Chapter 27
After Xiang Mo'er left, Xue Ji yelled softly: "Aurora!"

The spiritual aurora slowly extended towards her.

'What are your orders?king? 'Only Xueji can understand Aurora's language, which is a special way of communication.

"When?" The short two words expressed Xue Ji's meaning, and everything told her that the time was coming.

'King, have you decided yet? 'Aurora is hesitating, it knows that no one wants to lose their loved ones and freedom, including Wang.

Xue Ji raised her head mockingly, her blue eyes reflected the light of the aurora, and Sanqian Xue's hair was also dyed pale gold. She spent 1000 years in Mengdu, and this place is no longer for her. A dispensable world of ideas, where creatures are bred, except for the cold, everything is no different from a fairyland.

"Do you think... the deity still has a choice?"

'...' Aurora was silent for a while, it is spiritual, in the long years, it can feel lonely, that feeling is as cold as snow, the coldness that penetrates the heart, in the extremely cold world, slowly Get used to it slowly. 'nine days'

The nine days mentioned by Aurora are not after nine days, but the ninth day when the world began to collapse.Xue Ji nodded, let Aurora return to its place, and went back to Lingxi Pavilion by herself. The mission had to continue, and the world was still running.

"Pavilion master~" All the saints in Lingxi Pavilion were no strangers to Xue Ji's behavior of leaving and reappearing suddenly.

Xue Ji covered her face with a snow veil again, and found that Pang Zun had returned, and Hina had a relatively heavy workload so she had not returned to Lingxi Pavilion. "Pang Zun, where is the white light?"

"Go back to Pavilion Master, already in Lingxi Pavilion."

Xue Ji glanced at Yan Jue, who tactfully avoided her.Then Pang Zun brought Bai Guangying to the center of Lingxi Pavilion.

Bai Guangying still seemed to be very resistant to Pang Zun, her small face was wrinkled into a ball, obviously not happy.It seems that she was forcibly taken back to Lingxi Pavilion, but, Pang Zun was using Xue Ji's banner, so she couldn't say anything, after all, she had seen Xue Ji's power.

"Bai Guangying." Xue Ji called casually.Bai Guangying shuddered and looked up at Xue Ji.She had never seen Xue Ji's face hidden under the snow veil before, but even though it was covered by the snow veil, it was still difficult to conceal Xue Ji's allure.Bai Guangying and Xue Ji looked at each other, and were abruptly forced back two steps by the coldness in Xue Ji's eyes.

Xue Ji tapped the armrest of the chair lightly with her fingers, and said slowly: "Don't be nervous, this deity just wants to ask you a few questions, after answering, you can go back."

Bai Guangying was dumbfounded by Xueji's unexpected ease of talking, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

"Why do you pursue freedom?" Xue Ji's first question made Monk Erzhang puzzled, what kind of question is this?
Bai Guangying replied truthfully: "I don't want to be someone else's shadow, I want to be myself, to be Bai Guangying." This sentence was obviously addressed to Pang Zun, and Pang Zun's face turned dark as expected.

Pang Zun: "Hmph! What do you know? Being with that human boy will only suppress your strength, not real freedom at all! Being with me, releasing your strength is true freedom!"

Bai Guangying became impatient, and retorted: "No, Ming won't let me become a tool to strengthen my own strength. He wants to make Bai Guangying become Bai Guangying. Only with him can I feel freedom!"

Pang Zun wanted to say something more, but Xue Ji's expression was obviously impatient, so she closed her mouth resentfully.

"So, you chose humans?"

Bai Guangying nodded: "Yes! Because Ming can give me freedom!"

Xue Ji propped her pretty side face with her right hand, and asked inexplicably: "Oh? Is that so... If Pang Zun forces you to stay in Lingxi Pavilion, do you think your Ming is capable of saving you?"

Bai Guangying bit her lip. With Ming's strength, it was impossible to compete with Lingxi Pavilion.However, she said firmly: "Ming may not have the strength to rescue me, but my Ming will try desperately!"

Xue Ji: "So, you also have the heart to see him get hurt?"

Bai Guangying was taken aback, she couldn't bear it, but why did the master of Lingxi Pavilion ask these questions?She also asked this question: "Dare you ask why you are asking these questions?"

Xue Ji stood up, turned her back to Bai Guangying, and said coldly: "It's nothing, I just want to ask about your concept of freedom. If you pursue freedom, your master will be hurt, and it is just to establish your own freedom." It is not great to be above the harm of others. But if you want your master not to be injured, then you have to give up your so-called freedom, which is self-contradictory." Bai Guangying was taken aback, indeed, if Pang Zun did not Abandon her, then she will not be free, Ming will also be hurt, just like last time, Xue Ji's words are not wrong at all.Bai Guangying wanted to say something more, but Xue Ji had already issued an order to evict her.

"You go." Xue Ji opened the door of consonance and let Bai Guangying leave.

Bai Guangying looked at Xue Ji, feeling baffled, and then avoided Lingxi Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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