ten hidden tribes

Chapter 4 Feng Shui Master

Chapter 4 Feng Shui Master

Speaking of universities and majors with ridiculously high college entrance examination scores, people usually think of Guanghua School of Management of Peking University and Tsinghua Department of Computer Science, while at University A, it is the archeology major of the Department of History, which is famous for "three generations of engineering are poor, and archaeology ruins one's life".

On the one hand, it shows that Master A is really powerful, and half of China's students who are interested in archaeological research gather here. On the other hand, it also shows that the school is full of masters, which cannot be underestimated.

Mo Lu is 19 years old this year. He just came back from Xi'an and happily brought two replicas of Terracotta Warriors and Horses.She put the replicas of Qin Shihuang's funerary objects on the bedside of the bedroom, one on the left and one on the right, and slept in the middle by herself, feeling airy.

Last year, she performed exceptionally well in the college entrance examination. She scored [-] points more in the exam, and all the school majors she had chosen before were invalidated. She checked the high score list over the years and found that she even reached the cut-off mark for the History Department of University A.After studying for a year, Mo Lu's ideological awareness is still at the stage of taking pictures with the funerary objects of the dead in the museum, similar to that of tourists.

"It's the first time I saw someone in our department dare to bring back the terracotta warriors and horses and put them on the bedside." The girl who praised her was wearing a soft light-colored gauze skirt, and her long hair was tied up with a hairpin of unknown material. Magnolia.She gently leaned against the yellowed door frame of the dormitory, like a weightless fallen leaf leaning against a tree trunk.

When the roommate patted the dust on the chair and called "Senior Bai, drink tea", Mo Lu was still asking stupidly, "Why can't you put it? I bought a pair for 60 yuan."

Bai Qianqian raised her chin, she didn't want to explain: "It's not that you can't put it, the problem is whose bed you put it on. The terracotta warriors and horses are burial vessels, which bring bad luck. If you have trouble with someone, you can buy one and give it to him." After finishing speaking, She asked Mo Lu's roommate in disbelief: "Is she really the student handpicked by Mr. Zhou?"

The archeology major has always been taught in small classes, with no more than a few students in each class, and several highly respected old professors personally give advice. University A has two national treasure-level professors, one surnamed Zhou and the other surnamed Bai, who are said to be classmates.Mo Lu didn't know how she was selected by Mr. Zhou. She just remembered that at the end of last semester, Mr. Zhou took her failed Orientation History test paper to the teacher, crying with snot and tears about the mistakes in the selection.

Bai Qianqian's grandfather is Bai Qianqian's grandfather.Bai Qianqian was in Gao Molu's first class, her family background was unfathomable, and she joined her grandfather's school again, and won four scholarships in two years.Even if you are not a junior in the research direction, you will obediently call Senior Sister when you meet.

At that time, Mr. Zhou and Bai Wen were both graduates of archeology, and they were like brothers.It's just that the Zhou family has been scientific workers for generations, and the Bai family specializes in Fengshui masters. Mr. Zhou, who insists on scientific archaeology, finally parted ways with Brother Bai, and carried out field investigations alone with equipment.

Later, both of them made great achievements in learning and taught at the same university, and they quarreled as soon as they met—originally, Mo Lu and Bai Qianqian should have never been in touch with each other.But Mo Lu had a fever and owed Senior Sister Bai a favor.

At first, Mo Lu thought it was due to fatigue from traveling, but as a result, he had a low-grade fever for several days, which continued after taking a few tablets of amoxicillin prescribed by the school hospital.She was lying on the bed in a daze, and suddenly felt a finger on her forehead, and her body instantly became cool.

Mo Lu opened his eyes, and saw a person who seemed to be Bai Qianqian sitting beside the bed in the dormitory, he couldn't see clearly against the light.She held the plastic soup bowl from the cafeteria in one hand, stretched out the other hand, and tapped it on her forehead.There seems to be a pair of plastic chopsticks for canteens on the bowl.

"If I don't help you, you can probably survive fifteen days of hard work. If you want my help, you have to promise me one thing."


Mo Lu encountered the most miraculous thing in his life.When senior sister Bai put her finger on her forehead, there was a coolness between her brows, and her whole body felt comfortable.As soon as the fingertips were removed, she had a low fever again.Bai Qianqian was still wearing the long cotton-dyed floral dress, and sat beside her gently, poking her forehead with her fingers like pressing the switch of the air conditioner.

Mo Lu agreed in a daze: "Senior sister, don't play with me, what kind of scientific principle is this..." Bai Qianqian smiled sweetly, took out a bottle of Fengyoujing worth five yuan, poured it into a plastic bowl, Then dip it with your slender index finger.

Mo Lu just wanted to say, "Don't take such deceitful people", but Bai Qianqian put away her smile: "Did you take a picture of the terracotta warriors and horses? One of the terracotta warriors and horses can't be clearly photographed, but you forced it from a different angle gone."

Mo Lu thought about it, and there was indeed such a thing.

"You brought back the ghosts of the Qin people attached to the pottery figurines." Bai Qianqian shook her head, "Every museum has a 'no photography' sign, don't think it's for fun. The flash is only for silk and silk. Paintings and cultural relics are harmful, but why is it forbidden to take pictures of unearthed bronzes and pottery? Think about it for yourself.”

Mr. Zhou insists on scientific archaeology, so Mo Lu has never understood the heresy about archaeology since the Bagua map.Some tour guides often deceive tourists that the reason why ancient objects cannot be photographed is because the flash light can easily cause misunderstandings by ghosts.If the flashlight is repeatedly flashed on the cultural relic, the ghosts attached to it may think that they have seen a black and white guide lantern, and turn to attach themselves to the tourist holding the camera.Mo Luma has a good philosophy, of course he doesn't believe it.But since senior sister Bai doesn't like taking pictures, she won't take pictures.

She watched as Bai Qianqian gracefully poured the essential oil into the bowl in the cafeteria, then stuffed the plastic chopsticks into her hands and asked her to hold them tightly.

"To suppress the ghosts, you should drink water from a hundred families, eat a meal from a hundred families, and destroy the yin with the yang. Now I don't have time to take a steamed bun and ask a hundred people to bite each of them." Bai Qianqian glanced at her, "I think this If you grow steamed buns, you will be so disgusted that you can’t eat them. The most convenient thing is the bowls and chopsticks in the cafeteria, which are used by tens of thousands of students in the school. I pour something into it, and you drink it.”

Mo Lu later summed up the first rule of dealing with Bai Qianqian-what looks like one thing on her body is actually another thing.For example, this bottle of Fengyoujing seems to contain normal Fengyoujing, but it actually tastes sweet.Once she even saw Bai Qianqian pour tea out of this two-inch wind oil essence bottle, and the aroma of Tieguanyin filled three normal-sized teacups.Mo Lu felt that she must have been dazzled at the time.

After Bai Qianqian finished speaking, she lifted her skirt and walked out.Mo Lu asked where she was going, she turned around and looked at her: "Of course it's going to the cafeteria to return the bowl."

