This is the best team: from Ctrip to Home Inns, Hanting I

Chapter 27 Appendix 2 Reference Answers to Application Questions

Reference Answers to Applied Questions in Appendix II of Chapter 27 (2)
It didn't take long for the fruit oranges to occupy half of the orange juice market. As a result, Pepsi woke up from a dream and developed granule orange juice - Tropicana overnight.Right now, Tropicana is selling very well.In addition, Minute Maid has also developed 4 products in a row, and the last Minute Maid C Lemon sold quite well.

To sum up, it is not difficult to find that the green tea market is currently monopolized by Master Kong and Uni-President, and the concentrated tea market has been unable to develop.It can be said that it is the best choice for Zhang Jun to enter the juice market, especially the main lemon juice, which has more market prospects.But if you consider the season of the product, you can also choose soy milk.

[-]. How to shape the selling point of goat milk?

On December 2008, 12, Li Jun, a high school classmate, called and said that he had changed his career to sell goat milk (liquid milk) in the fast moving consumer goods market. He asked me if I could help him plan it.The following is the transcript of the conversation I had with him.

Staff: First tell me why you want to enter this industry?

Li Jun: The melamine milk incident has made people talk about "milk" discolored.Although the milk market has shrunk, the demand in this market still exists, and there is an urgent need for milk substitute products, so it is impossible for people to skip breakfast.I personally think that this is a very good market opportunity for goat milk (liquid milk) before the milk (liquid milk) market recovers.

Staff: Well, let’s talk about your milk source and product technology.

Li Jun: I am looking for a ready-made goat milk factory to do it for me.

Staff: As far as I know, people have been doing goat milk in the fresh milk market, but it has not been done very well, maybe because the technology of removing mutton needs to be improved.

Li Jun: Don't worry, the factory I'm looking for has top-notch technology.

Staff: Has the product been registered?Are you ready to advertise on TV?

Li Jun: The trademark has already been settled.We are not going to advertise, we are going to do promotional activities at the entrance of the supermarket, free tasting.

Staff: How many people are you doing together?

Li Jun: Me; my wife, she used to be a milk salesman in a shopping mall; my second brother, he knows people from the goat dairy farm; my brother-in-law, he can drive and hired a few helpers.

Staff: I don’t know about the others, but I know that you used to sell women’s care products...Appendix 223 Reference Answer [-] According to the above telephone recording, may I ask: Can Li Jun start this market, and what are the reasons?If you were the marketing director, how would you operate?
Reference answer:
For a new product, its development process has 8 steps, which are: seeking ideas, selecting ideas, forming product concepts, formulating marketing strategies, business analysis, product development, market test sales, and mass listing.In fact, in the eight-step process, the most important thing is the formation of concepts and market analysis. Therefore, let’s discuss a few key points:
1. Concept formation According to the survey results, most people have never drank goat milk.The reason is: some people think that goat's milk has a smell of mutton, and the taste is not good; while others say that milk has high nutritional value, and at the same time, they are used to drinking milk and don't want to try goat's milk.

In fact, it is not easy to change the habits of consumers. It takes a long time to cultivate and care for the market. When a certain brand of instant noodles entered the Taiwan market, it was unable to open up the market.So, I had to give the instant noodles to the children in the kindergarten. The children were just in the teething stage and thought the instant noodles were delicious, so the instant noodle market finally started.The boss of the company later told media reporters that in China, not only football has to start with children, but also the market.

Looking back at the analysis of goat milk, for the concept of this product, we must start from the blank point of nutrition. It is impossible for you to violate the basic theory of nutrition, so you can only play side-by-side.From the perspective of western medicine, cow's milk is better than goat's milk because of its smaller molecular weight and is easier to be absorbed by the body; however, from the perspective of diet and nutrition in traditional Chinese medicine, goat's milk is definitely many times better than cow's milk, because goat's milk is sweet and warm , is a great tonic product.

To sum up, goat milk must start from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine to refine product concepts and selling points.As for the trademark, you can consider choosing a name like "Xiyangyang".

2. After the concept of market segmentation is formed, start to segment the market as follows:
There are many criteria for market segmentation, such as: geographical factors, demographic factors, psychological factors and behavioral factors.

Here, age in the demographic factor is used as the subdivision indicator, and there are three age groups for the target population to choose from.

