Chapter 905

In Jiang Chengqing's heart, he was actually always afraid that Qingqing would recover her memory.

He doesn't want Qingqing to recover her memory, he naturally hopes that Qingqing can forget the past and live a peaceful life without the involvement of the past.

This cannot be said to be bad at all.

Because if there were no accidents and Qingqing still didn't know anything, she would not be involved in danger again.

But Jiang Chengqing didn't want Qingqing to recover her memory, and she still had this kind of selfish emotion.

With an incomprehensible past, Feng Yi's existence would naturally not be accepted.

Nor will she remember the many people who have intersected with her life.

Qingqing, who has no memory, is the one she can rely on the most, and the one she is most willing to rely on.

In those days when memory was blank, he was probably her only one.

But after all, it is stolen peace and happiness.

Jiang Chengqing looked down at the empty palm. A moment ago, he was holding her hand.

"Am I wrong?" Jiang Chengqing didn't catch up immediately, he stood where he was and thought for a long time.

In the end, he still didn't want to understand, but he quickly restrained his emotions, and changed back to that Jiang Chengqing who kept his emotions and anger on the surface.

Jiang Chengqing quickly caught up with Qingqing, Qingqing saw him coming back, and rarely spoke quietly.

Both of them could feel that the relationship between them seemed a bit cold, but neither of them was willing to say anything to ease the atmosphere.

So this kind of silence lasted until they saw Feng Yi and Tao Wang again.

Feng Yi has already started using the Phoenix Fire.

So Tao Wang became very embarrassed, he wanted to take the opportunity to escape, but he couldn't give up the bone and water spirit in his hand.

"I didn't want to use this trick at first, but you forced me to use it, so you sent yourself to a dead end!" After Feng Yi used the Phoenix Fire, he was obviously being lazy, and he just used the Phoenix Fire. Huo threw Tao Wang, and he didn't rush to fight or anything.

Feng Yi was beating and talking at the same time, nagging so much that Xie Luo, who was immobile, was upset, let alone Tao Wang who was dodging.

Tao Wang wished he had two needles to sew Feng Yi's mouth shut.

Qingqing was very surprised when she saw Phoenix Fire, because Feng Yi usually would not use this trick, and after this trick was used by outsiders, many people would be interested in Feng Yi, and even wanted to know what Feng Yi used fire.

Sure enough, Jiang Chengqing, who came back with Qingqing, became very surprised after seeing the fire of the phoenix.

It's just that Jiang Chengqing is not dead exaggerated and talkative, so he didn't ask anything.

Qingqing got her eyes on it, and suddenly rode a jade dragon to get close to Tao Wang, and then yelled to Bai Gu.

The bones returned to the bracelet in response, but Qingqing was caught by Tao Wang.

So Feng Yi was forced to stop the attack, and the situation suddenly became stalemate.

"Didn't I tell you to go back? Why are you here again?" When Feng Yi saw Qingqing, his eyes froze for a moment, and he became nervous.

He reckoned that this kind of behavior of robbing by force could not continue, because if Shui Ling and Bai Gu were forcibly taken away, Tao Wang would kill Qingqing.

Feng Yi turned around and gave Jiang Chengqing a hard look, blaming him for not taking good care of Qingqing.

Jiang Chengqing was not angry either, his eyes were fixed on Qingqing, and his fists were clenched tightly.

"Wake up, stop fighting, let's sit down and have a good talk." Feng Yi gave up resisting, but Qingqing was still encouraging Feng Yi not to care about her life and death, so she was directly drugged by Tao Wang...

"It's so loud, I'll break your neck if you keep making noise!"

(End of this chapter)

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