On the second day after the fever subsided, Bai Qianqian made Mo Lu into his field investigation task team as a coolie.Mo Lu summed up the second rule of dealing with Bai Qianqian - if senior sister Bai helps, she will definitely ask for something in return, and it will be very fast.

There was a field trip in the sophomore department, and Bai Qianqian took the team to the farthest place, and took the train for three days and two nights.Getting off the bus was in a small county town, there was no Coke, only sugar water sold for [-] cents a cup, and three rounds of manpower were required to get out.Mo Lu held up his mobile phone and said pitifully to another member of the entourage: "Senior Qingshan, the troublemaker on Weibo is here again."

A group of people applied for an official Weibo "Voice of Archeology of A University", dedicated to posting food, drink and card game results along the way, and even added a V to Sina.The Weibo spokesperson is Mo Lu, and the number of replies is almost zero. Occasionally, there are two, who also come to fight.

@考川在阿 (the profile picture is a girl with a light tone): Nowadays, college students only know how to eat, drink and have fun. The academic atmosphere is too bad!

@师兄You owe me a bottle of Wuliangye (the profile picture is Kuchiki Baizai): When I went to the field to investigate, I used Baidu maps to find directions!A bunch of academic scum!
Like Bai Qianqian, Liu Qingshan also heard about his disciples during the day, and he was promoted by an old saying at the beginning: "If you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of no firewood." He opened Weibo and replied angrily, "Speak to my mentor if you have the ability", Then put the luggage on the front desk of the guest house, and continue to drive Baidu Maps to lead the way to the mountains in the southeast of the small county.

According to the plan, what they want to inspect is an ancient building built in the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. They can return after drawing architectural drawings and taking photos for the ancient building.Because of the remoteness of the place, Bai Qianqian obtained the information only after going through several hands, so it was very difficult to locate it.When they walked halfway, Mo Lu suddenly asked Bai Qianqian, who was at the end of the line: "Senior Bai, did you hear the birds?" Turning around, she found that Bai Qianqian was not there.

The third rule of dealing with senior sister Bai - she will suddenly disappear, and then come back as if nothing happened.Once when Mo Lu and her were walking side by side, she said she wanted to drink Coke, but Bai Qianqian disappeared as soon as she turned her head.She looked around and found that she was queuing at the checkout counter of the supermarket 500 meters away, holding two bottles of Coke in her hand, and the position in the line was still very front.It takes at least 3 minutes to walk to the supermarket from where they stand.Mo Lu thought about it and couldn't figure out how Senior Bai did all these things in a second.

She had to turn to another girl in the team: "Did you hear the birds?"

Mo Lu stood in the forest outside the county seat, leaning on a small tree and looking around: "Have you heard the sound of a bird calling a music box?"


It was a cloudy day, and looking down from the dense forest in the middle of the mountain, I could just see dark clouds and low pressure on the low tile-roofed roofs of the small county town.The birdsong was very soft, and it seemed to come from a different direction deep in the woods.I can't hear the specific title of the song, but it does sound like the melody of a music box.It is said to be Western music, but it is more quiet and ethereal, and it is said to be classical music, but it is definitely not a pipa or a lute.

For a moment, everyone froze in place.There seemed to be something frightening in the wind, sending such a strange bird song to my ears.

"Don't be afraid." Mo Lu was terrified, when suddenly someone behind her reached out and covered her ears, "Don't listen if you are afraid. Some wild birds have the ability to imitate human speech, maybe someone put a music box here, the birds Remember, imitate and play when you have nothing to do. It's nothing."

Bai Qianqian came back at some point, after comforting Mo Lu, she took her mobile phone calmly, frowned and read the Weibo she just posted: "The investigation team heard a very strange bird call, it was so scary. "

@史兄You owe me a bottle of Wuliangye: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that's a terrible bird cry @考瑜在阿
@考田在阿: A group of academic scum! (Don't @ me for this kind of thing!)

Things are not that simple.

When the evening was approaching, they arrived in front of the ancient building.The ancient building is built on the high pile of rocks at the col of the two mountains next to the county seat.The stones at the base are piled high, but the main building has only three floors.Due to the age of the circular pointed roof, almost only the beams remain, and the two floors in the middle are long gone, so the skylight can directly shine on the ground floor through the remaining tiles.

Because of poor preservation and remote location, the ancient building did not attract the attention of the local government.If it comes ten years later, Mo Lu and the others will only see a rocky base.A group of people climbed up a rock, and Mo Lu suddenly felt that someone behind her gave her a hand.

Bai Qianqian put her index finger on her lips: "Did you hear... the birdsong?"

Mo Lu wanted to cry with her head in her arms, saying that senior sister, we heard weird bird calls along the way!Bai Qianqian tilted her head in thought: "There are rocks around here, no trees, the sound of birdsong should not come from such a close place. And the direction of the sound is wrong." She squatted down and pressed against the stone steps under her feet After listening for a while, I stood up and pointed to the stone steps under my feet, "No, all the birds are singing here."


Bai Qianqian is Bai Tianwen's granddaughter, who has a lot of research on things like yin and yang, feng shui.She said that there was no problem from the information at the beginning, but it was only after on-site inspection that the ancient building was indeed strange.The so-called feng shui pays attention to the right time, place and people, and the houses for people to live in must be down-to-earth.The problem with this ancient building is that the base is too high.

"Aside from this ancient building, didn't anyone else build their house on a high platform?" Mo Lu was still struggling with the sound of birdsong coming from the ground.

"Of course there is. You must know one or two things." Bai Qianqian nodded. She changed her long skirt and wore a field denim jacket. It is the legendary Jinluan Palace, and Efang Palace...which was burned later. This thing is not a building. The purpose of building such a high stone platform should not be to house people, but to reach the sky. Only by stepping on the birdsong, the stone platform Talents on the sky seem to be walking on clouds. Compared with the materials, this ancient building is strange."

She took out the bottle of essential oil that she carried with her and smiled slightly.Bai Qianqian is not a very stunning type, but she has a good smile, her eyes are slightly raised, and she is very energetic.She smiled like this, somehow Mo Lu had the feeling that this person wanted to blend into the sunset and never come back again.

In fact, Bai Qianqian was the first to enter that ancient building, and never came out from that door again.

At that time, Liu Qingshan was arguing on Weibo on his mobile phone, "Whether you can open Baidu maps for field trips?" There was also a senior wearing gold-rimmed glasses, surnamed Xia. Play "Lianliankan" with your mobile phone.

In fact, in terms of structure, this is just an ordinary ancient building, and dust fell after the door panels were pushed open.At first, Mo Lu thought it was empty, but after squinting her eyes to adapt to the light, she realized that there were many things densely packed on the floor—clay pots.

The ground floor of the entire ancient building is filled with clay pots two feet high.Most were broken, and pottery fragments were scattered all over the place.Bai Qianqian squatted in the corner, knocking on each clay pot, listening to something with her ear on it.

