Chapter 1 Dream Team A Reverie Team (1)
At the beginning of Ctrip’s establishment, three people first got together. They were Ji Qi who founded the company, Liang Jianzhang who was engaged in technology, and Shen Nanpeng who knew investment.But there is still one person who is familiar with tourism, which is like "a corner is missing in the complete book of all treasures".In the end, with Ji Qi's exhaustive efforts, he found Fan Min, who is familiar with traveling, and soon the four of them got together and named the team "Dream Team".

Shopping mall insights 1-5

There is a reason for wanting to get rich, run a business, whatever business, a big client, and make a fortune: the first step is to find the right way; the second step is to resist.
Reading Ji Qi's first part-time job experience: If you have talent, please show it; if you lack talent, please sweat more; if you lack talent and don't want to sweat, then you should give I'm going to fuck off!
Reading Ji Qi's second part-time job experience, I feel that I first work for the successful people, then cooperate with the soon-to-be successful people, and finally let the future successful people work for me.
Reading Liang Jianzhang's workplace story, I feel that all things start with thought; all changes appear in an instant; all road sections have been designed; all goals can be achieved.
Reading Shen Nanpeng's workplace story, I feel that only when the seeds are willing to be buried in the soil, will they have a chance to explode; only if they are willing to go down first in life, can they climb another peak.
Reading Fan Min's career story
"V" shaped geese
Why do wild geese always line up in a "V" shape when wild geese fly south for the winter?
After years of research, scientists have not only understood the reasons for this, but also concluded other habits of wild geese:
When the lead goose flaps its wings, it creates an upward momentum for the geese following it.

Flying in the "V" formation, the whole flock of geese will increase the flight distance by at least 71% compared with each goose flying alone.

When a goose falls behind, it immediately feels the resistance of flying alone, and it quickly flies back into formation to take advantage of the momentum provided by the group.

When the lead goose gets tired, another goose in the "V" formation acts as the leader.Geese in the rear will honk to encourage those in front to maintain speed.

If a goose fell ill or fell from a gunshot wound, two other geese would leave the formation and follow it down to help and protect it.They will guard the goose until it can fly again or die, and then they start again under their own power or follow another group of geese to catch up with their own team.

The story of the "V" shaped geese tells us:
(1) People with a common direction and a sense of community are more likely to succeed.

(2) If you stay in the team, you will grow faster.

(3) Team leaders can consider taking turns, but not everyone has the opportunity.

(4) Team spirit is reflected in not giving up on ideals and not abandoning partners.

I vaguely remember that it was on the night of February 1999, 2, shortly after the Spring Festival, a group of young people gathered for dinner in a large room of a private residence.Among these people, several graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University. They chatted heartily while eating.Although it was still a chilly spring in Shanghai at this time, and the wind was blowing outside the window, they were very excited and the atmosphere of the discussion was very lively.Topics ranged from the Internet, the Internet economy, to Internet companies in the United States, the current state of the Internet in China, to NASDAQ and IPO, and finally to entrepreneurship.It was already 22 o'clock in the morning, but they didn't feel sleepy at all. Instead, they felt more energetic as they chatted.

Among them, a young man with a slightly larger head and a baby face said: "If you start an Internet company now, there is definitely a future."

Immediately, a young man with a crew cut and glasses continued, "Yes! Four years ago, I had this idea, but I couldn't find a good entry point."

"Yes! It's a good idea to build a website, but what kind of website should you build?" A slender young man with a curly back also interjected.

As a result, they listed dozens of ideas, and discussed them one by one, from portals to professional and e-commerce websites.As long as they feel that there is no future, they will click off.In the end, everyone's focus was on travel websites.The young man with a crew cut and the owner of the family concluded: "Travel Internet cafes, which are not only in line with the development of the entire economy, but also closely related to the lives of ordinary people, and it is also easy to realize e-commerce."

After they wake up the next day, some quickly forget what was discussed last night.Among the dozen or so passionate youths, only three walked together and truly practiced their creativity last night.They are: Ji Qi with a crew cut, Liang Jianzhang with a slightly larger head than ordinary people, and Shen Nanpeng with a curly back.

