Raise an apprentice to cultivate immortals

Chapter 35 A conspiracy in the ghost world?

Chapter 35 A conspiracy in the ghost world?
Dongyi slowly regained consciousness, the pain in her right wrist reminded her that everything was not an illusion, but where is it now?She heard someone calling her beside her ear, and when she turned her head slowly, she saw Pucheng's concerned eyes.Looking back now, the shout heard at that time should be the voice of Pucheng.

She wanted to open her mouth to speak, but she had no strength at all.

Pucheng sensed her intentions and understood that she was really awake, so he whispered: "You have been in a coma for a long time, don't rush to talk now, I will give you some water." He helped Dongyi and asked her to sit down In his arms, he picked up the water beside the bed and fed it to her little by little.

With the cold liquid entering his throat, Dong Yi felt much more comfortable, and his physical strength also recovered a little.She asked the first question, "Where is this?"

Pucheng put down the bowl and began to talk about what happened to her these days when she was in a coma.

To be honest, everyone in Kunlun didn’t know how long they had been shrouded in mist. They only knew that when the mist cleared, they saw the dead and injured people. Among them were not only the corpses of the alliance, but also other people. The two sides confronted each other, the dead bones of the Nether Ghost Realm led the three generals and hundreds of ghosts to confront everyone in the Misty Immortal Realm.

This mist was created by one of his monsters.

Originally, everyone in the Misty Immortal Realm was going to be planted in the mist this time. Fortunately, Quan Shuzi and Miaoyin arrived in time and fought with the bones outside. Disperse.

Withered Bones knew that the troops on his side were not strong enough to resist the people in the Misty Immortal Realm, so he immediately opened the realm passage and left.As for the Misty Immortal Realm, although they were unwilling, they were unable to fight any more.Everyone could only watch them leave.Maybe it was because they were afraid of Tianmu Immortal Venerable that Dry Bones didn't attack Kunlun's people, but that didn't mean they were fine.

As soon as Quan Shuzi learned that Dongyi vomited blood and fell into a coma, he secretly yelled.He didn't expect that he was so few days late, and something unexpected happened to Dongyi.If the accident was due to Quan Mingzi, then there was nothing to say, but afterward he called Quan Mingzi to question him and found that it was not his fault at all.

Now he was really worried.If I just go back like this, I'm afraid that I and others are doomed to be blamed.They didn't have any clues about the murderer at all, and at that time everyone saw the situation, so there was no way to take advantage of anyone, even if they pushed the whole thing to the ghost world, it still couldn't solve the problem.

For the current plan, they felt that they had to wait for Dong Yi to wake up before making plans.

After this battle, everyone lost all intention of looking for the ancient ruins and left one after another.Some people even think that this ancient relic is a cover at all. Maybe the Nether Ghost Realm is planning to invade the Misty Immortal Realm again, so they designed such a conspiracy to eliminate some outstanding seedlings of the Misty Immortal Realm and weaken their strength a little.

No matter what, this time he lost his wife and lost his army.

Everyone in Kunlun was also taken by Quan Shuzi to the lower realm sect to cultivate.But Dongyi never woke up, Quan Shuzi had to stay in the lower realm because of this, the only thing that worried him was Yan Tuo's reaction.There must be people from Yan Tuo in the sect of the lower realm, and Dong Yi's news cannot be concealed at all, but he is not sure if the news has reached Yan Tuo now, if it does, why Yan Tuo didn't respond at all?Don't really care?

Fortunately, Dongyi finally woke up!

Pucheng tells Dongyi what happened these days.Dong Yi was very surprised, she felt that her spiritual consciousness had just come out of her body for a short while, she didn't expect that so many things had happened in the outside world.As for what happened to her, she will not speak out.She felt that the place she entered should be the so-called ancient ruins.

The ambush in the ghost world should have been planned by them before, and they must have received the news of the ancient ruins, otherwise it would be impossible to arrange these plots without a sound.As for their deeds revealed, it is not difficult to understand that they left immediately.In the face of invincible people, it is natural to run as far as you can, there is no need to leave a message, the ancient ruins can be explored at any time.

Just why her?She still couldn't figure this out.

Dongyi's whole body hurts now, especially her right hand is still numb. Even though Pucheng wrapped her whole body with the force of immortal fate to nourish and relieve the pain, it also covered up the pain in her right hand.And the water he just fed was not simple, and Dong Yi tasted a very strong taste of delicacy from it.

The main function of delicacy grass is to treat injuries and relieve pain.This kind of medicinal herb is not rare, it can be seen everywhere, put it in a pot, without adding water, it can be boiled directly with Xianyuanli to produce clear water.But the water did not come easily.First of all, not to mention the celestial power consumed in it, just to boil out a drop of medicinal juice would require no less than a hundred catties of delicacy.

You can think about it, a drop of medicinal juice costs a hundred catties, how much does that bowl need?This is not counting the loss of immortal power.Therefore, generally no one in the Misty Immortal Realm uses this medicine, and it costs too much.And its efficacy can only be regarded as mediocre.But it has an advantage, no matter what kind of ailment it is, it can be cured slowly, even if the cure is not good, it can be slowed down, and it can be summed up as delaying time.

Anyway, existence is reasonable, and someone will always use it.No, Quan Shuzi and others couldn't find Dongyi's cause of disease, so they could only use this delicacy to cure her.But this is not the way.

As soon as Quan Shuzi and others got the news that Dong Yi had woken up, they immediately gathered in her room.

"Nephew, how is your health?"

"Thank you uncle for your concern. I'm fine now, but I still don't have much strength."

"That's it." Hearing Dong Yi's weak answer, Quan Shuzi was even more worried.He had received the news from Yan Tuo two days ago, asking them to go back immediately, presumably he should have received the news of Dong Yi's injury, but, what should we do?
Dong Yi's current situation, let's not talk about whether he can open the boundary channel, even if he goes back, I'm afraid that he and others will have to bear the anger of the immortal. After much deliberation, the question has returned to the previous one. Go up safe and sound?How can we get rid of the fact that she was injured?
Quan Shuzi, who couldn't think of a solution for a while, could only comfort him and said, "It's fine, you're still weak, you need to rest more, so we won't bother you for now."

"Thank you uncle, uncle, let's go slowly."

Dong Yi was awake for a long time, exhausted a lot of energy, and felt sleepy again.After Quan Shuzi and the others left, they did not leave individually, but all gathered in his room to discuss.

"Everyone, two days ago, I have received a message from Immortal Venerable, what do you think?"

At this moment, Quan Shuzi, Quan Mingzi, Miaoyin and Wang Yizhou were all there, and the three of them frowned after hearing Quan Shuzi's words.

(End of this chapter)

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