"It's empty." Mo Lu opened one of the jars, and was about to open the other, when she suddenly smelled a faint scent of perfume, and was pulled back from behind.

The senior with golden glasses who was drinking mineral water below went up the ancient building at some point.He even wore a white suit during the field trip, and climbed up the stone steps in a rare spotless spot.He glanced at Bai Qianqian, and made a silent gesture: "Mo Lu, you haven't heard of urn coffin burial, have you?"

Mo Lu searched his memory, and barely remembered the cheat sheet he typed in the final exam of Neolithic Archaeological History last semester. In 1954, archaeologists discovered a large tomb group of the Yangshao Culture in Banpo Village, Shaanxi Province, and the urn coffin burial was proposed at that time. The ancients 6000 years ago put dead children in clay pots, covered them with clay basins (such are the basins with human faces and fish patterns in high school history books), and buried them in the ground.There is a small hole on the top of the pottery pot used as a cover. Experts speculate that it is to facilitate the entry and exit of children's ghosts.

"This small hole is very important, which shows that the ancients believed that the soul can be contained in the container. If there is no hole in the urn coffin, the soul of the dead baby will stay in the pot and cannot go to heaven. The shape of these pots is very similar to that of the urn coffin. They are similar, except that there is no corpse in the middle, and there is no hole for the soul to enter and exit. Therefore, I have a deduction," Jin Si glasses took out a handkerchief and wiped the finger that touched the clay pot, "This is the urn coffin, but the burial is human soul. The purpose is to lock the soul inside. Bai Qianqian's thoughts are probably the same as mine. You see, she is listening to see if there are any remaining souls talking."

He reached out and pointed in Bai Qianqian's direction, and suddenly found that there was no one there.

It was empty, with no footprints left.

At first, Bai Qianqian's disappearance did not attract the group's attention.Because she often disappears suddenly and comes back as if nothing had happened.Most of the group are boys, girls have physical needs, it is normal to disappear for a while occasionally.Everyone's attention was attracted by the chirping of birds below the stone steps.

Bai Qianqian was right, the birdsong came from the stone steps.If you put your ears on the stones, you will find that the strange birdsong is coming from deep underground, with chord tremors.They turned the stone steps upside down, and even lifted a stone to check.The bottom of the stone steps is normal soil, and it is impossible for birds to nest.When it was later discovered that Bai Qianqian had really disappeared, the entire group lost control of their emotions.A girl was crying and wanted to call home, saying that she would never come to such a ghostly place again, and she wanted to pack her bags and go home immediately.Liu Qingshan was dialing the number to call the police.Mo Lu was walking around in a hurry with the soaked instant noodles, and suddenly found that the gold-rimmed glasses were playing "Lianliankan" on the laptop.

He smiled and pointed to the instant noodles Mo Lu was holding: "Give it to me if you don't want to eat it."

Mo Lu clutched the instant noodles: "Senior Qingshan is calling the police."

"The phone has no signal, so it's useless to be anxious." The gold-rimmed glasses looked in Liu Qingshan's direction.After a while, he really came back dejectedly holding the phone.Jinsi glasses asked again: "Mo Lu, do you know why Bai Qianqian insisted on pulling you into the team this time?"

In retrospect, Mo Lu realized that the most mysterious person in the whole group, besides Bai Qianqian, was the gold-rimmed glasses.When they found the ancient building, everyone jumped up and down the stairs. He was playing "Lianliankan". The little cousin of Molu Kindergarten is still low.

Mo Lu didn't answer for a while, closed the computer with golden glasses, and told a story.

"Have you ever heard of Fengshui masters? The Bai family is a family of Fengshui masters that has been passed down from generation to generation. If Bai Qianqian can die here so easily, then her life will be meaningless to the family."

Mo Lu knew that Professor Bai Wenbai was a master of Fengshui Kanyu during the day, but he didn't know that this mysterious art was still passed down in their family.On the surface, the Bai family has washed their hands and gone ashore over the years, and the entire family headed by Bai Tianwen has become scientific workers, but what the golden glasses are telling seems to be another story.He shook his finger: "You must not tell Bai Qianqian that I said it, or I will die a miserable death—for example, she actually has a marriage contract with my boss. Oh, what a headache."

Corresponding to the Yin Yang art of manipulating puppets to write spells, it is the art of geomancy.Because the word Kanyu is difficult to recognize, people generally refer to Kanyu as Mr. Fengshui.Choosing a homestead for building a house, choosing a grave for burying a dead person, and looking through the almanac when you go out all belong to the category of Feng Shui-of course, this is only its most obvious manifestation.According to legend, a good Feng Shui master can determine whether a place will have a good year or a famine in the coming year by only slightly moving the trees and buildings in a certain place.

Therefore, the family with the most marriages with Feng Shui masters is the Onmyoji.

Later, the art of geomancy was not lost, but was secretly passed down by the Bai family.There is a saying that every daughter of the Bai family will eventually marry into the Xia family of Onmyoji.

When the story happened, Bai Qianqian was only 14 years old, and she lived in the ancestral home of her grandfather Tianwen in the countryside.She has read the family's collection of books and writes beautiful calligraphy. She is the youngest Feng Shui master among the children of the family.There are many secrets in this world, and the Bai family's geomancy is one of them.Bai Tianwen used the power of the whole family to cultivate this intelligent heir, and gave her a gift on Bai Qianqian's tenth birthday.

He sent Bai Qianqian alone, a little boy who was also ten years old.

People of the older generation often say that those who explore the principles of the sky will be punished by the heavens, so many Fengshui masters have no children and die alone.However, the Bai family is not subject to this restriction, because they will look for "lucky stars" for their heirs.Draw a gossip array centered on the birthplace of the heir, and look for babies born two years before and after.The birth time of the baby must be the same as that of the owner, and the five elements and eight characters are opposite to each other and complement each other.This baby is the lucky star of Onmyoji, who can protect him from heaven's punishment and disaster, and keep his life safe.Every onmyoji of the Bai family cherishes his lucky star just as he cherishes his right hand with a compass.

Bai Qianqian got Xia Chuan when she was ten years old.He came from the Xia family of Onmyoji, he was agile and studious, and he was considered half an Onmyoji at that time.Because of the marriage contract, Bai Qianqian will one day marry Xia Zihan, the youngest son of the Xia family, and Xiao Xiachuan will protect the future young lady of his family like a knight... Go to school together, and help her carry the lace skirt when quarreling with classmates , to help Bai Qianqian when she was catching up with her homework.

Miss Bai was wearing shiny patent leather shoes, holding math books around the room in circles: "Huang Li said, today is not suitable for doing homework..." Xia Chuan just smiled, tore a page from the homework book and folded it into a small figure.The villain automatically jumped onto the desk, holding a pen to write and draw on the unit test paper, the handwriting was exactly the same as that of Bai Qianqian.

