Chapter 9 Stone Stele
Xue Ji's indifferent tone and cold attitude all make people think that nothing can make her mood fluctuate.With a light wave of her jade hand, two huge stone tablets appeared in the lobby of Lingxi Pavilion, which should be the stone tablets Xue Ji mentioned.

Take a closer look, and you can see that there are inscriptions on the two stone tablets.

The saints were taken aback.

Xue Ji's voice sounded again: "These two steles, one was seen by Prince Water before, and it records the relationship between Fairy Ye Luoli and human beings; the other one records the history that was forgotten by you 1000 years ago. .”

Unable to withstand the drive of curiosity, the eyes of the saints all fell on the words on the stone tablet.

One said: "All things have the same root and the same origin, and they are endless. At the beginning of life, they are all spirits, and then they are divided into immortals and mortals. Originally, fairies and humans coexisted and died in the same land, but human ambitions are getting bigger and bigger. In order to survive, the immortals all entered the Yuan, so they divided the fairyland rivers and lakes and the human world. Even so, the fate of immortals and humans is still the same as in the old days, coexisting and dying together."

One said: "This is a catastrophe. People enter the fairyland, and the immortals start killing. Suddenly, the fairyland is invaded by humans, and the people are devastated, and the human world is on the verge of collapse due to the damage to the fairyland. Human ambition is the chief culprit. The honor of the immortal, the immortal disregarded the overall situation, and ordered to kill... In the end, both the fairyland and the human world were destroyed, and the immortal and the human knew how to repent, but it was too late.


There was still a paragraph of text behind it, but Xue Ji took the stele back, obviously, she didn't want people to see what was behind it.

The world view of the saints has completely collapsed, how many things have they forgotten?Prince Shui pursed his lips, perhaps during that catastrophe, he and Xue Ji met, but they forgot for some unknown reason.

"So, Pavilion reject humans because of these?" Hina asked stiffly.

"I...remember that catastrophe clearly." Xue Ji's self-proclaimed changed from her true self to me, which she didn't even notice.Her heart hurts inexplicably. She also believed in human beings before, and she also had such disappointment.

"!!!" The pavilion master actually still has memories of that catastrophe!The saints were shocked again, no wonder the pavilion master hates humans so much.So, the reason why the war was stopped before was because the pavilion master didn't want to see such a disaster again?

"Pavilion Master, what's behind that stele?" Yan Jue had seen a paragraph of text behind the stele before.

"It's nothing, it's just about how fairyland and human worlds exist, how fairies and humans survive." Xue Ji's words were vague, as if she was deliberately hiding something.

Both Yan Jue and Prince Shui noticed the helplessness in Xue Ji's eyes, so a question arose in their hearts: "Pavilion Master, what secrets are you hiding?"

This question will be answered shortly in the future.

Xue Ji turned her back, still without any emotional turmoil: "Now, you all know what you should know. What to do, whether to continue to believe in human beings, to fight against human beings, or to stand by and watch, is up to you. However, this deity I hope you don't forget what I said."

Xue Ji's voice disappeared before anyone could hear her. Her voice echoed throughout the hall, and the gilded text on the stone tablet and Xue Ji's words kept replaying in the mind of Saint Lingxi.

Yan Jue couldn't help feeling that some things were easier to forget than to remember.

(End of this chapter)

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