First, China's population tends to be aging, and the number of elderly people doubles. At the same time, most urban elderly people have stable incomes and certain savings. They have a strong sense of health care, which provides unlimited business opportunities for businesses.However, taking the elderly as the target market will have certain difficulties in product promotion. Generally, the elderly are less able to accept new things.However, then again, this is also an opportunity. Once the elderly accept it, the loyalty will be very high.

Second, goat milk can be used as the best milk substitute for infants.In order to maintain their hot figures and other reasons, more and more mothers are reluctant to breastfeed their children, which brings a big market for goat milk.As long as the product quality is reliable and the technology is excellent, it will definitely win the trust of young mothers.

Third, teenagers are good consumers of goat milk.They are easy to accept new things and are real consumers. However, they are very picky about taste, which brings great difficulties to the promotion of goat milk.It is difficult for rational appeals to be recognized by young consumers, and emotional appeals cannot be immediately distinguished from milk and other drinks.

At this critical juncture, the emergence of the "melamine incident" can be said to have helped goat milk a lot.Therefore, the author believes that it is the best choice to target teenagers in the goat milk market. Next, we will continue to analyze the advertising strategy.

3. Advertisement strategy Let’s break in first, about my advice to Li Jun.

Because my relationship with Li Jun is very strong, I usually speak without considering the consequences.So, I said to Li Jun at that time: "If you can start the goat milk market, I will immediately follow to sell pig milk."

Sure enough, not long afterwards, Li Jun "washed his hands in the golden basin".He couldn't figure it out all the time, and kept asking me, why?
In fact, for the four major combinations of promotion, that is, the four methods of personal selling, public relations, advertising and sales promotion.Brand creation is all based on advertising to open the way, followed by personal selling.It was as if tanks were bombing in front and engineers followed behind to grab positions.Now, the relevant details of advertising promotion are listed as follows:

(1) The advertising audience is mainly housewives and teenagers.

(2) Advertisement goals persuasion plus reminder.Safety is the most important thing. From a medical point of view, explain that melamine cannot be added to goat milk, and analyze it in detail. Over the years, people have misunderstood goat milk. Goat milk is the best milk source besides breast milk. .

Choice of medium.TV advertising is the first choice, and billboard advertising and newspaper advertising can be considered.

(3) The expression of the theme of the advertisement. Appendix 225 Reference Answers to Application Questions [-] Find a person from Xinjiang to be the spokesperson of the advertisement, because they all grew up drinking goat milk.As long as Xinjiang people raised their arms on TV and yelled: "I grew up drinking goat milk for Maimaiti." It will definitely cause some housewives to have the urge to buy goat milk.

(4) Advertisements are placed in a short-term intensive manner.Because this will have the effect of building momentum, and at the same time will not give other alternatives (such as soy milk, thick drinks) a chance to step in.

Of course, these all require a lot of expenses. Someone once said that if you run a TV advertisement on CCTV, if it is less than 1600 million yuan, it is worthless.Therefore, goat milk is also a market that is not easy to start. Li Jun may consider advertising on local TV stations first.

Also, why did Li Jun's free giveaway fail?Because in the introduction stage of the product, among the four major promotion methods, the effect of advertising is far better than that of sales promotion.

10. Where and how to give it away Wang Yong is a technician of a well-known foreign cosmetics company. He has been engaged in the scientific research of skin care products. After more than [-] years of hard research, he finally developed a cosmetic that is good at removing freckles.

It is relatively easy to apply for the approval of daily cosmetics for makeup brands. Therefore, Wang Yong’s Freckle King was launched on the market immediately through ODM. Since he did not have much money to advertise, he was very confident in his products, so he decided to use free Gifting is a way to promote your own products.

Now, if you were his product manager, do you think this approach is advisable?If it is desirable, where and how do you think it is more appropriate to present this product?
Reference answer:
Some people say that when starting a business, the most lacking thing is money.This is a good sentence, as Ji Qi once said: Entrepreneurship must be simple, and you can cook whatever you have in the basket.Therefore, when many people start a business, they say that one money is divided into two to spend.

In this case, Wang Yong is also a typical example.As a technician, the quality of the product is not a problem, but the most worrying thing is how to promote the product after it is produced?The prerequisite is not to start advertising, because there is no money to advertise.

Anyone who has studied marketing knows this.Advertisement is required when a new product is launched.Advertising is like a tank, and personal selling is like a soldier.Therefore, advertising is the primary method of product brand creation.Among the four major methods of promotion, in addition to advertising, there are personal selling, public relations, and sales promotion.The relationship between advertising is similar to that of advertising, and it is a very costly promotion method.Therefore, Wang Yong can only choose one of the methods of sales promotion or personal selling to promote.