Xia Chuan accompanied Bai Qianqian for four years.In the winter of the fourth year, Bai Tianwen seriously discussed the agreement with his granddaughter to marry into the Xia family—but Miss Bai ran away from the marriage.At that time, Bai Qianqian was only 14 years old, and Xia Chuan was also 14 years old.Tian Tianwen knew that her granddaughter had always been proud and self-willed, but she didn't understand why Xia Chuan, who had always been stable and gentle, who lived in Bai's house, didn't report to him as usual, and even ran away with her.

Probably because Xia Chuan arranged it properly, the two children fled to a far away place.The Bai family tried their best to find them in the forest next to a small county town.It was already dark at that time, and the two children, who were traveling far for the first time, leaned against each other under an abandoned tower, and fell into a deep sleep.Xia Chuan's cotton coat was draped over Miss Bai's shoulders, and the faces of the two of them were pale.The difference is that Bai Qianqian finally woke up, but Xia Chuan never woke up again.

Unexpectedly, when she woke up, Bai Qianqian's tears rolled down her face.She seemed to have lost the memory of a certain period of time, and she didn't look at Xia Chuan beside her, but repeatedly pointed to the ancient building and told Bai Tianwen that Xia Chuan was not here, and he was pressed under the building.

The people involved in this matter searched the ancient building and found no passage leading to the bottom of the ancient building.It is a three-story building with a normal pointed roof built on a stone platform, and the ground floor is filled with clay pots.


"No one can be sure what exactly happened to the two children in the ancient building. It's just that since then, Bai Qianqian has stepped back from the position of the heir of the Bai family, and has been introspecting for a full ten years. Originally, the Fengshui master protected her. Fu Xing should be like cherishing her right hand, but she lost Xia Chuan forever because of her youth and willfulness. Oh, by the way, Mo Lu, I asked you just now why Bai Qianqian insisted that you join our investigation team." Jin Si The glasses turned her head, and she patted Mo Lu's shoulder encouragingly, "—because you are her second lucky star. Some Feng Shui masters are born without a lucky star, and Bai Qianqian can be regarded as God's favor, and she can meet two lucky stars in her life. This time, she learned to cherish it. I guess Bai Qianqian found a way to re-enter the underground palace of the ancient building, but she didn't take you in because she was afraid of danger."

Mo Lu squatted on the ground and silently finished her instant noodles.The gold-rimmed glasses next to her watched her eat, so she reopened her notebook and played "Lianliankan" again.The inspection team slept in the open all night, planning to wait for dawn to withdraw from the mountain forest and go to the small county town below the mountain to seek help.

Mo Lu borrowed a thick coat from Jinsi glasses, leaned against a tree and fell asleep, and was awakened by the mountain wind at dawn.Her position was facing the stone platform of the ancient building. From this angle, there were several people standing on the stone platform.In a daze, it looks like Liu Qingshan and gold-rimmed glasses, and a girl with him.Like Bai Qianqian yesterday, they put their ears on the stone steps and listened to the birdsong from below.

Mo Lu ran over, and Liu Qingshan waved to her: "I have found the reason for the birdsong." He pointed to the gold-rimmed glasses standing together, "Student Xia is studying civil engineering. He simulated the sound on the computer software yesterday. The construction of this building, found that the dimensions of its staircases were carefully designed. There is only one other building in the world that is designed in a similar way - the Mayan Pyramid of Feetzd."

If you stand at the base of the Pyramid of Feathered Serpent and clap your hands, you will hear the song of quetzal from the pyramid.Later, after research, acoustic engineers discovered that the ancient Mayans deliberately performed a kind of auditory imitation according to the width of the pyramid stone steps.

"You see, the low stone steps are narrow and high, and it is very difficult to climb. This is not an unreasonable design by the original builders. It can make a high-pitched 'chirp' according to the sound of people's footsteps. The high place is spacious and low. If there are any stone steps, it will emit a low tone similar to the end of birdsong." Liu Qingshan circled a few points on the chaotic stone platform with chalk, "Only the sound of footsteps stepping on a fixed place can trigger an echo. That's why only when someone stands When we are on the stone steps, we will hear intermittent birdsong. To hear this sound, two points must be met. The first point is that someone is walking on the stone steps, and the second point is that the position he walks must be Step on the echo point."

Mo Lu suddenly remembered what Zhou Lao often said, history has been buried in the dust, and the whole business of archaeology is to reconstruct the life that has disappeared.The person who said this is the idol worshiped by Mr. Zhou, Petrie, the founder of scientific archaeology. The old man burns paper money for the idol on June 6 every year for his birthday.

She thought, if you want to rebuild the life that has disappeared, what used to be here?

"Mo Lu, what are you thinking?" Gold-rimmed glasses asked.

"I was thinking, since the person who built the ancient building can set up such a mechanism, it means that he may have set up other mechanisms." Mo Lu gritted her teeth, and finally said what she wanted to say, "You may be right. Senior sister Bai didn't It’s missing, but it’s just under this building. To consider what mechanism is there, you have to consider what the person who built the ancient building originally wanted to use it for.”

According to Jinsi Glasses, Bai Qianqian should be at the bottom of the building.But if she really finds a way to get in, she should be able to come out freely, so that the team members won't be waiting outside in fear.The only explanation is that she got in and couldn't find a way out.Mo Lu wanted to analyze what this ancient building was doing, to see if he could find any clues.

She carefully recalled what Bai Qianqian had said before parting.She should have discovered something at that time, there may be clues in the words.

"This thing is not a building. The purpose of building such a high stone platform should not be to live in people, but to reach the sky. Only when you step on the birdsong, the people on the stone platform seem to be walking on clouds..."

The ancient building was built during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty.Mo Lu remembered that she had humbly asked Mr. Zhou for advice: "Mr. Zhou, is there any precedent for altars in Qing dynasty buildings with pointed roofs? It's a round roof with a pointed one in the middle."

At that time, Bai Tianwen was also there, and comforted his junior brother: "Old Zhou, don't you just don't know how the roof of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest in the Temple of Heaven grew... Do you need to be so angry? Do you need to throw books at your students?" ?”

Mr. Zhou complained: "It's more than that! I used to know that the green terracotta warriors and horses were unearthed in a year-she even called 12580!"

Mo Lu trembled in the memories, and gradually had a deduction in his mind.If you want the stairs to sound like birdsong, people who climb the stairs must step on the stone steps of the ancient building in a specific way.It's almost like a sacrificial ceremony.This is not an ordinary building, but an altar with the purpose of reaching the sky!Then the empty pottery pots in the building are obviously not ordinary items, probably they were placed on the altar by the ancients at that time.Mo Lu is a staunch proletarian atheist, but she was suddenly curious—was Bai Qianqian putting her ear on the clay pot before she disappeared, was she really listening to something sealed inside?So what did she hear?Are those things still sealed in clay pots now?

Mo Lu told Liu Qingshan about the idea of ​​the altar and the idea of ​​urn coffin burial that Jinsi glasses had mentioned at the beginning, and Liu Qingshan said that he suddenly thought of another thing.

