Riding a Phoenix to Cultivation

Chapter 105 Channeling Spiritual Energy

Chapter 105 Channeling Spiritual Energy (1)

Wonton sat under the big tree, and could not see the sun or the top of the tree above his head.

In this huge forest, among the five senses of Wonton, only the ears are functioning.

She knew that those fierce eyeless bird monsters were flying nearby, and they might pounce on her in the next second.

After being thrown in, Feng Yi told her to escape quickly.

But now she can't even tell the direction, how can she escape?
Wonton angrily picked up two pieces of mud and threw them not far away, cursing Feng Yi ten thousand times in his heart.

Wonton sat there for a long time, thinking that it would be impossible to sit here all the time, and her stomach was already growling...

After standing up, Wonton randomly chose a direction and walked over.

Then, Wonton was very lucky to meet two eyeless bird monsters who were in love, orz...

Wonton turned around and ran quickly, and two eyeless harpies came from behind them, calling extremely aggressively.

The sound hit Wonton's brain, and Wonton felt that his body was beginning to lose control, and his footsteps gradually became unstable, swaying left and right.

A gust of wind blew up, and Wonton was overturned and fell to the ground. His forehead hit a stone and a hole was broken.

Just as Wonton watched those eyeless bird monsters fly closer and closer, but only five steps away, those eyeless bird monsters seemed to stop for some reason.

Two huge eyeless harpies hovered around Wonton, making aggressive voices, making Wonton feel like its head was about to explode.

The eyeless bird demon was afraid of the aura on Wonton's body, so he didn't dare to go forward.

But facing the prey that came to their door, they were reluctant to give up.

Wonton didn't know what the eyeless bird was waiting for, but there was no doubt that if she didn't move here, she would be eaten sooner or later.

In anxiety and panic, Wonton quickly recalled the situation when he met the three-eyed demon fox and Qiu Yuanli in the cave.

Wonton looked at his palm, it was scratched by a branch because of running, and bright red blood flowed out.

"How did that feeling come about?" Wonton gritted his teeth, and tried hard to recall the feeling when he attracted lightning and fire snakes.

At that time, my whole body was very hot, and I had no other thoughts except to repel the enemy.

Looking at the bird demon figure hovering in the white mist, Wonton clenched his fists and stood up.

The outburst of that kind of power seems to appear at the most dangerous time.

If she put herself in the most dangerous situation now, would she be able to find a way out because of that inexplicable power?
Wonton no longer wanted to think about the consequences of her reckless behavior, so she decided to try it first.

So Wonton pointed in the direction of the eyeless bird monster, jumped up and rushed towards it.

Those two eyeless bird demons sensed Feng Yi's breath and were about to retreat.

But Wonton's movements were faster than them. In an instant, a slow-moving eyeless bird demon was hugged by Wonton.

Because of Feng Yi's breath, the eyeless harpy who was being hugged was yelling violently and frightenedly.

Huge and sharp claws grabbed Wonton's shoulder heavily and stabbed in.

Wonton snorted in pain, and shrank her whole body.

The eyeless harpy became even more irritable, and opened its bloody mouth directly at the wonton.

Wonton looked up and saw the eyeless harpy's mouth and the sharp teeth gleaming in the mouth, and finally let go in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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