Chapter 30
"Pavilion Master, are we really not giving them a chance?" Yan Jue sent a voice transmission.

Xue Ji didn't answer Yan Jue's question, but said in an orderly manner: "That artificial fake fairy can't hold back, her master is too weak to leave her, and even, both of them have had a dark atmosphere in their hearts .to be observed."

Yan Jue understood what Xue Ji meant, that is, whether Zina and Fei Ling could participate in the Pavilion Master's next plan depended on the situation. "What about the others?"

"Slightly possible."

"Then... can we go back?"

Xue Ji: "Don't worry, there's something else to do." Yan Jue wanted to ask something, but when he raised his eyes, he found that the teacher was looking at him. ?what happened?Could it be that he was distracted talking to Xue Ji and was discovered by the teacher?It shouldn't be!They have been using magic to communicate, and even Ye Luoli warrior didn't notice it, how could a mere human find it?

The teacher in charge frowned, tapped the blackboard with a pointer, and said, "Wang Mo, please summarize this article." Yan Jue was relieved, so he wasn't looking at him!

Surprised, Wang Mo stood up slowly, and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, teacher, I was distracted, can you explain it again?"

"Hahahahaha!" The whole classroom laughed unscrupulously, Wang Mo lowered his head in shame, his eyes were a little red.

The teacher in charge knocked on the table with a pointer to maintain order in class. "Quiet!" The voice in the classroom gradually quieted down. The teacher rubbed his temples and said to Wang Mo in a harmonious voice: "Wang Mo, how can you be distracted in class? This year you are in the second year of high school, and next year you will be in the third year of high school! It's not long before the college entrance examination, and you can't slack off in your studies! Do you understand?"

Wang Mo nodded with red eyes.

The teacher saw that Wang Mo had listened, so he roughly explained the content of the class just now. "understand?"

Wang Mo was still a little confused, nodded slowly and remained silent.

"If you still don't understand, you can ask other students after class, or you can find me in the office. Okay, get out of class is over!" The teacher walked out of the classroom, and Wang Mo also sat down, his eyes still slightly dizzy. red.

Shu Yan and Sisi came to comfort her, very worried.Jianpeng didn't like to be twitchy, so he slapped Wang Mo on the shoulder and said loudly, "Hey, fool, you can't be so fragile, can you?"

Sure enough, the two pairs of enemies should be resolved rather than knotted. Being stimulated by Jianpeng, Wang Mo immediately felt no discomfort, and jumped up on the spot: "Jianpeng, I am not a fool!" Jianpeng made a face , laughing while running: "Slightly slightly, stupid, stupid..."

"Jianpeng, stop!" Wang Mo chased him out, full of energy all of a sudden.

Sisi shook her head helplessly, and said, "Shu Yan, let's catch up and see, so we don't get into trouble again." Shu Yan nodded in agreement, and then chased out with Sisi.

"Wang Mo, Jianpeng!"

Yan Jue propped his chin with one hand, looked at the backs of Wang Mo and others who were drifting away, and said to Xue Ji: "They are very energetic."

Xue Ji's cold voice sounded in Yan Jue's mind: "Playing with things and losing one's ambition."

Yan Jue raised his lips quietly, and it was rare that he and Xue Ji began to sing the opposite tune: "Hey, hey, Pavilion Master, you can't say that, people are now in their youth, it's normal to play around, unlike us, who have lived thousands of years Years later, you can be the ancestor of others."

Xue Ji said coldly: "The world is going to be destroyed, you still have the mind to joke around. Or, if you want to be their ancestor, I can send you down to have a face-to-face meeting with them." A sentence that was neither serious nor serious made Yan Jue couldn't help feeling chills down his spine.

Yan Jue laughed dryly: "Let's forget it."

(End of this chapter)

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