He went to the camping tree to dig through the luggage he carried, and found a book: "This is a photo of Qin Shihuang's terracotta warriors and horses unearthed. Did you notice anything special? The body of this terracotta warrior that was photographed was broken, The legs are complete and solid - because the bottom is solid and the body is hollow. This shows that the inside of the terracotta warrior is like a hollow container."

Although Liu Qingshan relied on Baidu maps from the teaching building to the cafeteria, after all, he was a student brought out by Bai Tianwen, and occasionally he thought about something by himself.Later, Professor Bai commented that he looked at problems from a very special angle, as ethereal as a fairy flying from the sky, and occasionally he could hit the point.Because Feng Shui belongs to metaphysics, it is mysterious and magical.

Archaeological experts have found that none of the unearthed terracotta warriors have the same face, and each terracotta warrior is hollow.Mass production of pottery puppets usually requires a model so that craftsmen can draw gourds according to gourds.However, the craftsmen who fired the terracotta warriors did not adopt this efficient and simple method, but spent time and labor to produce more than [-] soldiers with different faces.Liu Qingshan believes that the craftsmen have a special reason for doing this - to facilitate the identification of pottery warriors from each other.

If you bury a chicken in the ground, after ten days, the chicken will only have a skeleton, and after half a year, it will completely rot and disappear.If the terracotta warriors and horses are really the Yin soldiers buried with him by Qin Shihuang, as archaeologists say, then he may consider replacing the soldiers with a hard shell that can withstand the erosion of time.The pottery figurines themselves can only be containers. Of course, Qin Shihuang would not be so foolish as to think that he could control a bunch of pottery—it is human sacrifice that really provides the soul for pottery.Liu Qingshan insisted that with the excavation of Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum, a large number of death pits will appear.The souls of these people eventually entered the pottery terracotta warriors and horses and became Qin Shihuang's ghost soldiers. Unfortunately, after Qin's demise, the fired terracotta warriors and horses were destroyed by Xiang Yu's soldiers.

"Each of the terracotta warriors and horses has a ghost of the Qin people attached to them, so there is a sign that prohibits taking pictures." Liu Qingshan sighed, "Mo Lu, I heard that you fell ill after taking pictures?"

Mo Lu thought of Bai Qianqian's words—that she had brought Qin Ren's ghost back, and couldn't help being taken aback.Perhaps one or two of the terracotta warriors that were broken when they were unearthed successfully turned into Yin soldiers, standing underground for thousands of years.

"But what does this have to do with the clay pots in the building?" She widened her eyes and tried hard to think.

Looking at the rising sun in the distance, Liu Qingshan sighed: "Don't you think this is very similar to the burial system we speculate today? They all seal the souls of the dead in pottery containers, but one is to make A Yin soldier in the shape of an adult, and a simple clay pot."

Mo Lu lowered his head slowly, recalling each sentence.Mr. Zhou said that a qualified archaeologist must have the courage to face the unknown.She bit her lip and asked with difficulty: "Senior Qingshan, do you think those clay pots are alive just like the successfully made Yin soldiers?"


What Liu Qingshan meant was that instead of saying that it was the souls that were locked in these pots, it would be better to say that these souls lived in the pots.Mo Lu thought, then this is connected with the story told by Jinsi Glasses - the words that Bai Qianqian, who was only 14 years old, said in tears: Xia Chuan is not here, he was pressed under the building...

Xia Chuan's body was indeed with her at the time. Perhaps what Bai Qianqian wanted to express was that due to some circumstances, Xia Chuan's soul was sealed in the clay pot.And this clay pot is in the underground palace under the ancient building.

The pottery pots they saw on the surface had been exposed to the sun, and the yang energy was too heavy, and the contents inside were gone.And the jar stored in the underground palace might indeed be alive.Bai Qianqian led the team this time not to inspect the ancient building, but to look for Xia Chuan from the very beginning.Now she should have re-entered the bottom of the underground palace through some method, and was with Xia Chuan's soul.

What needs to be done now is to find a way to enter the underground palace of the ancient building.Mo Lu was sitting on a rock thinking hard, when suddenly someone flicked his head from behind.Immediately, her hairs stood on end, and she jumped up like a kitten, only to find that it was gold-rimmed glasses.He pointed to the camping place and said, "Liu Qingshan has gone to the county town to bring in reinforcements. Are you going with him, or staying behind?"

Mo Lu didn't even think about it: "I'll stay behind."

The gold-rimmed glasses sat down on the stone opposite her and said, "What a coincidence, I'll stay behind too."

He asked: "Mo Lu, what do you think the rescuers will do here? This is a small county, and the county government doesn't understand the archaeological value of this dilapidated building. They will search the mountains to find Bai Qianqian, and if they can't find it, they will demolish it." Drop the ancient building and a few stone steps, and look for anything below. At that time, the mechanism in the building will be completely destroyed, and Bai Qianqian will be trapped underground forever. Mo Lu, if you really want to save Bai Qianqian, now there are only a few hours left before the rescue team arrives."

Aside from talking about Fu Xing, Mo Lu and Bai Qianqian don't have that deep friendship, but she bought herself iced Coke, and even used heresy ways to help her get rid of her fever - she wanted to help her.

Since yesterday, Mo Lu always felt that something was wrong.There is something that should exist, but disappears.

what is it?


Yes, birdsong!

"When we entered the mountain, we heard a music box-like bird call from a distance!" She jumped up, but bumped her head on the shoulder of the senior sitting opposite, and was supported by him, "After that, I never heard it again. If It’s true that someone played a music box here, which was remembered by the wild birds, and it’s impossible for the birds to sing just once!”

Mo Lu has always kept in mind the words of Zhou Lao, that archeology is the reconstruction of past life.There must be some reason for the ancients to build this altar like an ancient building and set the steps to the sound of birdsong.Why do the steps make the sound of birds chirping for no reason?What do they want to do with this voice?
"What we heard when we entered the mountain was not birdsong at all." Mo Lu stared at the face of the gold-rimmed glasses, "It was this stone platform that was playing - the stone steps themselves are a music box."

When he discovered the bionic principle of stone steps, Liu Qingshan drew circles with chalk on the stone steps.Only when you step on a specific place, the stone steps can make the sound of birdsong.At that time, another girl in the same company was bouncing around and stepping back and forth to do the experiment, and Mo Lu just squatted aside and listened.At that time, she discovered that the birdsong sounds in different chalk circles were slightly different.Thinking back now, the scale is different.The whole step, all the pronunciation points added together, should be a complete scale.Stepping in sequence in a proper way can play a piece of music.

"The first music box was..."

"The Swiss improved it from an ordinary music box in 1796." Jinsi glasses said.

"At that time we were in the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty, which was the same as the estimated construction period of the building. It cannot be ruled out that it was influenced by Western techniques when it was built - the footsteps knocked on the stone steps, just like the metal pieces in a music box knocked on the rotating shaft... ...but no one recognized the name of the piece of music at that time."

"No, that's not the point," he shook his head. "The stone platform makes sound only when people step on it. The problem is that when we entered the mountain yesterday, who walked back and forth on the stone platform and played the music we heard at that time?"