Entrepreneur mad Ji Qi

01 Children from poor families
The story of breaking into Shanghai must start with Ji Qi, because he was the one who convened the "Internet Entrepreneurship Seminar" that night.

Ji Qi was born in 1966 in a poor peasant family in Nantong, Jiangsu.Due to several generations of farming, few people in the family are educated. The biggest hope of Ji Qi’s parents is to finish junior high school. If he can be admitted to high school, he will be satisfied.But Ji Qi didn't think so, because there was an incident that had a great impact on him when he was in junior high school, and he still remembers it fresh.It was a windy and snowy noon. After he had walked for more than an hour to get home, his mother told him that there was not enough food for lunch today, and she forgot to leave a meal for him.In the end, Ji Qi had no choice but to go back to school hungry again.Along the way, while wiping away tears, Ji Qi vowed secretly: he must study hard and rewrite himself to repeat the fate of his parents who faced the loess and turned their backs to the sky.

Sure enough, God pays off. In 1985, Ji Qi was admitted to Shanghai Jiaotong University with a good grade of No.2 in the county.On the day he got the news, his mother asked him: "After studying Jiaotong University, will it be free to take the train?" Ji Qi replied: "It should be about the same!" In fact, he didn't know much about Shanghai Jiaotong University. I entered the university because I saw the brochure of Shanghai Jiaotong University before the college entrance examination.

When filling out the application to determine the major, Ji Qi asked the head teacher: "How about the two majors of automation and computer?

I think it's also quite fashionable. The head teacher said: "Don't apply for those majors that have no future, apply for the Department of Engineering Mechanics, and help others calculate the earthwork in the future. If you calculate correctly, the contractor will definitely give you a lot of bonuses." ""Oh!That's good!This is good! "Ji Qi followed the advice of the head teacher. For the poor children who are eager to change their predicament, what they are most interested in is money.

Ji Qi went to Shanghai by ship from Nantong Port to study.

He couldn't sleep that night, especially in the early hours of the next morning.When Ji Qi boarded the Shiliupu Pier, he was stunned. He didn't expect that the Shanghai Bund was so full of feasting and feasting.Ji Qi felt a little dizzy. He walked alone on the bustling street with three suitcases. He couldn't find his way for a while, but he vaguely remembered that Qi Qin's familiar song came from a shop on the street. - "I am a wolf from the north".

After studying and living in Shanghai Jiaotong University for a period of time, Ji Qi found that he was still a little far from the city from the countryside.When he went to the bathhouse with his classmates, he asked: "Should I take a bath alone, or should we all take a bath together?"

What also made him feel distant was the rainy day.When it rained, he would go out wearing high-top rain boots, only to find that people in Shanghai either did not wear rain boots, or wore very fashionable rain boots.

Later, Ji Qi also gradually learned that the engineering mechanics he was studying at Shanghai Jiaotong University was a major with a relatively low admission score, while automation and computer science were the most popular majors with the highest admission scores.What disappointed Ji Qi the most was that engineering mechanics is used to calculate the force of the submarine and the take-off speed of the missile, not for the contractor to calculate the earthwork.

Professional knowledge is very boring, coupled with his own inferiority complex, this further stimulated Ji Qi's thirst for knowledge.For four years in college, Ji Qi basically spent time in the library, reading philosophy, history, and Mao Zedong's biography.What the university brought him was not professional knowledge, but made him figure out a problem:
Individuals are very short-lived to the world. Some people are ordinary, while others are magnificent.You cannot prolong the length of life by yourself, but you can broaden the width of life.

In 1989, Ji Qi graduated from university.This year's political turmoil affected the distribution of college students this year, and the lack of professional application made it very difficult to find a job.Ji Qi couldn't find a job in Shanghai, so he had to go back to his hometown Nantong and beg for help with cigarettes and alcohol. Finally, Nantong No. [-] Design Institute finally agreed to accept him as a fresh graduate.