Wang Yong has decided to open up the market with free gifts, because he is very confident in his products and he also believes in the choices of customers.In my opinion, this approach is desirable because there is no other choice.So let's discuss where to deliver and how to deliver.

Where to deliver?Of course, choose a place where the target population is concentrated.There are two types of people who earn the best money in the world:

One is afraid of death, and the other is smug.Therefore, as Wang Yong's product manager, it is best to choose a place where female white-collar workers often appear.For example, to distribute next to office buildings (off work hours) and large shopping malls (holidays or festivals), the best location is on the main road next to these buildings.In this way, the effect should be better.If it is distributed at the door of a shopping mall or an office building, it will be chased away by security guards.

As for how to distribute it?Suggestions are as follows: first choose the right distribution object, such as trendy ladies who like to dress up.

After giving her cosmetics, first explain the reason for the distribution.After that, ask the other party to leave their contact information, preferably a mobile phone number, and check whether the filled number is valid by dialing on the spot.

In this way, after distributing some practical products, start the tracking service, and you will know how effective your products are.Of course, among them, at least a counter must be rented in the mall.

499. What kind of distribution and promotion methods should be adopted? Chen Qiang is the general agent of ion water cups of a certain domestic enterprise in Guangdong.He represents a very magical water cup. After the cup is filled with ordinary drinking water, the acidic water in the cup will immediately become alkaline water, and the pH test paper can be used to test it on the spot.At the same time, this kind of cup is very beautiful in shape and quite high-end. However, the retail price is a bit expensive, and even the cheapest family personal package costs 1688 yuan.If it is the "Silver Cup" and "Gold Cup" in gift packs, the price will be RMB 2688 and RMB [-].

Chen Qiang is an agent of this product with a 3% discount.All we know now is that the manufacturer of the cup has invested a lot of advertising on the central station.If you are Chen Qiang, what is your distribution and promotion strategy?Please tell me your opinion.

Reference answer:
Ionized water is not a new thing, and many people have accepted the view that normal people's physique is slightly acidic.Therefore, selling ionized water cups means that Chen Qiang no longer has to explain the efficacy of ionized water.

In addition, Chen Qiang's cup, fortunately, has a very powerful promotional tool.That is, it can be demonstrated on the spot, and it is super persuasive.Because normal drinking water is slightly acidic, when the acidic drinking water tested by the pH test paper is poured into this cup, after a while, it is tested with the pH test paper again, and it is found that the acidic drinking water has been denatured. become alkaline water.This kind of experiment seen with my own eyes is more convincing than many logical theories.

Well, the current situation is that this kind of cup is not very cheap, and ordinary users may not be willing to spend money to buy a cup.Therefore, the choice of channels is very important. Where is the most popular place to sell?Can you start direct selling?

In my opinion, ordinary supermarkets are not the first choice. You can consider large shopping malls, such as Jusco, Carrefour and Wal-Mart, where you can rent a small room and open a specialty store.In addition, you can also consider opening a specialty store in a cultural center such as a book shopping center.And there is a promotional video of the company's products playing in the specialty store. The name of the specialty store is the customer experience center of a certain brand, and experiential marketing is very popular at present.

Appendix II Reference Answers to Application Questions 1988. Why is Huawei not listed? Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. is an employee-owned private technology company that manufactures and sells telecommunications equipment. It was established in 8 and is headquartered in Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong.Huawei's main business scope is switching, transmission, wireless and data communication telecommunications products, providing network equipment, services and solutions to customers around the world in the telecommunications field.Huawei has established multiple research institutes in the United States, India, Sweden, Russia, and China's Beijing, Shanghai, and Nanjing, with more than 43 employees, 2008% of whom are engaged in research and development.As of June 6, Huawei had accumulatively applied for more than 29666 patents, becoming the unit with the most patent applications in China for several consecutive years.Huawei has established more than 100 branches around the world, with a global marketing and service network. At present, Huawei's products and solutions have been used in more than 100 countries around the world, and 36 of the world's top 50 operators.

In 2008, the company continued to maintain a steady and healthy growth. The global sales reached 233 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 46%, and the international market revenue accounted for more than 75%.According to foreign media reports, with Huawei's income, Huawei surpassed Nortel in 2008 to become the world's fifth largest telecom equipment distributor.