Mo Lu knew who was walking back and forth on the stone platform, triggering an unknown mechanism.At that time, she happened to look back, and Bai Qianqian was not there.She still remembered that Bai Qianqian once disappeared from her side suddenly, and then appeared in line at the entrance of the supermarket to buy Coke.When Bai Qianqian came back, the birdsong had almost stopped, leaving only the resonant sound similar to chords.

Jin Si Glasses said that it is not necessary to know the name of the music.Because if one person can finish the whole piece of music, then the pronunciation points must be adjacent to each other, at least within the length of human footsteps, and arranged in a very simple way, otherwise there will be a break in the middle of the piece.He took out a piece of chalk, and continued to mark the places Liu Qingshan had circled: "It is actually a skill to determine which are the pronunciation points - in the same plane, the place where the stone steps are most worn. After all, these pronunciation points will be long-term Stampede."

He threw away the chalk after drawing, looked powerless, and sat back to play the game: "Mo Lu, the rest is the arrangement and combination of scales. Try it, if you still remember some tunes from yesterday, maybe you can play it out .I can only help you so far.”

Mo Lu discovered that, in fact, the pronunciation points under the feet are not arranged according to the scale, but according to the steps.To put it simply, the keyboard of a piano is usually in the order of "Duo Re Mi Fa Instigation", but these pronunciation points are arranged in steps.That is to say, regardless of the repeated single tone, after stepping on a set of pronunciation points, it is a piece of music.Mo Lu stood on the high stone steps, stood on tiptoe and stretched out his arms to try, just like when he was learning ballet in elementary school.The wind was very strong and cold, which made her shiver, and Mo Lu felt that she had used up all her music cells in her life.She silently encouraged herself, if she could rescue Senior Bai, her KAT-TUN Tokyo Dome debut concert DVD would be mine...

Later, Mo Lu felt the fixed dance steps.Stepping on the pronunciation points under the feet with such a step, the posture is the most graceful, the body is the most agile, and the sound of the stone steps resonating is also the most harmonious.It's as if I am a leaf in late autumn, falling lightly following the inherent rhythm of the airflow.

When the dance stopped, she felt a slight vibration, coming from the depths of the stone steps.

In the ancient building, at the corner where Bai Qianqian disappeared, a stone door quietly appeared on the floor.

It had been a long time since Bai Qianqian had entered such pure darkness.Darkness keeps her safe.When she was a little girl, her father would send her into a special darkroom to meditate for an hour every day, imagining how everything would return to nothingness and then emerge from nothingness.This is the first lesson for the Bai family to train Feng Shui masters - you must first perceive "nothingness" before you can perceive "existence", and finally you can see the gathering of wind and the flow of water in the world.

At first she was afraid of the dark and knocked on the door crying.Father Bai is a scholar wearing black-rimmed glasses, who is as strict with his daughter as he is with his son.Only Xia Chuan would secretly appear by the window and chat with her through the door: "Miss, if you persist for an hour, I will give you my Saint Seiya model."

Bai Qianqian sobbed: "I don't watch Saint Seiya, I'm afraid of the dark."

Xia Chuan was silent for a while.After a while, Bai Qianqian felt that something came in through the gap of the window beside her. It was a thin piece of paper with wet ink traces to the touch.

"Hold it well," Xia Chuan said, "If there are really monsters in the dark, and you shout 'Ultraman', that little note will become me, and beat them all away! Ultraman only fights small monsters , I'm amazing!"

Later she sewed a sachet herself and tied the little note around her chest.Every time I touch it, I feel very safe.From that day on, Bai Qianqian began to rack her brains thinking about what kind of gift she should return to Xia Chuan, so that she was depressed for several days and lost several strands of her hair.Xia Chuan was very strange at first, but then smiled very gently. "If you must give me something, just give me a memory." Xia Chuan said, "Miss, I am your lucky star. If one day I accidentally block a disaster and die, I will put the love between us to death." Take away the memory. Otherwise, you will be sad when you recall it."

It was cold all around, and Bai Qianqian knew that she was already at the cold and damp bottom of the ancient building.Clay pots lay at her feet, and she had to navigate around them carefully to finish what she had to do.She thought, before coming here, she should remind Mo Lu one more word.Feng Shui turns, this place used to be an altar, but now it has been reduced to a cemetery.

For a second, Bai Qianqian saw the image of Mo Lu jumping out of the library holding a comic book, with soft shoulder-length hair, big deer-like eyes, innocent and innocent.She stared at herself enviously, without blinking: "Senior Bai, how much did you pay for the signed DVD version of your KAT-TUN debut concert?"

By God's favor, she had two lucky stars in her life.Bai Qianqian smiled to herself, originally the Feng Shui master had the obligation to protect her lucky star, but this time, I am afraid it will be a farewell.

What happened at the age of 14, in fact, took away the silk cocoon of time, and the truth wrapped in the core is very simple.

At that time, she was in the period of rebellion. Like many children, she regarded the family as a kind of shackles that restrained her wings.Opposing the family's traditional marriage has become a vent for everything.

It was Xia Chuan's idea to come to this county.He bought two train tickets, and then gave up his seat so that Bai Qianqian could curl up like a kitten and sleep on the adjacent seat.The car stopped at a small station, and Xia Chuan found that the atmosphere of yin and yang Fengshui was weaker than anywhere else—that is, they were outside the sphere of influence of the Bai family and Xia family.

Xia Chuan decisively shook Bai Qianqian awake, and took her out of the car.In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will understand that meeting a piece of land without influence is as unreliable as having a diamond ring that no one wants on the street.If it does not belong to the Bai family or the Xia family, there must be an unknown third-party force controlling this land to keep it from falling into human hands for the time being—but Bai Qianqian and Xia Chuan were still too young at that time.

They went into the forest and found the ancient building.The Bai family entered the world of archaeology, and Bai Qianqian has been very interested in historical relics since she was a child.She proposed to go into the building for inspection.The person who discovered how to open the secret door was Xia Chuan. He put his ear on the stone steps below the ancient building and said that the sound was strange.Xia Chuan took out a pen, wrote a line on the notebook, and then tore it into many thin strips.Each thin strip becomes a small paper figurine, jumping and walking on the stone steps——as the paper figurines walk in different ways, they gradually form dance steps and routines. The stone steps are like music boxes, emitting different high and low birdsong.

Bai Qianqian suddenly felt that the wind around her had changed, and her breath began to flow in an unpredictable way.

In a corner of the ancient building, a door quietly opened.

It all started when Xia Chuan kicked over a clay pot when they were walking down the cold and dark steps.

What exactly came out of the pot, Bai Qianqian no longer remembered.At that moment, she only felt the temperature around her drop suddenly, as if she was standing in the water and suddenly the water around her began to freeze rapidly.Seeking shelter in the dark, trying to get back to the surface, they inadvertently kicked over more pots, and more stuff came out of them.

