Chapter 29 Brother Fei's Snack Shop
In the afternoon, Qin Fei handed in the papers ahead of time, and Li Mu, who was just about to go out, retracted his head immediately.

Now that Qin Fei is gone, he will continue to stay in the examination room.

Qin Fei didn't have the time to think about Li Mu's thoughts, because he had a lot of things to do now.

Because the last time I gave out a snack red envelope, the word of mouth was very good, Qin Fei felt that he could open a snack shop on Tianting Shopping for the time being.

So he came to the snack wholesale market.

I bought beef jerky, Weilong, BESTORE, beverages and other snacks all over again.

Qin Fei spent a total of more than 3000 yuan to buy these snacks.

"Just invest so much for the time being, if these snacks don't sell well in Tianting, wouldn't I have to lose everything!"

Although it was such an exclamation, Brother Xiao Fei didn't take this issue to heart at all. Anyway, the money was obtained through extortion, so even if he lost money, there was nothing to feel bad about.

When he came to a place where no one was around, Qin Fei put all the snacks into the treasure chest, and then walked out with empty hands.

After Qin Fei left, Zheng Qiang came over to check with a puzzled face, but found nothing at the scene!

"Fuck, it's broad daylight, did I see a ghost?"

Zheng Qiang looked puzzled. You must know that he just saw that guy Qin Fei walking in with a big bag and a small bag. How could those things disappear in the blink of an eye?

After observing the surrounding environment, Zheng Qiang couldn't find a place to hide his things.

This Qin Fei gave him a very strange feeling, but after this incomprehensible incident, he felt even more weird.

Because it was still early, and he didn't need help when he came home, Brother Xiaofei went directly upstairs, he still had to take care of his small shop.

Turn on the mobile phone, enter Tianting shopping, click I want to open a store!
Then, a line of words appeared on the phone!

Please name your store!

Well, let’s call it Brother Xiao Fei’s Snack Shop!
After entering the name, the item is listed.

After putting Weilong spicy sticks on the table, Qin Fei became entangled.

How should it be priced?
Those gods seem to be quite rich, so the price must not be cheap.

So Brother Xiao Fei entered the words "one thousand cents a package", and then put Weilong spicy strips into the store.

Afterwards, Qin Fei spent three hours putting all the snacks in the treasure chest on the store shelves.

And Qin Fei's price is ridiculously expensive!
The cheapest one is Weilong Spicy Strips, a pack of [-] cents coins, and the most expensive one has reached [-] cents coins.

"Haha, I'm going to make a fortune now, as long as all these snacks are sold, I can get a few pills of Nine-Turn Immortality!"

Brother Xiaofei was very proud. After arranging Brother Xiaofei's store, he exited the homepage and took a look, and found that his store was actually on the homepage.

Hey, having the title of Shangxian is amazing!
No matter where it is, it is a bright spot that attracts attention.

After waiting for half an hour, Qin Fei didn't seem to see any snacks sold in the store.

Qin Fei couldn't sit still any longer, and immediately came to the chat group.

At this time, in the chat group, the immortals were having a heated conversation.

Brother Xiao Fei crossed the line: Hello everyone, I have opened a small shop in Tianting Shopping, everyone is welcome to come and enjoy yourself!
Some of the newly joined gods didn't know Brother Xiao Fei, so they didn't intend to show off their face, and continued chatting on the topic just now.

But Peony Fairy, and Lei Gong and Dian Mu some people said they wanted to see it.

It's a pity that Nezha didn't chat in the group. Qin Fei felt that he was a foodie. If he saw so many snacks on the shelves, he would buy them no matter how expensive they were.

The three-day exam passed quickly, and after the exam, the May Day holiday came.

After the May Day holiday, the results should come out.

On the night after the model test, my mother said to Qin Fei, "Pack up your change of clothes. Tomorrow your cousin gets married, and we're going to drink his wedding wine!"

"That Qin Feng?"

Qin Fei asked, his mother nodded, and then Brother Xiaofei said impatiently: "No!"

Qin Feng is the only son of Uncle Qin Fei, and his personality has been a bit domineering since he was a child.

How should I put it, it probably means that I like to act aggressively. Although acting aggressively is very cool and Qin Fei likes it very much, Brother Xiaofei really hates others acting aggressively in front of him.

However, this Qin Feng especially likes to act aggressive in Qin Fei's house.

Wei Mei glared at Qin Fei, and said, "Don't be childish, after all, blood is thicker than water, your brother Qin Feng got married, as a cousin, you must go, if you don't, you will be laughed at by others!"

Qin Fei sighed helplessly.

In the village, if a family is not in harmony, they will indeed be laughed at by other families.

Early the next morning, Qin Fei was called out by his mother.

After packing up their things, the family is ready to go out.

When she came downstairs, Wei Mei suddenly thought of Xiao Huang and said, "We have to go back for two days, so let's take Xiao Huang there too!"

Speaking of Xiao Huang, Qin Fei also suddenly realized that after giving Xiao Huang the barbecue of the ninth-level monster that day, he became sickly, completely lost the vitality before, and just lay in the doghouse all day Sleeping, after seeing Qin Fei, he stopped wagging his tail, and didn't even bother to look at it.

Because of this, Qin Fei was busy with exams and store management, so he neglected it.

So, Qin Fei came upstairs, and Xiao Huang was still sleeping in his nest.

"Uh, it's probably the meat of the ninth-level monster, it's ruined by it, right?"

Qin Fei became a little worried, walked over, and picked up Xiao Huang. Xiao Huang opened his sleepy eyes and glanced at Qin Fei, then stuck out his tongue and licked his hand, then continued to close his eyes and sleep.

Seeing Xiao Huang's appearance, Qin Fei felt that it was most likely the fault of that ninth-level monster.

At this time, Qin Fei felt a little regretful in his heart. If he knew this, he would rather throw that piece of meat away than let Xiao Huang eat it.

"Little guy, it was brother's negligence, sorry, hehe!"

Qin Fei touched Xiao Huang's head and was about to go downstairs.

Xiao Huang seemed to understand Qin Fei's meaning, opened his sleepy eyes and looked at him again, whimpered, and continued to close his eyes to sleep.

After arriving downstairs, my father and mother were already waiting for Qin Fei in the van.

This van was bought by Qin Fei himself. After all, he runs a restaurant and wholesales vegetables, so it is much more convenient to have a van.

The village where Qin Fei lives is called Dashuqin Village. The name is a bit ugly, but the village is quite big, and there are many rich bosses. Because of the construction of a new countryside, the environment of Dashuqin Village is just like the suburbs of the city.

Three hours later, the van drove into the village.

Although the village is large, there are not many people. At this time, everyone is working outside to earn money, leaving behind only old people and children.

Because Qin Fei's cousin got married on May [-]st, many relatives rushed back from other places.

Dad drove the car directly to his door.

Qin Fei's house is in the first row of the village, with plenty of light. There is a pond in front of the door. Not only is the environment good, but it is also very convenient.

After getting out of the car, mother Wei Mei looked at the front of her house, frowned and said, "Who built that factory building? Why is the door facing the door?"

On the other side of the pond, a factory building covered with insulating tiles is facing Qin Fei's house.

This is a big taboo against Feng Shui luck!
(Mengxin asked for tickets, and built a book friend group, 534731063, come on, hurt each other!)
(End of this chapter)

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