Seeing such a glorious development history of Huawei, many people can't help asking: Why hasn't such a good company been listed for so many years?
Reference answer:
The previous article has analyzed that listing has both advantages and disadvantages.The advantage is that going public can solve the capital problem and retain talents, the management is becoming more and more standardized, and the company's popularity is high.However, it is also quite dangerous after the company goes public.Because the privacy right of the enterprise is gone, everyone can clearly see whether the company is profitable or not by looking at the annual report, which is quite detrimental to the company's operation.In addition, the degree of freedom of managers is limited, and major decisions of enterprises must be approved by directors and even voted by all shareholders.In addition, once a company goes public, it becomes a public company, and everyone has the right to invest in it.As for why Huawei does not go public for financing?Referring to Hu Yong's opinion, there are probably three reasons as follows:
First, carry forward the "wolf spirit" and continue to control Huawei.Ren Zhengfei, the founder of Huawei, started from scratch. In the early days of his business, the start-up capital was only 2.4 yuan.In order to attract and retain talents, Ren Zhengfei had to adopt the management model in Western countries where all key employees hold shares.Therefore, as the company grew slowly, Ren Zhengfei's shares were also greatly diluted. One day in 2007, when Duan Yongji, the village head of Zhongguancun, asked him how much shares he held in Huawei, Ren Zhengfei said, Not enough 2%, Duan Yongji was dripping with cold sweat.He couldn't wait to ask: "Mr. Ren, aren't you worried that you will be dismissed from get out of class?" It can be seen from this incident that Huawei is impossible to go public. If it goes public, Ren Zhengfei will definitely not be able to control Huawei.In addition, Huawei needs to continue to carry forward the hard-working style of "wolf spirit". If it goes public, Huawei Group will produce tens of thousands of billionaires on the night of listing, and even the front desk clerks will become millionaires.Then, Huawei people will not be as high-spirited as before.

Second, Huawei's business model is not suitable for listing.Huawei is a technology-based company. The company must invest a lot of money in research and development of new products. After the new products are launched, they can make a lot of money.After the research and development costs are recovered, new products are developed.But during this period, a large number of followers also flocked in, so the price began to drop, and the product life cycle directly entered the recession period from the introduction period.Then comes the next round of new product development.This is a virtuous circle, and it is also the business model adopted by general high-tech companies listed in the West.

This pattern can be illustrated with Parker's development of the ballpoint pen.After the Parker company developed the ballpoint pen, it was immediately sought after by people because of its convenience and the advantages of not staining the clothes. Therefore, although the production cost of the Parker company's ballpoint pen is only 1 US dollar per piece, it can be sold at a high price of 5 US dollars per piece. .Later, the Guk company in the same industry saw that Parker had already counted the money and his hands cramped, so the Guk company worked overtime overnight, and finally developed a ballpoint pen, which entered the market, so the two companies started a price war.Guke's price is 4.5 US dollars / stick, forcing Parker to set a price of 4 US dollars / stick.Guke continued to cut prices down to US$3.5/piece.Parker also followed suit, $3.2/piece.In the end, they saw that there was no profit margin, so they sat down and negotiated together, and finally reached an agreement that the price was set at $3/piece.The price war between the two sides began to cease.However, the profits of ballpoint pens still attracted the attention of other manufacturers. As a result, a large number of manufacturers also began to produce ballpoint pens. Since then, the price of ballpoint pens has been plummeting, falling to 0.8 yuan/piece, which is lower than the cost price.In desperation, Parker finally chose to give up and open up new markets.

However, Parker's model of selling ballpoint pens was not adopted by Huawei.Because Huawei has always been known for its low prices and high quality.If Huawei were Parker, Ren Zhengfei would price the ballpoint pen at 0.8 yuan per piece when the new product was launched.Although there is no profit at all, it has already dampened other people's interest. Gradually, the entire market is dominated by Parker. Without any competitors, Parker gradually raises the price inadvertently, and the final price is 2 yuan.At this time, the entire market has adapted to Parker's ballpoint pens. Even if other manufacturers want to enter, it is not that simple.Parker's ballpoint pens have swept the entire ballpoint pen market.

