Riding a Phoenix to Cultivation

Chapter 934 Returning to Cloud Stepping Sect

Chapter 934 Returning to Cloud Stepping Sect (1)

"So will I always be like this in the future?" Qingqing asked repeatedly, touching her cheek.

Feng nodded, "It's just that I'm curious, what is the last bit of memory you recalled just now."

He does not mean that.

Qingqing suddenly looked gloomy, shook her head, and said, "It's nothing, just now there are a lot of childhood things in my mind."

Feng Yi saw that Qingqing was covering up, but he didn't expose Qingqing's words.

Memories of the past are not so important, as long as they are together now.

"Now that the water spirit has been obtained, we can leave. Let's go back to the cloud stepping sect first, I only have the gold spirit in my hand." Feng Yi said after taking back the half of the water spirit.

"But isn't there only half? What about the other half of Shui Ling?" Qingqing remembered that she forgot to ask Yu Lian just now about the removal of the other half of Shui Ling.

Feng Yi raised Qingqing's hand and tapped the bracelet on her arm.

"The other half of the water spirit was hidden in Yu Lian's jade pendant, and it was also integrated into the bracelet."

"So you mean that the other half of Shui Ling is with me?"

"Yeah, so the half of the water spirit is not in a hurry to take it out. Let's go to the Cloud Stepping Sect to find the golden spirit first."

"En." Qingqing nodded, then naturally took Feng Yi's hand and left together.

On the contrary, Jiang Chengqing and Xie Luo were behind, walking extremely slowly.

Four people left from Ghost Island, and a bunch of people were already surrounded outside.

However, these people were lying all over the place, their hands and feet were all stiff, or they were wearing clothes on their bodies, which looked very strange at first glance.

Qingqing pulled Feng Yi's clothes strangely, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with them? Could it be that there is internal strife?"

Feng Yi narrowed his eyes and glanced at the crowd, looked at the wounds of these people, and said with a smile, "They must be the ones who stopped the Yu Yao and Tao Wang and were taught a lesson."

Feng Yi's voice could not be lowered, so almost everyone present heard it, so their expressions suddenly became very embarrassing.

Qingqing noticed the change in everyone's face, and knew that Feng Yi's guess should be right.

This disciple of Xunxianzong should want to catch the fish demon and Tao Wang and go back for interrogation, but even this individual is a powerful character.

One has absorbed Yu Lian's skill, and the other is an elder of the Tayun Sect. It's no wonder that these disciples don't suffer.

"Senior Brother!" Xie Luo and Jiang Chengqing came out a little slower, but when he came, he was immediately warmly welcomed by his fellow apprentices.

Xie Luo was dragged to the center by the crowd, and looked down, the wounded ones from the same door, the poisoned ones, and the expressions on their faces were not very good-looking.

It's just that those two culprits have gone to nowhere, and Xie Luo can only ask the disciples to be taken back for treatment.

But when Feng Yi and Qing Qing were about to leave, Xie Luo stopped them.

"Three, please come with me to meet the head teacher first."

"The matter is settled, I don't think we still need to see your headmaster." Feng Yi rejected Xie Luo unceremoniously.

But Xie Luo couldn't just let it go, so he could only lick his face and pester Feng Yi, Qingqing.

Feng Yi got impatient and was about to shake off her hands and leave when a graceful figure came out from behind Xie Luo.

"Master Yi, you finally came out, are you injured?" The voice was worried, and it didn't seem like it was fake.

It's just that after hearing this voice, Qingqing felt extremely nauseated.

Qingqing snorted coldly, and said, "My good brother, your peach blossom debt is here. Seeing that Qiumei is exhausted from waiting, why don't you express it?"

(End of this chapter)

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