Chapter 929

Tao Wang was very surprised by Yu Lian's words.

Because as far as Tao Wang knew, the ancient divine beast like the phoenix no longer existed in the world, not to mention the tears of the phoenix.

This kind of medicine can only have the effect of losing memory in the legend.

But Yu Lian was very sure that she had swallowed Phoenix Tears.

Tao Wang finally thought of many ways, and finally found a way to offset the effect of Phoenix Tears.

It's just that this method is equivalent to pulling seedlings to encourage growth, and it has caused great harm to Yu Lian.

Under normal circumstances, Phoenix Tears can only be completely eliminated by recovering its own memory a little bit.

But through very normal means, people's confidence will be greatly affected, and some memories after taking Phoenix Tears will be damaged.

In other words, Yu Lian's memory after the age of 14 will become incomplete.

Of course, Tao Wang discovered this point later.

Because Tao Wang went to Yu Lian several times and found that Yu Lian would forget some things from time to time.

Yu Lian and the disciples of Xunxianzong left Tayunzong soon, and Tao Wang became restless because of Yu Lian's previous entrustment.

Yu Lian asked him to go find her in a month, always feeling as if Yu Lian knew what bad luck was going to happen to her.

The half of the jade pendant that Yu Lian gave to Tao Wang was used by Tao Wang to plant various spiritual herbs.

He planned to return the half jade pendant to Yu Lian.

In this way, when Yu Lian encounters danger in the future, she can use the herbs in the jade pendant in time.

But I didn't expect that when I went to the sixth island of Xunxianzong a month later, what I saw was Yu Lian who was already dying.

Tao Wang was in a hurry to save Yu Lian, but he didn't go to Yu Zhong and the murderer who hurt Yu Lian.

When he settled Yu Lian and was about to go to Xianzong for an explanation, he heard that Yu Zhong was dead, and the sixth island had turned back into a ghost island.

The whole island was guarded, and Tao Wang couldn't enter the island, so the matter had to be left here.

"Probably only Yu Lian herself knows what happened back then, but I don't think she may be able to say anything. She doesn't seem to remember anything."

Qingqing released the bone from the bracelet, and the bone curled up on the ground, not at all arrogant and domineering in the past.

It looks rather pitiful.

"Yu Lian?" Yu Zhong walked up to Yu Lian slowly, reached out and grabbed Yu Lian's hand.

She doesn't have smooth skin like she did back then, nor does she have such a beautiful and youthful face.

Yu Lian at this moment is an ugly and terrifying skeleton.

But Yu Zhong's voice was so gentle that people couldn't help turning their faces away.

Qingqing felt her eyes were hot, she buried her head into Feng Yi's shoulder.

Feng Yi patted Qingqing's shoulder comfortingly, and when he lowered his head, he missed Jiang Chengqing's gaze.

"Xiao Jiu, is it you?" Yu Zhong hugged the bone into his arms, moving carefully, for fear that if he exerted too much force, the skeleton in his arms would fall apart.

"Master." A low, scared voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked at Yu Zhong and Bai Gu.

The skeleton in Yu Zhong's arms trembled, "Master, I'm sorry, I don't remember, I don't remember."

The cries gradually sounded, coming from the trembling skeleton.

"It's okay, I'm too stupid as a teacher, and I didn't notice your abnormality." Yu Zhong's words were like the brightest moonlight in the darkness, shining on everyone's hearts.

Indifference and fear were all dispelled in an instant.

"Ah!" Qingqing suddenly covered her mouth with force, and pointed to the bones in Yu Zhong's arms.

No, it wasn't a skeleton anymore.

Rotten bones grow muscles, blue hair is like a waterfall, and there is emotion between the eyebrows and eyes.

This is Yu Lian, a real Yu Lian.

(End of this chapter)

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