Just the day before going to work, Ji Qi suddenly hesitated.He thought: I finally ran from the countryside to Shanghai, and now I can’t stay in the big city. Is it a waste of time to go to university?After some consideration, he decided to go back to school and apply for a graduate degree. This time he changed his major and applied for the robotics major of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Shanghai Jiaotong University.

In 1992, after Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour, he delivered a speech: A planned economy is not equal to socialism, and capitalism also has planning; a market economy is not equal to capitalism, and socialism also has markets.

The "Southern Tour" speech inspired the Chinese people's enthusiasm for doing business.Ji Qi also joined this trend. He and his classmates started a computer company.

At that time, Ji Qi, who was studying robotics at Jiaotong University, knew that selling computers was quite profitable at that time because he had been exposed to computers earlier. A computer could earn thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.So, he couldn't wait to learn how to assemble a computer. At the beginning, he couldn't even turn it on, but he had a stubbornness that would never give up on the Yellow River. Soon he had a clear understanding of the hardware and software of the computer. Even the networking technology has been mastered.Because he seized the opportunity and had excellent computer knowledge, his computer company soon became profitable.After a few months of operation, Ji Qi and his girlfriend have saved tens of thousands of yuan, and he has become the "rich man" in the school.

This year, Ji Qi is about to graduate as a graduate student.One day, the head of the department talked to him, hoping that he would stay.

Ji Qi looked at the senior opposite, and found that the dean of the department was sitting in the middle of two very old wooden desks. The desks were full of various papers and notebooks. The colored inks, red, blue, and black, are very dazzling.Ji Qi thought to himself: If he stayed, how many years would it take to get to his position?If after three or forty years, he is still like him, is such a life interesting?

02 Beginning to grow in confusion in the workplace

What Ji Qi finds interesting is entering a foreign company.However, entering a foreign company is not easy.When the daily chemical giant Procter & Gamble came to Shanghai to recruit people, more than 100 students competed for several positions, and the competition was fierce.However, Procter & Gamble's salary is very attractive, and the monthly salary of new employees is 3K (3000 yuan).

After round after round of elimination, there were finally 4 people left, and Ji Qi was one of them.

However, it is a pity that P&G has no personnel quota. If Ji Qi joins P&G, his household registration must be moved to Nanhai, Guangdong instead of staying in Shanghai.

Do you want a P&G job or a Shanghai account?Ji Qi chose the latter.He thought to himself, first find a random unit in Shanghai, and register the account.

So Ji Qi "casually" found a company called Shanghai Computer Service Company.This company has a brilliant background, and its parent company is Changjiang Computer (Group) Corporation.But when Ji Qi saw the dilapidated office, he felt very uncomfortable. He didn't think about staying here at all, he just wanted to make a transition in this company, solved the household registration problem, turned around and left.

On the first day of work, Ji Qi looked very cool. He was holding a big brick-like mobile phone in his hand and a Walkman was pinned to his waist.He also spoke very impolitely. He patted the boss Hu Yibang on the shoulder and said: "Boss Hu, I won't work here for long. The company's salary is really nothing to me. But it doesn't matter, we Make a friend first, and say hello in advance, I will leave after spending two days here."

In state-owned enterprises, there are very few leaders who can tolerate a newcomer talking like this. Hu Yibang is still a very measured person. Not only was he not angry at all, but he also said to Ji Qi seriously: "Xiao Ji, you and the I was the same back then, very aggressive and capable. But, let me tell you, be a person first and then do things, and your character will always be ahead of the product. You will definitely not be able to do this, and you will not be able to make a big climate. .”

Ji Qi couldn't listen to a word of these advices.When he entered this company in March 1992, he would never have thought that he would stay here for two and a half years, and he would never have thought that he would remember what Hu Yibang said to him many years later.

What made Ji Qi change his mind of "leaving after two days"?On the one hand, at work, Ji Qi found that he still lacked a lot of things; on the other hand, the reform of this company provided Ji Qi with a stage to display his talents.

