Chapter 926

Qingqing and Fengyi looked at each other and smiled, they guessed correctly, the mysterious person was Fengqi.

It seems that this matter is more complicated.

First of all, why did Feng Qi use Phoenix Tears to make a deal with Yu again?

Did he expect Yu Chonghui to die very early?
When Yu Lian killed Yu Lian, she was in a very strange state. Did Yu Lian see Feng Qi at that time?

How did Yu Lian recover her memory?Without stimulation, Yu Lian should not be able to recover her memory so easily.

In the end, why did Feng Qi try to snatch Yu Lian?And refined Yu Lian into a ghost cultivator?

Combining Feng Qi's previous transaction with Yu Zhong and the story of the fish demon, it is not difficult to guess that after Yu Zhong's death, Feng Qi turned Yu Zhong into a ghost cultivator according to the agreement.

And Yu Lian was snatched away by Feng Qi, and finally became a ghost cultivator. It is clear at a glance who is doing the tricks.

"The gossip formation in the deserted village, after Yu Lian disappeared, did you cancel the formation? Did you put the gossip formation just like that?" Feng Yi asked Tao Wang.

"After Yu Lian disappeared, people already knew about the village there. It is inconvenient for me to let those guarding the village leave, so I let them live there forever. Moreover, once a treasure like the Golden Spirit appears, it will inevitably It will cause competition, so I adjusted the eyes of the Three Realms Bagua Formation, and later this formation is basically used to disperse spiritual power."

"Then, who is the one who took away the golden spirit?"

Tao Wang's crimson one didn't show any signs of injury, so he probably wasn't the one who took the golden spirit.

"The one who took away the golden spirit is the murderer who slaughtered the village." Qingqing added.

"I don't know, I don't have a golden spirit root, and the golden spirit is useless to me."

"How many people know about the deserted village? The person who took the golden spirit must know about the deserted village."

"I don't know, that village has been there for hundreds of years, and it doesn't matter who discovered the existence of the Golden Spirit by accident." Tao Wang returned impatiently.

"Yu Lian was snatched away, haven't you found any information about where she might be?"

"The only thing I know is that Bai Yi helped that person break through the Eight Diagrams Formation of the Three Realms, snatched Yu Lian away, and don't know anything about the rest."

"Did Yu Lian give you that jade pendant of yours?" Qingqing said, and escaped Tao Wang's jade pendant.

Tao Wang's eyes tightened, and he responded, but he was not in a hurry to take the jade pendant back.

"The original body of this jade pendant should be Yu Zhong's birthday gift to Yu Lian. Yu Lian split this jade pendant in two that day and gave me half, and made a promise with me. Remember to go to find immortals in the future. Zong is looking for her."

"So, what's the relationship between you and Yu Lian?"

When this question came up, all eyes focused on Tao Wang.

Especially the gazes of Yu Zhong and the fish demon were like two swords, tightly pierced on Tao Wang's body.

Tao Wang tensed his face, and after a long silence, he said slowly, "Friends."

The first time Tao Wang and Yu Lian met was not when Yu Lian followed the crowd to visit the disciple meeting of the Cloud Stepping Sect.

Earlier, Yu Lian, who was under 16 years old, sneaked out of Xunxianzong and disappeared for several days.

Yu Lian ran to Muyun Continent, she was looking for lotus seeds.

The Muyun Continent has the most spiritual plants. The special lotus seeds that Yu Lian was looking for naturally had to be found there.

And Tao Wang is a medical practitioner, wandering in the mountains and forests for five out of ten years.

The time he met Yu Lian, Tao Wang happened to be looking for herbs in Muyun Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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