anything. Anyway, he is still a virgin after having sex with the fourth daughter.

Then Zhang Tian immediately returned to the Demon City and began to practice in closed doors. Zhang Tian crazily absorbed the aura of heaven and earth, and refined the power of the two God Transformation powerhouses. His strength climbed again, and he immediately rushed to the late stage of the God Master, towards the peak of the God Master. And go, stronger and stronger.

All the girls have become accustomed to Zhang Tian's departure. Anyway, all the girls know that Zhang Tian is always by their side, so they feel very at ease.

Time flies, and two days later, no matter in China or around the world, every country has established an academy, which is called Huaxia Academy in China, and the God of War Academy in the United States, etc. In this way, the chaotic pattern gradually stabilized.

Zhang Tian was also invited to become the god of the academy, the dean of the academy, like a great figure in mythology.

Zhang Tian was born in the military department, so there are still countless fans in the military department. Anyone who has set foot in the military department knows Zhang Tian's myth.

The same is true for the island country, because their god is Zhang Tian's slave, and Zhang Tian has also become the god of the island country, and countless people worship and want to kill him.

The temple of the gods that Zhang Tian once built has drifted with the tide, and there is no news at all.

The two daughters Han Enxi and Han Enhui have established influence in country h, but the situation has been unstable recently, so they asked Zhang Tian for help.

The same is true for Huaxia Huashen powerhouses. They don't know where they went. Although Zhang Tian sensed many places, he found that these powerhouses disappeared inexplicably, or they might have entered a good place to practice.

However, Zhang Tian didn't think too much about it, and continued to practice, helping all the girls to practice. As for the establishment of the Huaxia Academy, Zhang Tian had no interest in it, it was just a name.

My parents are busy with their own work every day, because Huaxia has stabilized the situation, many people still start to go to work, but they talk about cultivators after dinner. After many people know that the two of them are still Zhang Tian’s parents, various Job seekers are full.

Yuan Bao was taken by Zhang Xiaotong and Zhao Yue'er, Zhang Hu sometimes took Yuan Bao with him when he stopped practicing, and Yuan Bao came back here when he missed his mother, and everything was very happy.

On the third day, Zhang Tian crawled out of Lin Qing's bed. Lin Qing had already stepped into the realm of becoming a god, and Zhang Tian had reached the peak of the gods. His strength was terrifying, but at this time, Zhang Tian sensed a crisis , I don’t know where they came from, in the magic capital, many god-transformation powerhouses came.

"It's dangerous, you hide it well." After Zhang Tian finished speaking, he left here immediately.

"Could it be that the powerhouse who transforms the gods has come?" Lin Qing frowned and said, feeling that the crisis was coming.

Zhang Tian then returned to the villa, and a force shrouded the surroundings of the villa, in case he was attacked by a strong man.

"Destroy Zhang Tian first, and then snatch his woman. Have fun." At this time, after seven or eight Huashen powerhouses stepped here, they said with a sneer.

"It's not enough to play with these women, but also to play with all the beauty of Huaxia."

"You guys have a good appetite, it's enough for me to play with a pretty girl."

"Enough is enough, Huaxia is not simple, quick battle and quick decision, don't let other Huaxia powerhouses gather together, it will be troublesome."


After everyone finished speaking, they rushed towards Zhang Tian's position.

"Everyone, do we have any enmity?" Zhang Tian looked at the crowd after these strong men set foot here.

"No grudges, no grudges."

"Why do you set foot in Huaxia without hatred or resentment?"

"Because if you want to stop the kingdom of God from coming, you must die."

"Who says I'm going to stop, I won't stop." Zhang Tian said seriously, now that there are so many people, Zhang Tian admits that he is intimidated.

"Hahaha, boy, you are a bit of a gentleman who knows the current affairs, but you must die today, and you can't let variables happen."

"Have you never thought about the consequences if you fail to kill me?" Zhang Tian said to everyone.

"What consequences?"

"That's why you died miserably."

"Boy, I didn't expect you to threaten us when you were about to die, but I appreciate your courage, and I decided to play you to death slowly."

"Okay, then there's no need to talk nonsense." Zhang Tian's breath gushed out, and he immediately opened the eyes of the immortal. Since there was going to be a big fight, Zhang Tian released his breath without reservation, ready to fight everyone.

"The breath is not weak, but you must die."

"Then fight!"


"Kill." Zhang Tian also shouted loudly, killing all the powerful people at top speed.

"The woman who controls him, threatens him."

"It makes sense." After the two of them finished speaking, they immediately rushed to the energy layer.

But at this time, Huo Qilin appeared, made a deafening sound, and rushed towards the two of them at a high speed.

"Sure enough, there is a fire unicorn. If you eat the fire unicorn, your strength will increase greatly." The two were so excited that they rushed towards the fire unicorn at top speed.

"Ants, you will die miserably." Under Zhang Tian's frantic battle, the power of blood burst out immediately, and the terrifying aura rose again. Zhang Tian's strength is no longer what it used to be. I don't know how strong it is. Now He also opened up the power of the bloodline, making it even more terrifying, killing all the powerful people at a very high speed.

bang bang bang...

Under the collision of powerful forces, one, two, three, and four retreated with serious injuries, but the remaining four struggled to support, and Huo Qilin was also seriously injured and fell to the ground, making a painful sound.

"You will die miserably." Zhang Tian went crazy, and he rushed out at top speed, becoming crazy.

"Fight." The others were just as crazy, fighting against Zhang Tian.

Time passed quickly, and after fighting for 2 minutes, two of them were beheaded by Zhang Tian, ​​and the others fled Huaxia one after another, leaving in despair, shock, and unimaginable, but the surroundings of the villa were already in a mess, if not The powerhouses are fighting in the sky, and the destruction is estimated to be even more terrifying.

During Zhang Tian's frenzied battle, there was no Chinese powerhouse from the beginning to the end. Zhang Tian didn't know why, but this feeling was very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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