Chapter 10
Fenghuang felt that he was about to lose his head. He was dancing desperately just now, but that damn girl dared to hit him with a bamboo basket!

But now, a wrinkled old woman is looking at him up and down with a pair of cloudy eyes. This feeling is really better than passing out and not knowing anything.

Mrs. Li threw the phoenix on the ground, and was surprised to find that her hands were covered with black things. She lowered her head and sniffed, and found that it smelled of burnt, so she pointed to wontons and asked her to go to the kitchen to make a bucket water coming.

"Wonton, pour the water down and wash this chicken, it's covered with burnt hairs."

"Oh." Wonton grabbed Fenghuang who was trying to escape, raised his hand and poured a bucket of cold water down, until Fenghuang was cold inside and out, standing like a wooden stake.

Wonton looked at the water flowing on the ground, and it was indeed black, while many places on Fenghuang's body showed light yellow.

Wonton was pleasantly surprised and wiped the changed places on Fenghuang with her sleeve, and then she saw that the ugly Fenghuang looked very cute now.

After the black scorched paste was washed by water, and then vigorously wiped off by Wonton's sleeve, the pale yellow soft hair appeared.Because of the strength of the wonton, the hair on the phoenix's body was quickly rubbed by the wonton, and it looked like the weeds in the field.

At this moment, the phoenix, with its fluffy light yellow fur, looks like a... immature chicken cub!

So, isn’t the chicken actually grown up?

"Grandma, is this a chick? Look at this hair?"

Mrs. Li frowned when she looked at the hair on Fenghuang's body. The chicken looked big, so why did the hair still look like a cub?

"It looks like it's still a chicken, but it's grown very big. When it grows up in the future, it must have a lot of meat. It's strange, since when did there be such a chicken on Nanshan?" Mrs. Li was worried, and looked at Fenghuang several times. In the end, I still feel that this is a juvenile chick, and I can't eat it~
Mrs. Li didn't know that there was a cub in this world that looked very similar to a chicken cub, with soft light yellow fur and carmine paws, and even the cub's sound was very similar to that of a chicken. picture.

But when the cubs start to grow, these chicken-like features will disappear one by one.The first is the light yellow soft fur on the body. After two or three times of shedding, the young beast will grow bright fiery red feathers. This kind of feathers are hard and more beautiful.The carmine paws of the cubs will gradually darken.

After the cub's tail grows long, peacock-like tail feathers, the beast's head will also grow head feathers that are different from ordinary birds. The most important thing is that at this time, the beast's claws will completely become Dark red after blood coagulation.

This is the process of the cubs beginning to become gorgeous and noble, and of course it is also a sign of the adulthood of the cubs. Before the world of cultivating immortals existed, a group of special beasts existed in the world. People called them phoenixes. .

The growth process of a phoenix usually takes thousands or ten thousand years, all of which are judged according to the physique of the phoenix when it was born.However, the phoenix picked up by Wonton at this moment is because of the primordial spirit, so as long as it continuously absorbs spiritual power, it can save the transformation process of tens of millions of years and directly return to its adult appearance.

However, Mrs. Li, who lives in a remote place like Zhiya Village, would not know about the growth process of Phoenix! (In fact, not many people in the world know about it!)

 Because Wonton is going to visit my classmates in Nanjing this week, I will temporarily update it.It will be updated twice a day from next week~ In addition, Wenwen has signed a contract, please rest assured to follow
(End of this chapter)

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