Riding a Phoenix to Cultivation

Chapter 307 I’m Arrogant, What Has It To Do With You

Chapter 307 I’m Arrogant, What Has It To Do With You (8)

The little old man laughed dryly, "You have misunderstood the person, the military master of the Demon Realm is high above the ground, handsome and handsome, how could it be the old man that I look like."

"Whether you admit it or not, I'm not interested in knowing. But does Guardian Zuo dare not admit his identity?"

Feng Yi looked at the man with no smile on his face, and his eyes were fierce.

The man stood there for a while, not understanding, and then suddenly laughed.

"So what if this guardian recognizes it, so what if he doesn't recognize it?"

Does this man think that he can beat him?
Maybe it's possible for him alone, but it's impossible to drag the little girl in front of him.

People with weaknesses are best dealt with.

"Guardian Zhengfeng is indeed the same as the rumors, proud." Feng Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, and the flames danced at his fingertips.

The little old man immediately sensed a dangerous aura, and he stopped trying to quibble about his identity, and immediately flew to the man's ear.

"How did he know your name? Isn't your name known only to the upper echelons of the Demon Realm?"

Protector Zuo of the Demon Realm wears a mask both before and after, but he takes off his mask himself, and only Mozun Mingyu can take off his mask.

And as mysterious as the face of this Zuo Guardian, what is unknown is the name of this Zuo Guardian.

No one ever knew Zuo Protector's name, and most of those who knew died.

The few people who survived were... Demon Venerable Mingyu, Right Protector Wugui, and the little old man who was a military advisor in the Demon Realm.

The main reason why they survived was that the left protector couldn't kill them.

"Zhengfeng." The name came out of the man's mouth, and it sounded a little strange.

"No one has called me that for a long time, because almost everyone who knows my name has died."

As soon as the words fell, a pure black long sword suddenly appeared in Zhengfeng's hand, and the long sword stabbed towards Feng Yi with spiritual power.

Feng Yi seemed to have guessed that Zheng Feng would strike suddenly, and the flame at his fingertips also transformed into a fiery red long sword in an instant.

Wonton was thrown far away by Feng Yi, and she sat on the ground, watching Feng Yi and the left protector named Zheng Feng coming and going, fighting in full swing.

"The two of them are so quick." Wonton patted his face to wake himself up.

Just now she didn't know anything, so she was thrown over by Feng Yi, and then Feng Yi and Zheng Feng started fighting.

That Zhengfeng is really a villain, actually playing a sneak attack!

The long sword in Feng Yi's hand is transformed by spiritual power, and it needs the spiritual power in Feng Yi's own body as support.

And the long sword in Zhengfeng's hand is a magic weapon that Zhengfeng snatched in his early years.

Logically speaking, judging from their long swords, Feng Yi was at a disadvantage.

You must know that a good magic weapon can exert the greatest power of spiritual power, and at the same time the magic weapon itself can have many spells on it.

However, Feng Yi's spiritual power is special, the long sword is condensed by the spiritual power of the fire element, and the fire of the phoenix burns the sword body.

The fire of the phoenix has an innate suppression of Zhengfeng's spiritual power, so even if Zhengfeng relies on the magic weapon, he can't take advantage of Fengyi.

Although Feng Yi has recovered a lot of skill now, after all, he is much weaker than before.

On the surface, it seems that Feng Yi is very powerful, and defeating Zheng Feng is not a problem.

But only Feng Yi knew that he might not be able to beat Zheng Feng.

At the beginning, when Feng Yi chased Zhengfeng and Wonton, he didn't realize Zhengfeng's identity. He didn't realize it until he saw the Demon Army when he found Wonton.

This man is the Left Protector of the Devil Realm.

Being able to become the left protector of the demon world is definitely not an ordinary person, and his cultivation should not be underestimated.

But the situation is already on the verge of an arrow, and it has to be launched.

If we want to go back safely with the wontons today, a fierce battle is inevitable.

Even before this fierce battle started, Feng Yi knew in his heart that his chances of winning were very low.

However, on the way to find wontons, in order to prevent accidents, he had already marked the way and asked Huang Shu to go back and find someone.

Shi Ke and the others should have found this place soon.

(End of this chapter)

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