Riding a Phoenix to Cultivation

Chapter 302 I’m Arrogant, What Has It To Do With You

Chapter 302 I’m Arrogant, What Has It To Do With You (3)

The little old man was no bigger than a palm, his forehead was wrinkled, and two or three strands of his hair were pulled into a small bun.

There are still two curved tentacles on the forehead that have not disappeared, and a pair of black eyeballs are shiny, like the eyes of a baby.

The most interesting thing is that the little old man has a pair of wings on his back, and the brown-black wings are moving like a heavy package, bending the little old man's spine.

The white beard dragged from the mouth to the feet, making people worry, could this little old man walk with these two beards?

The little old man gave a dry laugh, and flew up on the pair of wings on his back, dangling in front of the man's eyes.

"Guardian Zuo, just sit here and stop catching that girl?"

"Does it have anything to do with you whether I catch it or not? Be careful that this protector is not happy to trample you to death!"

The little old man rolled his eyes, you don't know how many times you have trampled on the old man to death.

But old man, I am not living well now!
"Left protector, we have a mission to come to the world this time, you can't be afraid of anything, Lord Mozun will take care of you when you go back, right protector will also trip you up!"

The man sneered, just because the man had a baby face, big eyes, and looked like a delicate and cute doll.

So the effect of this smile on the man's face...is not indifferent.

"The right protector is an idiot, Demon Venerable, she..."

The little old man became energetic in an instant, and received it with great interest, "The Demon Lord—" the man glanced at the excited little old man, and said with a straight face, "Very beautiful."

"I...you do this every time, it's boring, it's boring."

The little old man was depressed, this protector Zuo acted perversely, always confusing people.

He wanted the left protector to say something bad about Mo Zun several times, so that he could go back and report the news, and let Mo Zun take care of the left protector.

But the cunning boy never takes the bait!
"Cunning bad boy!"

The man grabbed the flying little old man and said coldly, "What did you say?"

The little old man lowered his head and smiled wretchedly, "The girl ran away, let's chase after Zuo Hufa quickly."

The man stopped scaring the little old man, stood up and put on his mask again.

"Run, just like her, how far can you run."

Wonton, who was ridiculed by the Zuo protector, really couldn't run far at the moment.

When she was exhausted, she came...she had a bad sense of direction and lost her way.

"Bone, do you know how to get out? I really want to be trapped in the woods."

"You... lost your way?"

Wonton hummed, she is a road idiot, especially in this strange place where the surrounding environment seems to be similar, it is difficult not to get lost.

"Then you should rest and rest, don't work hard. I don't think you can get out in this life."

After Bai Gu said something disgusting, he stopped talking about wontons.

Wonton... I want to die!

After sitting on the ground for a long time, Wonton watched the light in the forest gradually dim, and found a stick to support him and stood up.

I can't sit still. After exercising a lot, I feel paralyzed when I sit.

My legs were sore, and I couldn't even walk.

It's better to hold on, walk more, try more, she won't believe that she can't find her way!
Don't all the roads come out!
Wonton looked at the layers of green trees and vines in front of him, took a deep breath, and continued to escape.

This time there was no one around, Huang Shu wasn't there, Feng Yi wasn't there, and he didn't pay any attention to her.

But Wonton wasn't that scared, he knew how to spell now, didn't he?

I am very good!

And although this mountain is unfamiliar, it is also a mountain.

She has been to Nanshan so many times, this mountain is not a problem!
Wonton directly ignored the problem that there are several Nanshan Mountains in this mountain, and also directly ignored the fact that there are many monsters in this mountain.

When it comes to self-soothing self-encouragement, to get the best results, one thing is very important.

That is... know how to deceive yourself and others appropriately.

As a child of optimism, Wonton has no teacher at this point!
 Thank you reader Chen Xiaxin for your reward~ Is it a red envelope for the New Year? O(∩_∩)O haha~
(End of this chapter)

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