Chapter 6 Heavenly Punishment
Xue Ji sneered and looked at the defiant fairy: "Oh? Really? But I see... you seem... not qualified for the consonance trial, right?!" Suddenly the surrounding buildings The ruins and the ground were covered with a thick layer of ice, and the saints of Lingxi Pavilion were several meters away from that fairy. Although the pavilion master would not attack them, there is a situation called accidental injury, and Xue Ji's power is too strong , it is easy to go off!bump!The fairy who angered her fell to the ground and became an ice sculpture.All the fairies and humans were trembling with fright.

"Listen to me, from now on, if anyone wantonly provokes a war between the fairyland and the human world, this is your end!" Xue Ji's voice was so cold that no emotion could be heard.The saint of Lingxi Pavilion frowned, did the pavilion master mean to stand on the human side? "Of course, if human beings come here uninvited, I don't mind having a few more ice sculptures in this world." Xue Ji's words made the Erzhang monks puzzled even more, so the pavilion master is unwilling to help on both sides?So why stop the fight?

Xue Ji walked through the crowd, all humans and fairies gave way very consciously, suddenly she stopped and shouted: "All fairies in Lingxi Pavilion, follow me!" Strips of ice rose around Xue Ji. The vines, these ice vines spread forward rapidly, and Xue Ji shuttled among them, the snow hair flamboyant.Yan Jue and other fairies also quickly caught up, and Ye Luoli's warriors followed out of curiosity, except for Gao Taiming and Bai Guangying.

Xue Ji stopped again, in front... a sea of ​​flames... the sky... a piece of it collapsed... followed by Fairy and Ye Luoli warrior They all froze, how could it be possible?How could the sky fall down.Yan Jue suddenly thought of something, and hurriedly pulled Xue Ji back who was standing closest to the place where the sky fell.This move of his surprised everyone, and Prince Water, who had just taken a step, also retreated.Xue Ji murmured: "God's punishment..." Yan Jue and Prince Shui who were standing beside her heard it clearly, and were startled: "God's punishment?!" He looked at Xue Ji in horror.

Xue Ji was very calm, as if she had already known that such a day would come, but this omen came so quickly, her blue eyes exuded ancient power, she condensed the power in the palm of her hand, and then flew into the sea of ​​flames, " Pavilion Master!" The saints shouted as they watched Xue Ji flying into the sea of ​​flames, Xue Ji is the Queen of Ice, but it doesn't mean she can deal with the sky fire.However, they didn't see Xue Ji disappearing in ashes, instead Xue Ji walked freely in the fire, her figure exuded the aura of a natural king.Turning around, jumping, and casting spells all in one go, a feather-like snow fell in the sky, and the sky fire went out!Xue Ji, who melted into the snow in the distance, walked out slowly, without any trace of burns on her body.

Xue Ji looked at the crowd with incredible faces, her eyes were as deep as a pool of spring water, Yan Jue's expression was a little weird, this kind of power was very similar to Feng Wan he met before, it should not be a coincidence: "Pavilion Master... You..." Xue Ji took off the snow veil that covered her face, she was very beautiful and cold, "This is what you want to know." Everyone who had seen Feng Wan was stunned , the same fairy, the same face, but with different identities.

"Then... your name is really Feng Wan?" Wang Mo asked.

Xue Ji glanced at her without any change in expression: "Why take it seriously." It means that Feng Wan is not her real name. "Since you have all seen it, there is nothing to hide. This deity is the master of the Lingxi Pavilion—Xue Ji."

(End of this chapter)

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