Although Ji Qi's company is called a service company, it is actually more inclined to technology and does not have strong sales capabilities.In 1992, Changjiang Computer Company happened to be reforming, requiring all subsidiaries to be responsible for their own profits and losses.After hearing the news, soon, someone slipped away and transferred to other subsidiaries.In the end, there were seven or eight technical staff and three or four sales staff left.

At a regular meeting, when discussing what the company should do next, everyone was very depressed.The only one who doesn’t believe in evil is Ji Qi. He thought to himself: A few months ago, I could make money selling computers on a broken bicycle. Now that there are so many people in the company together, I can’t make money?
Therefore, Ji Qi proposed at the meeting: "Since the company has reached this point, let's give it a go!

We have a strong technical force, so we should do some big and good projects. There is no need to compete with other companies to sell computers. "

When Hu Yibang heard this, he was very happy, and offered Ji Qi the position of a big project manager on the spot.In fact, it is a bald commander with no soldiers below him.

Ji Qi, who didn't know that making a big project is more difficult than going to heaven, began to ride a bicycle to the streets alone to find his big project.

Ji Qi wandered and wandered in the streets, and suddenly realized that a securities company should be the "big project" he was looking for.Because the securities market in Shanghai was very hot at that time, many foreign securities companies had to buy computers and deploy networks after arriving in Shanghai.

If you want to win a securities company, the best way is to win the Shanghai Stock Exchange first.At that time, the China Securities Regulatory Commission had not yet been established, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange had a lot of control.All securities companies entering Shanghai must go through the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

However, the door of the Shanghai Stock Exchange is not so easy to knock on.The office of the Shanghai Stock Exchange is located at No. 19 Huangpu Road, which is a European Neoclassical Victorian Baroque architectural style building.People who work in such a building exude a sense of nobility.In their eyes, those who are qualified to deal with the Shanghai Stock Exchange are international companies such as Hewlett-Packard and IBM.Isn't it an international joke that Changjiang Computer Company actually sent a brat who wants to do business in the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Frequent positive contact was repeatedly rejected, so Ji Qi had no choice but to "curve to save the country".He asked around and finally found an alumnus of Jiaotong University who worked in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Through the introduction of this alumni, he finally opened the door of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

Two months later, Ji Qi successfully opened up the securities market.He then signed the contracts of Bank of Communications Headquarters, Shanghai Municipal People's Congress and many other large units, and even negotiated the agency rights of Oracle and other large companies.Later, Boss Hu assigned him an assistant. Although there were only him and his assistant in the whole department at this time, their performance was very large, accounting for 80% of the company's turnover and profits. Guang Jiqi alone, The annual profit is several million.

The business has started, and it is impossible to leave.Ji Qi's business is getting bigger and bigger, and he is constantly developing new businesses, and his position is getting higher and higher. Two and a half years have passed without knowing it.

Ji Qi regards these two and a half years of life as his first venture.He believes that he has learned three points in the past two and a half years:

First, I understand that starting a business must be simple and simple, and I cook whatever is in the basket; second, I have made some friends in business, which will give me a lot of help when I start my own business in the future; third, I finally understand that the boss What I said, when I graduated from graduate school, I felt that I knew everything, but the more I worked, the more I felt that I didn’t understand, and the last thing I didn’t understand was being a human being.Maybe my technology, English, and sales are better than my boss, but I don't know how to lead others.I don't know how to turn customers from a business relationship into a friendship relationship.

03 Flying across the Atlantic in pursuit of American dreams

As the position keeps rising, Ji Qi feels that there is no room for development here, because he is already the second in command of the company, and he wants to rise again unless he squeezes out Hu Yibang.But for Ji Qi, who has a strong concept of master and apprentice, this is impossible.

So, he decided to leave.

At that time, for employees of state-owned enterprises, it was not so simple to leave if they wanted to pat their buttocks.Besides, Ji Qi is already the backbone of the unit, and the company even allocated him a house.

Ji Qi still came up with an irresistible reason: his wife was in the United States, and he was going to visit relatives in the United States.

Ji Qi finally ran away, and in September 1994, Ji Qi went to the United States with $9.

(End of this chapter)

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