It was only then that Bai Qianqian realized that the so-called talented heir of the Bai family was just a delicate flower in a greenhouse.She could barely support the barrier she had opened, and Xia Chuan hurriedly chanted the mantra next to her ears, and the paper figurines he released scattered outside the barrier like snow.

It was only later that she realized that this building was not the altar it looked like, but a tomb.The reason why there is no power of the Baixia family here is because there is another power over it controlling it - the ancient building.

The burial system of the ancient Yangshao culture did not disappear into the dust. It has been inherited and developed along the shadow of the long river of history, from urn coffin burial to terracotta warriors and horses, and finally formed a special thing-soul burial.People who live in the mountains and forests bury the souls of their ancestors in pottery pots through certain rituals and enshrine them in ancient buildings in order to obtain the protection of ghosts.As more and more ancestors died, in order to facilitate preservation, they built underground palaces.

Before Bai Qianqian entered the building, she felt strange. This is a blessed place, surrounded by mountains and rivers. Why are there so few residents?The ancient building was originally built on the local evil eye, and it also towns all directions.Later generations moved the soil when digging the underground palace, stirring up the yin energy in the underground.This led to two results: First, it turned the originally fertile land into a ferocious land.Second, the ghosts of the ancestors accumulated in the clay pots for thousands of years are infected with hostility and become evil spirits.

It is this ancient building that has exuded an ominous atmosphere for hundreds of years that has prompted Feng Shui masters and Onmyojis to detour.The ancient building is the real "owner" of this land.

The rest of the story is simple.They eliminated almost all the sealed evil spirits, leaving only the most violent one.Can't see anything in the dark, Bai Qianqian felt the ice-like cold break through the barrier and approach her face.At the last moment, she regretted it. She wished that she had never run away from marriage. She wished that she was safe at home, finished junior high school and high school with Xia Chuan, and then entered the university where her grandfather was to study archeology.If he dies here, he will never see the baked cakes made by grandma, hear his father's reprimand, and never see Xia Chuan again.

At the last moment, her lips moved, and she uttered the incantation that she had kept in her heart since she was a child and never yelled—"Ultraman, save me."

Xia Chuan was standing back to back with her, but suddenly disappeared.The safe bag on her chest exploded like fireworks, and an old piece of paper fell out. The piece of paper took the shape of Xia Chuan and blocked her.In the aftermath of the fireworks, Xia Chuan smiled at her.It was a 14-year-old boy with the gentlest smile.

"Qianqian, don't worry, Ultraman specializes in fighting small monsters. I am your lucky star."

Dealing with evil spirits of this level required the Onmyoji Xia family to dispatch the highest-level Onmyoji team, but Xia Chuan at that time adopted another method.Simple and effective.

He entangled his soul and the evil spirit together, then sealed himself, and sealed his soul and the evil spirit together in the clay pot.

In a daze, Bai Qianqian fled the ancient building holding Xia Chuan's soulless body.At that time, Xia Chuan's coat was still on her shoulders, and the coat smelled of clean soapy water.Strangely, the moment he stepped out of the ancient building, his memory was blurred.

She took away Xia Chuan's body, and Xia Chuan took away her memory.

The last yin and yang technique that Xia Chuan performed in his life was to seal Bai Qianqian's memory according to the agreement.

He was still a kind man until the end, she thought.Xia Chuan was still a 14-year-old child that year.If one day he can grow up, he will be a gentle man, handsome and tall, gentle and reliable.

Rethinking these things is already after a period of ten years of introspection.She understood that she had one thing she had to do and it had to be done.This is Xia Chuan's tomb. With the help of the talented Feng Shui master of the Bai family, she will turn his resting place into a blessed place again.

and then?Then find the clay pot that seals Xia Chuan.

"And then?" Bai Qianqian suddenly heard someone asking behind her.

The speaker held up a Nokia mobile phone to illuminate, and his figure emerged from the darkness: "Bai Qianqian, are you going to seal yourself into the clay pot you are holding, and share a room with Xia Chuan? Boys and girls share the same bed , is against the school spirit!"

"Who are you?" Bai Qianqian asked.

"My surname is Xia, and my name is Xia Yuanyan. Xia Chuan is my cousin." He stretched out his hand to stroke his bangs, revealing his entire face.This was the first time Mo Lu saw the senior with gold-rimmed glasses take off his glasses.The senior who took off his glasses seemed to be a different person, like a sword out of its sheath, no matter how thick the darkness was, it couldn't hide the sharpness.

"Maybe Miss Bai still remembers the engagement with my boss Xia Zihan back then." He smiled, "The boss said that his fiancée was going to commit suicide, so let me take some time to deal with it. I'm not very good at coaxing people, so I brought others here. "

"I remember that Xia Zihan is no longer in the Xia family." Bai Qianqian raised her head, "He adopted the perfumer's Li family, and even occupied the magpie's nest as the head of the family. The engagement between us should have expired long ago. "

"Oh, my boss is more sympathetic and caring about old feelings." Xia Yuanyan stretched his hand behind him and grabbed it.Mo Lu didn't understand their conversation and was thinking about it seriously when he was suddenly brought to the front.Xia Yuanyan said: "Mo Lu, quickly persuade your senior sister not to commit suicide, otherwise Xia Zihan will deduct my salary."

"Don't worry, senior sister Bai will not commit suicide." Mo Lu said firmly.

Bai Qianqian stood at the end of the phone's light, holding a clay pot, as if she had just stepped out of an ink painting.Mo Lu walked towards her step by step, looked at her, and said softly: "You will not commit suicide because you still want to live.

"You could have come here silently by yourself, and entered the clay pot to accompany Xia Chuan according to your own will. But you not only brought me with you, but also your classmates in the department. You are reluctant to part with the fetters around you, and want to have as much time as possible You already knew the mechanism of the stone steps, but you pretended not to know when you entered the building, reminding me that the birdsong came from underground. In fact, you want to live, and you hope someone can find it and take you out.

"You're giving yourself a reason to go back alive.

"I hope someone can reach out to the depths of the darkness and pull you back to the world full of warm sunshine."

"Here is Xia Chuan's soul?" Mo Lu tried to touch the clay pot in Bai Qianqian's hand - and then snatched it away!She put the jar on the ground and sat on it, showing a look of "If you want to seal yourself, you can seal me in together."

——I will overcome all difficulties and come to pick you up underground, so let's go back together.

——Back to the sun, to the warm world.

"I'll at least change the feng shui here for him." Bai Qianqian said.

Bai Qianqian's ritual of modifying Feng Shui is very simple.She took off the magnolia flower hairpin that tied her hair, dug a very shallow pit in the middle of the underground palace, then took out the bottle of wind oil essence she had used to reduce Mo Lu's fever, and poured something into it.This time, the fragrance of flowers exuded from the bottle of Fengyoujing, as if she had buried a blooming garden in the dark ground.Bai Qianqian filled the soil again, then stood up and gestured to Mo Lu that she could leave.After a while, she suddenly stopped in the dark: "There is a group of footsteps missing. Xia Yuanyan, are you following?"

