Chapter 922

The fish demon didn't know what happened in the middle.

Because the fish demon was injured before leaving Xunxianzong, Yu Lian let her recuperate in Lianhu instead of going to Stepyunzong.

After returning, Yu Zhong wanted to talk to Yu Lian several times, but Yu Lian refused them all.

Not only that.

The jade pendant that Yu Zhong gave to Yu Lian was split in half by Yu Lian.

But that's not the worst.

The most frightening thing, the fish demon found that Yu Lian seemed to be a different person.

Yu Lian's eyes when looking at people changed. It turns out that Yu Lian's eyes are calm and occasionally angry, but her eyes are clear.

But when Yu Lian looked at people later, her eyes were full of hatred.

I don't even know why, but at night, Yu Lian lights the whole room with candles.

Candles throughout the room illuminated the night as if it were day.

And Yu Lian stayed up all night.

The fish demon felt that Yu Lian's state was not right, so he secretly went to find Yu Zhong.

After hearing this, Yu Zhong's expression froze, and he immediately asked someone to find out what happened to Yu Lian when he was in the Cloud Sect.

Yu Chong doubted, Yu Lian remembered the days when she was arrested and used as a stove.

But... Was the effect of Phoenix Tears so easily dispelled?
Yu Zhong didn't know, he could only guess again and again.

However, it was too late to guess, and Yu Lian began to lose control.

In the beginning, Yu Lian just stayed up all night and night, but later, Yu Lian would go out before nightfall.

And Yu Lian didn't bring the fish demon with her.

Yu Lian came back in the early morning, and every time she came back, the fish demon could smell a strong smell of blood from her body.

Those bloody smells don't seem to be the smell of monsters.

Yu Lian...may have killed someone.

Sure enough, within a few days, there was news from inside Xunxianzong.

In the past few days in Shuiyun Continent, casual cultivators have been killed one after another.

These casual cultivators who were killed died in an extremely miserable state, with sword marks all over their bodies, and their faces were bloody and bloody.

And the scary thing is that the spiritual power in their bodies has been sucked dry by people alive.


Everyone thinks that there is a demon hiding in Shuiyun Continent. This demon's situation is very hot, and he only picks loose cultivators to attack.

Because casual cultivators are alone, they often walk alone.

Not long after this incident broke out, Yu Zhong confirmed that Yu Lian did these things.

He had already guessed the method Yu Lian used to kill her.

Every move and style of her was taught by him personally.

He is well aware of her lack of proficiency in a move, and also knows what kind of wounds she will cause to others with her skills.

Yu Lian did not admit this matter.

In a rage, Yu Zhong locked Yu Lian in the wooden pavilion and put her under house arrest.

But at that time, both Yu Yao and Yu Zhong ignored one thing.

That's why Yu Lian went crazy?

Yu Lian's inner demon was awakened by someone, and all of this was related to what happened in Ta Yunzong.

The records of the final investigation showed that everything was normal for Yu Lian in Stepping Cloud Sect.

I just got acquainted with an elder named Tao Wang.

"Tao Wang?" Yu Zhong didn't have much impression of the name.

He has not been in charge of Xunxianzong's affairs for a long time, and he has no memory of when Tayunzong will have a new elder.

So he had no choice but to shelve this matter first, and instead tried every means to help Yu Lian suppress her inner demons.

But Yu Lian's inner demons seemed impossible to suppress at all.

Yu Lian has already started to hurt her fellow disciples.

Fortunately, Yu Zhong found out and stopped him in time.

Fearing that Yu Lian would hurt others, Yu Zhong locked Yu Lian up and sealed her veins.

(End of this chapter)

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