Before entering the Brazilian market, Huawei adopted this model. As a result, Huawei lost money in the first eight years of entering the Brazilian market, but in the ninth year, it earned 8 million in one year, which was more than the total loss in the past eight years. want more.When Yang Yuanqing, the second head of Lenovo, asked Ren Zhengfei for advice when he took office, he said that Lenovo also wanted to engage in research and development. As a result, Ren Zhengfei asked:

"We lost money in Brazil and India for 8 years. Do you dare to do this as a listed company?" Therefore, this business model is not suitable for listed companies, and listed companies must be responsible for each quarter's performance.If there is any sign of trouble, the stock price will be affected.

Third, Huawei's financing model is unique.In the West, the purpose of enterprises going public: one is to expand production, and the other is to integrate the industrial chain.But such disadvantages are also obvious. The competitiveness of the main business will decline when the new production line is purchased with the profits earned by the company's main business.Huawei, on the other hand, took advantage of the low cost of Chinese R&D personnel, recruited a large number of R&D personnel, and developed a lot of new products. When the new products became bigger, they sold them to others and relied on this method to raise funds.Then the money after financing will be invested in the research and development of core products and the market, and the core products will rapidly expand their market share and improve their competitiveness through self-loss methods, and finally achieve the goal of occupying market share.I once remembered that Ren Zhengfei shouted "Winter is coming!" three times in total, in 3, 2000, and 2004. Every time he sold new technology, he said it was for a cotton-padded jacket to survive the winter.

To sum up, Huawei's founder's philosophy, business model, and financing model are doomed to cause Huawei's non-listing. (Source "Shenzhen News Network" 2008-10-08, author Hu Yong) 10. How to make the two systems seamlessly connect Li Jun is a network architect with more than [-] years of work experience. He is currently working in a well-known private enterprise. Assumed the position of Network Technology Director.Tired of his nine-to-five job, he decided to start his own business, planning to enter the hotel booking industry.His positioning is convenient hotel reservation in the regional market, and he intends to connect some individual hotels into a virtual hotel chain.

Li Jun's most troublesome question now is: How can he combine his website with the hotel's hotel reservation business, so that when guests book a room, it can save the booking cost and make it more convenient for the guests?
Reference answer:
The current situation is that when the salesman of the reservation network company goes to the hotel to discuss cooperation, the hotel is very happy. After all, this is a way of promotion, and the two parties are mutually beneficial.It doesn't have to be like Ctrip in the past. When Ctrip's salesman appeared in front of the hotel manager, the hotel manager sent him away without letting the Ctrip salesman finish his sentence.

Although all hotels have already believed that the reservation network has the ability to distribute, but for chain hotels, they are still quite good.Therefore, according to Li Jun's situation, there is no advantage for him to discuss cooperation with large hotel chains.After all, Li Jun's company is a newly established company.

So how should Li Jun position his market?Personally, I think: First, find some individual stores and use the virtual capabilities of the Internet to virtualize them into a large hotel chain.Previously, Ctrip had a similar business. On July 2008, 7, Ctrip International, the investor of, announced to invest in the establishment of Starway Hotel Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.By charging a certain amount of "brand maintenance fee", we will form an "alliance" with non-chain and low-star hotels in first- and second-tier cities across the country to help them gain a firm foothold in the market where there are many economic chain hotels and mid-to-high-end hotels.Liu Jiajun, executive general manager of Starway Hotel Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., assured that most of the "brand maintenance fee" will be used in the unified promotion of the alliance.He explained that if an independent hotel spends 28 yuan a year for promotion, the final result is likely to be in vain.However, if the promotion expenses of each hotel are pooled and deployed in the name of the hotel alliance, the situation will be different.

In addition, after booking a hotel, the reservation network always informs the hotel by fax.In this case, we are worried that by coincidence, after the guests book the hotel online, they will find out that the reservation is unsuccessful when they arrive at the destination hotel.Therefore, relying on the advantage of Li Jun's background as a technician, he first developed a hotel reservation management system used by the hotel, and gave this system to the hotel he cooperated with for free.The hotel side must be very happy to cooperate with the other party by giving away management software for free, unless the hotel side has already purchased a similar management system.

Also, through this software, Li Jun's reservation network can be perfectly connected with the hotel reservation management software.

Through the Internet, you can know how many rooms the other party has yet to sell.Of course, these must let the other party know and agree.

Development History of Development History of CTRIP The development history of is rich and colorful. This book cannot present them one by one. Now, we will summarize the major events worth talking about, and let us witness each specific and far-reaching event of significant historical moment.

(End of this chapter)

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