The sound of the gold-rimmed glasses came from a farther place. "Suddenly I don't want to go out anymore." He said, "Miss Bai, didn't you notice when you and Xia Chuan came here? The ancient building has a barrier to keep souls. Two souls come in, only one soul can go out, and three souls come in. , only two can go out, and there must always be one person staying in. Since Mo Lu is so cute, I gave her the spot. Ladies first."

In the distance, the screen of a mobile phone flickers brightly.Mo Lu wanted to go back and pull him.Bai Qianqian made a stop gesture: "Thank you then."

Jinsi glasses added: "Bai Qianqian, if the school loses the subsidy, please help me get it. And Mo Lu, I will give you all the three hundred love letters in the locker in my library."

The corridor of the underground palace is very long, with seven turns and eight turns, with countless branches.Bai Qianqian led Mo Lu all the way up, but did not go out in the end. "It seems that we can only go here." She leaned against the cold and damp brick wall and sighed, "It's better to go back and stay with Xia Yuanyan." Mo Lu's cell phone rang suddenly, and when the signal was zero, it magically Come in a text message.

Mr. Zhou only wrote one sentence: "Go southeast."

They then changed directions and walked for a long time.Because I stayed in the dark for too long, when I saw the sunlight outside the secret door again, I felt that the world was very bright.When returning to the ground, Liu Qingshan arrived just in time with the rescue team.It's winter, with big beads of sweat hanging on his head, seeing Bai Qianqian waving violently: "Bai Qianqian, have you found the missing Xia Yuanyan? I've brought the rescue team!"

Mo Lu was about to cry and say that Senior Xia might not be able to get out of the ancient building for the rest of his life.Bai Qianqian gently waved her hand, she comforted in a cold voice: "Don't worry about that fox, he won't die."

I don't know what Xia Yuanyan did to Liu Qingshan and his party who went to rescue the soldiers. Everyone's memory has been slightly tampered with.Everyone remembered that a person in the group was missing, but the missing person was not Bai Qianqian, but Xia Yuanyan.

It is true that Xia Yuanyan never showed up in front of them again. University A even held a special memorial service to commemorate Xia Yuanyan who disappeared during the scientific archaeological process, and then canceled his student status.

But Mo Lu felt that this person was not dead.She checked Xia Yuanyan's information and found that he was suddenly parachuted into the Civil Engineering College half a year ago, and his resume was unrealistically clean.However, Bai Qianqian found some information about Xia Yuanyan, saying that he was the confidant of Xia Zihan, the young son of the Onmyoji Xia family. Later, Xia Zihan was expelled from the house, and Xia Yuanyan never left, and followed the young master all the time. Perfumer Li Jia.This guy had completed the task assigned to him by his boss, and found it troublesome to withdraw from school, so he chose an easy way to cancel his student status.

Mo Lu got what Xia Yuanyan left for her in the library locker. It was not three hundred love letters, but a small note.The note is very short, only one line:

Mo Lu, a student from Class [-] of the Department of Archeology, is very likable.Do you want to chase it?

The note was crumpled up.Before joining the inspection team, Mo Lu had no impression of gold-rimmed glasses at all, and he couldn't imagine the tangled state in which he crumpled a note in the library and opened it, opened it and crumpled it again.But he didn't throw it away in the end, and sandwiched the note in an architecture book about pyramids.

Not only Xia Yuanyan, Mo Lu found that even Bai Qianqian's resume was also very problematic.Her age, background and academic qualifications before entering school were blank.Mo Lu is not even sure if she is really only 20 years old, because it is said that time does not leave its mark on the most powerful Feng Shui masters.She once asked Bai Qianqian about this, but Bai Qianqian just smiled and said, "I just think it's most appropriate to get in touch with you as a classmate, so I came here. As a Feng Shui master, I want to protect myself this time." lucky star."

Regarding the ancient building, there is no follow-up.The classmates who came back together seemed to have experienced some kind of collective hypnosis. Not only did they think that the missing person in the inspection team was Xia Yuanyan, but they also didn't remember the discovery of bird song bionics on the stone steps of the ancient building at all.

Later, Mo Lu called his mentor Mr. Zhou to thank him for the sudden text message "go southeast".Mr. Zhou categorically denied it on the other end of the phone: "I have never done such a thing as divination with a compass! This kind of thing can only be done by your uncle during the day, feudal superstition!"

While talking, he logged into Weibo on his desktop computer at home and entered the "Voice of Archeology of University A".

@胡川在阿 (the profile picture is changed to Heizi Zheye): He actually posted the results of "World of Warcraft" on the official blog!The world is going down!

@师兄You owe me a bottle of Wuliangye: Qianqian said that you returned the compass that you borrowed from me, and your vest has been exposed (also: please check the text messages).

Elder Zhou looked down at his phone, and a new text message came in. The sender was Tiantian Wen: "Junior brother, when will you return my bottle of Wuliangye?"

When Mr. Zhou was exposed, the final exam was approaching.Except for Liu Qingshan who continued to post "World of Warcraft" on the official blog, everyone silently changed their IDs.Every time Mo Lu saw the belated senior Qingshan and Kaopan Zai Ah fighting on Weibo, he felt sweaty in his heart.Later, Liu Qingshan failed the final exam as expected, Bai Lao patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Young people, you should exercise more, observe more, and reflect more."

Long after the ancient building incident, Bai Qianqian celebrated her birthday.Mo Lu gave her an envelope, and when she opened it, there was only one photo inside.

"I know you're still thinking about Xia Chuan." She played with her fingers shyly, twisting back and forth, "But if I could take pictures to bring back the ghosts when I was in the Terracotta Warriors... I think it might be the same in the ancient building. Didn’t I sit on a clay pot when you changed your Feng Shui? I took a selfie with my camera and turned on the flash, and I took several pictures... When I cleaned up my computer yesterday, I found that the pot was accidentally photographed in it—I don’t know Feng Shui Yin and Yang, and I don’t know I don’t know if I brought Xia Chuan’s soul back. Anyway, I’m giving this photo to you. If he comes back, he’ll look for you…”

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly hugged.Bai Qianqian even hugged her friends lightly.The hug was like a magnolia petal falling from the treetops.

"Thank you, Mo Lu. You are really my lucky star." She said, "You can make a request to me. I will satisfy you within my ability."

Mo Lu said Senior Sister Bai, can I have your essential oil bottle?Bai Qianqian froze for a moment, then took out the bottle and gave it to her.

After a while, Mo Lu discovered that Bai Qianqian could pour tea out from the cap of the pen, but the essential oil bottle in her hand could still only pour out the essential oil.During that time, Bai Qianqian helped her with her homework every day, and successfully taught Mo Lu the skill of pretending to be dead in the library.

A few times when she pretended to be dead, she heard someone playing "Lianliankan" next to her. When she opened her eyes, she only saw the white gauze curtains in the library blown up by the wind.Mo Lu thought, if the senior with gold-rimmed glasses was still alive, he probably wouldn't be so bored that he had nothing to do to come and see him take a nap, and then leave through the window.

(End of this chapter)

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